
Mine at First Scent

"Please, His majesty awaits you," the butler stood at the side of the double doors, gesturing for her to go in. He wanted her to come in?!! Elaina gulped nervously. She had gotten a glimpse of the people in there when the butler entered and she could tell that they were all high class, she wouldn't even be surprised if members of the upper echelon were in there too. But, the problem wasn't the people but how she was dressed. Elaina slowly entered the large hall, her eyes trained on the ground. She could feel his intense gaze on her and many other curious gazes. She subtly pinched the sides of her joggers, to divert her attention from the looks she was receiving. She didn't like being the center of attention, it turned her into a nervous wreck! Mael sat at the head of the table his dark hawk-like gaze watched her like a predator watching his prey and when she came to stand beside him, Sit," he ordered. Elaina reached out to the chair on his side and a maid quickly came to help her pull it back when they heard Mael speak, "Who told you to sit there?" he demanded making both Elaina and the maid pause. Elaina turned to look at him, confusion evident in her black eyes. Did he want her to sit on the floor? A smirk curved up his lips then he moved his chair back a little and tapped his lap. "Sit right here," Elaina's and many others eyes widened and the sound of clattering cutlery echoed through the hall. He wanted her to do what?!

Naaomi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

A surprise visit

"Where is he?" Mr. Villian asked his butler as they walked down the stairs.

"In the drawing-room, Sir," he answered.

They got to the drawing room and the butler opened the door for him to enter.

Mr. Villian entered the room, his eyes on the visitor who looked too relaxed for someone bringing urgent information. He went to sit opposite him and that was when his presence was acknowledged.

"Oh, you're here!" he chirped.

He observed his guest. His brown hair fell on his forehead and his dull gray eyes carried indifference, a stark contrast to his tone. His legs were crossed and he sat comfortably like he owned the world.

Everything about him was suspicious, never had he seen him at any event or party, It was only when he sat in front of him that he had paid attention to him, and most importantly, he didn't offer any form of greeting. The only thing that justified his supposed status was his clothes.

His eyes narrowed, "Who are you?"

"Me?" he asked first as if oblivious,

Mr. Villian's eyes narrowed even further, "Who else could I be speaking to?" he asked, sarcasm laced in his tone.

The visitor chuckled before answering, "I go by the name of Xacier, dear sir,"


Mael walked through the hallways of the house he was in. He couldn't explain how he arrived but he knew what brought him. A cry for help directed at him and the feeling of desperation coming from...this room, he stopped in front of a door. It could only be one person.

He opened the locked door and entered the dimly lit room. There, he saw her on a bed, held by chains. He approached her slowly while taking note of her appearance. The white gown she was in, rested on her upper thigh, leaving her legs exposed. Her mouth was covered with a cloth and her chest rose and fell slowly. It was almost as if she was asleep but her tears told otherwise.

She didn't seem to have noticed him yet. He placed his hand on the cuff around her leg and it opened, he did the same for the other one too. He went for the ones around her arms and that was when she opened her eyes.


Elaina felt a wave of security wash over her and she opened her eyes and met the blue and green ones that had visited her dreams frequently.

He caressed her face, wiping her tears gently with his thumb, "You are safe now," she heard him say and more tears flowed out of her eyes.

Mael opened the last cuff and freed her left hand, not failing to notice the red marks around her hands and legs. After that, he untied the cloth around her mouth.

"Allow me to cover you," he asked for permission and Elaina mustered all her strength to give him a small nod.

Mael dragged the gown over her legs. "I want to carry you," he informed her next to which she nodded weakly again.

He placed his index finger on her forehead and mumbled, "Sleep," and her eyes slowly closed, following his command. Mael picked her up gently after she fell asleep and walked out of the room. The door locked itself after he stepped out and he went to a window he had seen earlier, one large enough for him to jump out of.

Pushing it open with his leg, he placed his leg on the sill and took a giant leap into the air. The full moon's light illuminated his silhouette in the sky and the night's breeze ruffled his hair and clothes as he descended with a sleeping Elaina in his arms.


Mr. Villian gave his visitor an apprehensive look, he didn't even have a last name.

"So, what is this urgent message you bring, Mr. Xacier?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, I have a last name. It's Vaude, Xacier Vaude," he said with a proud smile as he had just accomplished something.

"And what is this urgent news that brought you here, Mr. Vaude?" Mr. Villian asked again. His eyebrows twitched but he tried his hardest to be patient, he could be a member of the elite society after all.

"Oh, that's right. I came here with urgent news." Xacier repeated. It sounded like he just remembered the reason for his presence.

"If you don't have anything to say, I would have to ask you to leave, Mr. Vaude." He turned to his butler and gave him a slight nod, signifying his willingness to throw this scammer out of his house.

Xacier, on noticing their signal quickly said in panic, "I do have information,"

"And what is that informed?" Mr. Villian asked, his frustration showing in his tone. 

"I'm afraid I can't inform you without having a cup of tea first," Xacier said with a sadness so fake, one could tell from the Vampire King's castle that was miles away. 

"Escort the man out,"

Xacier's eyes moved to the ceiling, not yet? He placed his crossed leg on the floor and said, "But, I have news from the upper echelon, Mr. Villian." finally gaining the man's attention.

He raised his hand, signaling his butler to stop, "And what is it, Mr. Vaude?" 

"Well, this is classified information that I thought to share with you alone," he started.

"Go on,"

"...It is rumored that the previous king of the werewolves returned suddenly from his decade-long absence and is currently contending for his position," 

Nerves popped in the man's temple after hearing what he had to say. That wasn't classified information, it was part of the gossip spreading around not just the elite society, but among the commoners too. And his information wasn't even accurate. He turned to his butler and ordered, "Escort the man out,"

Xacier stood when the butler came close to him, "Wait a minute," he tried to persuade. His eyes shot to the ceiling in panic then a sigh escaped his lips. Finally!

"Fine, I'll leave," he said with a dramatic hmph, before walking out of the drawing room with the butler, leaving Mr. Villian confused.