

What will happen when the firstborn of the mafia clan Kevin Hart Knight was forced to go out of his safe heaven? What if an extraordinary boy, Vin was fated to meet a not-so-ordinary, Amy? They say, 'Two broken souls fix eachother..' A story of two opposite people who belongs to a totally different world. Feel free to romanticise it. You're gonna love this one. Enjoy. _A.S.Styles^^

AS_Styles · Action
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25 Chs

6. No touching at all...

Kevin's POV:

I was sitting alone waiting for my bodyguards to come. I called them many times, let's just say one call after every ten seconds...

I don't even know where I am right now.. But I am getting bored as hell... So I play  some music.

I just want you call my phone right now~

I just wanna hear "you're mine"~

Cause I know what you like boy~

You're my chemical hype boy~

[Hype boy - NewJeans]

I was listening to my new favorite song on full volume. Everyone around me giving me The Looks.

Hell with their Looks!

Like I give a damn....hah!

"Excuse me.. can you lower the volume?" Some girl asked.

"Nope." I gave her a flat answer.

Hope she mind. Hahaha.

"Hey dude use headphones or something..." Some ugly looking guy said. I ignored him like I didn't hear.

Have I ever used headphones!? Nahhh~

Will I ever use them!? Double nahhh~~

"You're disturbing everyone." Another so-so looking guy said.

"Bullshit... I didn't even talk to anyone."

"Not that... You music is too loud." He was being polite so I replied normally.

"What are you talking about I didn't even start singing yet..!"

He was speechless. Haha!

Song ends just like that. And everyone left to .... wherever they came from.

I tried to call my Robot, again.

"Young master?"

"Paul? Why are you answering Rob's cellphone?" He tried to say something but I didn't let him "Anyways.. just tell me where the hell are you guys ???" I noticed everyone turned to look at me.

"Hey Paul if you make me wait any longer... I'm gonna cut you into pieces, then boil all of your bones and make a soup out of it and then..... I'll make all the students in this damn place eat that soup.. do you HEAR me.?" I shouted in high pitch voice. Last sentence was for everyone present around me. They look uncomfortable. Haha

From the corner of my eye I see four boys on my right side hiding their stupid faces in their books. Three girls in front of my table left immediately. Someone behind me choked on water.

"We're almost there young master.." Paul replied shortly. That's what he said fifteen minutes ago.

It's not even an hour since I came to this boring place. Why is time not passing by!?

Pier left me, again. My not-so-favorite cousin, Karl took him home. I gave my jacket and shoes to her. Now I'm looking so ORDINARY. Every time I think about it my blood boils..

It's hard to believe that pretty Pier can be THAT greedy.. after taking my two treasures. She also wanted my glasses.

I gritted my teeth in a silent fury. What else can I do....?

"This is the last piece of my pride Pier. You touch this and I will go back home..." I warned her.

She get the point perfectly, took my warning seriously and choose to gave up. Smart girl!

After five minutes and thirty three seconds...

I saw two stupid figures running towards me.

Rob was carrying my bag while Paul was carrying a glass of orange juice for me.

"Young.. umm Vin let's go it's time for your first class.." Rob said as soon as he came. Dad forbid them to call me 'Young master' at college so all of them were working on calling me by my nickname, Vin.

Paul gave me the juice. I didn't take that. I just sat straight, crossed my arms on my chest and narrowed my eyes at him. I can see a little fear in his eyes. Good!

I stood up to walk to the.... Class.

"Vin! Where are you going?" Rob asked.

"..to the class. Duh!" I rolled my eyes.

"Vin you're going the wrong way... class is not there."

Damn it. I turned to go the RIGHT way..

We just kept walking and walking...

It's like my class is in different country or something.

I kept my head held high. Even then I can notice every thing going on around me.

I halted abruptly.

"What happened young master?" My action alerted them both.

From the corner of my eyes I saw someone.

"Rob give me your coat." He looked puzzle. "Come on hurry up."

He gave my bag to Paul and did as I said. I almost snatch the coat from his hands.

"Now take my bag and go to the class." I said and his mouth fell open. Did I said something weird?

"Vin... How can I? It's YOUR class.." He stare at me.

"I know. Now go. Don't be late. Shoo shoo~" I pushed him hard. My both bodyguards exchange some silent looks and Rob finally gave up.

He looked like any other student, wearing white shirt, glasses and holding MY bag. But he was more handsome than any other boy I have seen here so far.

"Vin?" Ahh I was staring at Rob's back that I almost forget this guy behind me.

"Paul take this coat and go to nearest medical store immediately." Hearing this his eyes widen.

"Young.... Vin! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" He looked at me from head to toe.  I just rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine. Now go and buy some ointment or medicine or... anything that can heal a reddish-purple bruise." He looked confused. "GOOO!!!" I almost kicked this idiot.

After eighteen minutes and six seconds..

Paul came back holding a small paper bag.

I snatch that bag and smiled.



What a fine day!

I was sitting on the grass, writing notes for my next class. I missed my first class thanks to.... whatever.

I placed my notebook on the ground and was writing with my left hand. Placing right arm on my knees. With every passing minute my bruised hand looked more and more ugly... Dang! I don't even want to look at it.

Suddenly a long shadow come upon me. I looked up, for a split second I can't even see properly in the sunlight.

But then I recognized him...

He was staring down at me.

He make a direct and uninterrupted eye contact with me. Is he trying to intimidate me?

I looked away...

"Stand up." I heard him.

This is his normal voice?... not so bad.

Woah Amy what are you thinking!? I almost laughed out.

"I said stand UP.."  High pitched voice came back... wonderful.

"..why?" I asked without looking at him.

He didn't answer so I had to look up at him. He was staring at my hand. I almost hide it.

He sat down on one knee. I unconsciously held my breath.

"Show me your hand?" He said lightly.


"..show me.." He said again

I didn't move, not even a little bit.

"I won't touch you... Just give me your hand "

I don't know what possessed me, the next thing I know I placed my ugly looking hand on HIS knee.

He didn't look happy to see it. I know, I know.. It looks like an alien's hand... Or whatever. But what can I do?

I draw back my hand but he stopped me by grabbing my cuff.

He opened a paper bag and took out some kind of ointment.

Wait! Is he going to... I better take my hand back but as if he read my mind he said.

"Don't move."

"You don't have to..." He stopped and looked at me. ".. I'll treat it myself. "


"...ummm after college.. when I go back to my house..."


He was silent. And I was just blinking. I mean what else can I do at this moment!

Suddenly I felt something cold on the back of my hand.

What .. when did he open the lid of that ointment!?

"...stop... I... I'll do it myself..."

"Don't worry I am not gonna touch you." He seems annoyed.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me!" I said it to his face.

He then raised an eyebrow at me.

Hah!! Much better!!

I draw my hand back. He held my fingers to stop me.

"Look! I'm not touching.. just applying this.. see I'm using only one finger." He stated as a matter-of-factly.

Hell with one finger! What about your other hand that was holding my fingers? I don't think he seems to know that.

Even though it burns, should I play along!

"You touched me." I utter.

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did. I felt your finger tip over here."  I said calmly.

He focused more, tried his best to not to touch me.

"You touched me, again."

"..." He looked up at me.

Oh, he was applying too much...

"You know what... I'll do it myself." I pretended to move.

He tighten his grip on my fingers.

"NO! I'll do it." He yelled?

"..." I was speechless for a second. He is acting like a spoilt kid.

"You're not doing it right.. I can feel your finger tip." I lied.

"Then stop feeling.!! Just focus on the ointment.... You oversensitive brat.!"  He yelled at me LOUDER.


I bite my inner cheek.

Don't laugh Amy.



After making me silent he continues the treatment.

He threw the ointment away and tried to look for something. He picked up the paper bag. It was the moment when he had to use his OTHER hand.

Did he notice!

He place my hand on his knee and play dumb with me.

Well that makes two of us. Hehe!

He tried to dress my bruised hand with elastic bandage. It's too obvious that he never done this before.

After some time I offered my help which he obviously decline. He wipe away most of the ointment while trying to do the dressing.

With every minute passing I became more and more irritated.

"Let me do it." I finally had enough of his clumsiness.

"No I'm doing fine."

"No you are not."

"You can not do it with one hand."

"Hah! I can even do better than you."

"You think I am playing here!!" He shouted again.

"Ok then let me help you a little.." I tried to take the bandage but ..


He freaking slapped my hand away.

For a solid moment we both fell quiet.

How dare he!!


I pinched his arm, a little too hard that he fell backwards.

His eyes filled with astonishment .For a second our eyes met, then I look away.

"You hit me first..." I said without looking at his face.

"But you hit harder... this is how you treat your 'savior'? Huh? ...you .. ungrateful brat!!" He was complaining while rubbing his arm where I pinched.

"I didn't meant to do that ....it was just an action-reaction.. And stop calling me names."

Then I 'undone' the dressing, and placed it on his knee.

"What are you doing?"

I grabbed my stuff roughly with one hand.

"Where are you going?"

"It is time for my next class." I replied shortly.

"What ... Wait... Ok fine I hit you first.. I didn't mean to..." He grabbed my hand unconsciously, I gave him a severe look "Okay okay look at me .. here take this... Do it yourself.." Now he was giving me the bandage.

Honestly I didn't want to take it, but it's already covered in ointment. And it's not like he can reuse it. So I took it and wrapped it around my hand skilfully. He was looking at my movements with awe. I almost smiled at him.

He's such a kid. A naughty one!

I tried to tie a knot, but it's a tricky thing to do with one hand.

He grabbed both ends of bandage. I didn't stop him. He tied a knot.

"It's too tight.." I said and he looked at me.

"It's a little loose.." I said so he tried again and looked at me as if to ask 'what about now'.

".. perfect." I utter. He was smiling now. I wonder what was he thinking.

"Here... I'm done." He said proudly. I looked at my hand. And couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing. You did a good job. Thank you .. my savior." I said thoughtlessly.

"Give me your pen." He said out of the blue. So I gave him my black marker. He held my hand and remove the pen cap with his mouth.

"Are you going to write 'Get well soon'?"

"Why would I write something stupid as that.. your hand would heal itself sooner or later.." he murmur while writing something. After that he returns the marker.

But he didn't let go of my hand.

He was watching me, giving me a look that I can't quite comprehend.

"You are touching me." I reminded him. With an 'oh' he let go at once.

Then he stepped back and turned around to leave.

I gazed at my right hand and smile. He tie a big bow knot. Not just that he also signed it and draw a little heart.

'Kevin' I read the name and looked up to see if he's gone. But to my surprise he was still there, watching me from afar.

He mouthed something.

'Get.. well... Soon...'

That's when I smiled widely at him.


Kevin's Pov:

She left.

And I'm still here staring at the same place where she was minutes ago.

I'm feeling something strange in my mind and also in my heart... I placed my hand on my chest... Am I sick or something?

Maybe this place is affecting me. I was busy daydreaming when...

"Are you okay?" I heard a heavy voice near my ear. I shrieked.

Paul's eyes widen. This idiot scared the life out of me. I kicked him a few times.

"You almost gave me a heart attack.. you stupid bull .. Do you really have to whisper in my ear!?" I rubbed my ear a few times.

"I apologize Vin.. I was calling you but you didn't seems to hear.." he said.

"Whatever.... Where's Rob?"

"He's still in class."

"What is he doing in class?"

"... because you sent him there.. in your place.. remember?" he makes a face at me.

Corn nuts!

I completely forget that I am still in this stupid place. And I also have classes.

"Let him study then..." I wave my hand carelessly and walked away from him.

Of course he came after me because he's my body guard.



When Rob came back he didn't look that happy to see me. Is he sulking?

"Vin, let's go to your next class." He said.

"Again!!" I was little surprise because MY class just ended.

"What do you mean 'again'? You didn't even go to any of your classes!" Rob said while giving me his four-eyes glare.

Yeah he's definitely sulking! Cute!

"Come on Rob don't be mad. You've only attended one class for me...."

"THREE CLASSES VIN!" Rob barked and then rubbed his forehead as if he finds me tiresome.

I looked at Paul in confusion and he didn't even looked back at me. Idiot!

"What do you mean 'three classes'?" I asked to my mad robot..

He first give me THE LOOK then sighs..

"After first class I tried to look for you everywhere. But then again YOU were getting late for YOUR 'second' class, and I had your bag so I just went to attend the class. But when the second class ended I immediately ran out to find you... But guess what!! I had to attend YOUR 'third' class as well because you were nowhere to be found...." He explains the whole scene quite dramatically.

Yeah he has all rights to be mad at me..

"It can't be a bad experience for a nerd like you.." I tried to reason with him, he looked up, completely deadpan. "Fine I'll go to class." I grab the bag, for the first time..

"Wait.. before you leave just tell me one thing.. where were you the whole time?" Rob asked. I tried to avoid him.

He narrowed his eyes at me and then looked at Paul. Paul should know better than to answer him.

"He was watching series on his iPad the whole time." Paul answered truthfully.

Son of a father who was dumb!

My robot slapped the table HARD making my heart jump. I pretended to be unaffected and took a step back. I hit Paul with my bag 'unconsciously' and walked away.

"Vin.. that's wrong way... Paul please take him." Rob said irritated. And sit there staring at the wall. While Paul show me the right way.

Stupid class, here I come!
