

What will happen when the firstborn of the mafia clan Kevin Hart Knight was forced to go out of his safe heaven? What if an extraordinary boy, Vin was fated to meet a not-so-ordinary, Amy? They say, 'Two broken souls fix eachother..' A story of two opposite people who belongs to a totally different world. Feel free to romanticise it. You're gonna love this one. Enjoy. _A.S.Styles^^

AS_Styles · Action
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25 Chs

5. First Day at college!

Kevin's POV:

Driver Karl turned to look at both of us. And gave an are-you-for-real look to me.

Huh I hate this guy... literally.

"Why is he here?" I asked Pier and pointed at Karl, almost touching his offensive nose.

"This is MY car." Karl rolled his eyes.

"Where is your bike? Pier why did you bring him with you?"

"I didn't. He just tagged along." Pier tried to explain. Karl raised an eyebrow at her. "Actually he didn't allow me to come alone. So we just kinda negotiate. I can go anywhere as long as he's with me." I make a repulsive face to hear that.

"I just want to see you going to college, wearing uniforms and everything." Pier tried to sweet talk to me. But I know better to fall for that..

"Fine. I'm happy that you came." I appreciate her feelings and smiled back at her.

"Let's go, Karl." Pier beamed.

"I'm not taking this clown to the college. Look at him he's gonna ruin our image." Karl said it as a matter of factly.

"Who wants to go with you? You psycho..! and what do you mean by 'our image'?" I moved my hands in the air dramatically.

"Me, Klem, Ken... even Jawn." He starts counting on his fingers. I want to crush his hand badly.

"I am gonna slap your damn mouth with my shoe..." I tried to raise my foot but it was hard thanks to my tight pants.

Kael was about to say something but Pier gave him a shut-up look.

Good job Pier! Leave this psycho and come back to me. Karl glared at me as if he knew what I was thinking.

I smirked. Just to add fuel to the fire.

He smirked back, causing goosebumps.

The next thing I know was Karl, the freaking psycho, driving his car like a bloody rocket. I was screaming on top of my lungs that my throat soar.

He took revenge in a fast-and-furious way. My heart almost came out of my mouth.

Pier tried his hardest to make me stop screaming.

"STOP THE..... CAR!" I was 'this' close to grabbing Karl's hair but Pier held me back.

"You've changed Pierrette..." My eyes become teary. Hearing this Pier makes a sad face too.

I don't know what changed my psycho cousin's mind that he finally decided to slow his car down.

My hands were shaking like crazy, I think I am having a panic attack. Pier's brownish eyes widened in shock.

"Young master! Look at me. Inhale.... Exhale..." She repeated many times.



A few minutes later...

I finally calm down and sit straight. I crossed my arm on my chest and stared at Karl's head.

Only if I had a gun.....

"VIN!!" Reading my mind, Pier exclaimed and gave me a look. She knows what I was thinking as she used to be my psychiatrist before. I just smirk and blink innocently.

She rubs her forehead a few times - an action she never committed when she was working for me.


The car stopped moving.

I see common-people wearing the same thing called uniform. Some had books in their hands, some were playing with their cellphones, some were going in groups and smiling. What the hell were they happy about?

I was also in the same uniform. White shirt and black pants. But I did a good job wearing my Golden leather jacket with matching golden shoes and shades. I look amazing just like a God from Greek myths.

I smiled to myself.

"Vin?" Pier's voice brings me back to the real boring world. "Give me your jacket and change these shoes please." She asked politely.

"..." I blinked a few times.

Pier grabbed my leg and took one shoe off and then she did the same with my other foot, now my beautiful feet were naked.

"Am I supposed to go like this on my first day?" I asked and wiggled my toes.

"Don't be silly Vin. Here take these sneakers." Pier opened a shoe box. I was wondering where did that box came from when she put them on my feet. These shoes fit half-perfectly.

Karl remained silent while playing with his cellphone but I know his attention was on us.

"Here. You can have mine.." I gave my shoes to Pier in return. She just looked at me. "Don't give me that weird look. These are limited editions. Take them... Don't make me repeat myself." I pretend to be a little angry.

She just smiles and put my shoes in the empty box. The simple looking sneakers look good at me. Kinda suited me. Karl also turned to look at my feet but didn't comment, meaning he also liked them... on me?

"Now Young master... Give me your jacket."

Did I heard her right?

I just blinked.




She slowly came forward. I narrowed my eyes at her. Is she gonna force me?

"HELL NO!" I shouted and ran out of their stupid car.

"VIN..." I hear her voice. I know she's gonna come after me - my forceful ex-psychiatrist.

I ran in the parking area. Rob and Paul will be here soon. They will handle Pier for me. I set my Golden shades on my eyes.

I was wandering aimlessly when I saw something.... Or someone.

A Girl.

She was trying to avoid some guy. Then her notes fell on the ground. She didn't complain at all. If I were her I would crush the head of that guy.

She was collecting the papers. And my eyes widened when that dimwit stepped on her hand. She didn't scream or anything. But the guy looked troubled.

He was about to grab her hand but she pushed him back. Good job girl! I smiled a little. Are they going to fight? Well I personally love to watch fire and fight. My eyes were sparkling in anticipation.

Suddenly the girl slapped the guy. Wow amazing! I almost clapped my hands.

But the guy was not a gentle man, he grabbed her arm and raised his other hand in the air.

Is he about to.... How dare he?

My legs move forward. My hand raised itself.

I slapped the hand of the guy HARD.


I didn't show my hand sting a little. You better be thankful girl. Ignoring the guy, she just looked at me. That guy barked a few times but my whole focus was on her.

She looked like an ordinary girl from a distance. But now watching her from this close I'm having second thoughts.

I kept my distance. From what I observed earlier she doesn't like to be touched. I am afraid if I touched her she would push or slap me too. That would be embarrassing.

I held my head high. Just enough to watch her without being obvious. Her head was a little above my shoulder. Like she had to tilt her chin a little to look me in the eyes.

I take a really very good look at her.

Her hair was raven black. Maybe she never dyed them. Side bangs hide her forehead completely. I had a strange urge to fix her bangs. But I clenched my hand tightly and did not dare to move.

Her features were small. Almond shape dark-black eyes, shiny pink lips, oval face. She's not wearing any makeup yet she looks... Beautiful.

She was also wearing a uniform but strangely all girls were wearing half sleeve white shirts with knee length skirts, but she wore skinny jeans with a full sleeve shirt. She was also wearing a scarf around her neck, one side is way longer than the other. Is this a new fashion? Or maybe she didn't notice that.

I admit she catches my eyes. I want to talk to her but for the first time in my whole life I don't know how to start a conversation.

Usually I just go around shouting and yelling at people. Or just speak out loud whatever comes to my mind. Well I can't do that with a.... girl, do I?

I was just about to say something that Pier came running.

"Vin." She was panting.

Nice timing! I rolled my eyes when the girl turns to look at Pier.

As if just Pier was not enough psycho Karl also came like a ghost and stood right beside her.

Now the girl was looking at Karl. I know what was going on in her mind to see both of them.

'Cute, good-looking, handsome, creepy.....' This train goes on and on.

All the eyes were on her. Which she didn't seem to notice.

That bully-boy finally recognized my devil-cousin. And run for the sake of his life. Huh coward! Come back and I will break your bones like toothpicks. Before leaving he gave me a piece of information: her name.


My eyes were shooting laser beams at the back of that guy only if I was not wearing my golden shades he would be burnt to death.

The Crazy Devil inside my head laughed at the thought.

I shifted my eyes to her. To my surprise she was looking at me, not just looking but also smiling.

When she smiled like that her smile also reached her eyes. My heart was dancing wildly for some reason.

Then she raises her hand to her forehead. She was hurt, the back of hand turns to the shade of red and purple.

She must be in pain. Should I take her to the hospital? Will she come if I ask nicely? Well if she refuses to come I'll order my bodyguards to take her in my car with force.

Nahhh if I did that there's a 90 percent chance that she will hate me.

I came out of my thoughts, when she stopped smiling.

What should I say to her? It would be wonderful if she started a conversation first. Just start with a 'thank you' girl.

Usually in series relationships between boys and girls start with a 'sorry' or 'thank you'. Maybe she doesn't watch the series.... Well in that case asking my name and number is also welcome.

She was just standing there....

"Does my sparkle burn your eyes?"

That's what came out of my mouth, I just wanted to tease her, but she stood still.

Come on~ give me some reaction, some pink face... or anything.

Wait! A horrible thought came to my mind what if she .....

"Are you mute or something.?" I asked bluntly.

Please say No please please.... pretty please!

She didn't say ANYTHING. Instead she turned around. Wait is she leaving...?

"Where are you going...? You ungrateful brat!"

Woah that came out quite loud.

She turned to look at me. Hah this trick always works. If someone tries to ignore you just provoke them.

"Thank you for the.." She was saying and.. OMG I kinda like her voice "...whatever." She didn't say much and turned to leave, again.

"Who gave you the permission to leave just like that? huh?"

I finally lost it and shouted at her back, hearing that she almost took a trip on her own. It's good that she didn't fall on her face.

That would be embarrassing to watch.

She looked at me in disbelief. Yeah I can see a little bit of anger flickering in that black eyes of her. I almost smiled at the sight of her.

Then she opened her mouth...

"Who do you think you are? Huh? Can't you read the situation? Here I'm trying to leave politely. I know you helped me, and I thanked you for that. What else are you expecting? And let me remind you I didn't even ask you for help, you came on your own. Now don't create a scene. Everyone is watching us. I don't know about you but I am feeling hella awkward... Gawd!!" She was out of breath.

What a rap! And here I thought she was mute!

I almost clapped my hands. I had to clench my hands tightly into fists to stop myself.

She definitely impressed my psycho cousin, Karl! Because from the corner of my eyes I can see he was looking at her intently. I know what is going on in his evil mind.

"... interesting.." He commented and gave her a sly smile. I almost kicked him.

"Young.. ahem.. Vin calm down..." Pier said.

"How dare she raise her voice at ME, Pier!" I pretended to be angry.

But the girl named Amy ignored me and turned to look at Karl.

"I guess you are my senior so if I see you again I would say hi. And Pear? I don't think you are a student here but still it was nice to meet you and YOU well I don't want to know about you so..." I saw her speaking while smiling.

The first sentence was for psycho Karl,

The second sentence was for pretty Pier...

The third sentence was for me..!

She even gave me a poker face... bloody hell! How dare she treat me like that.

"...you...you..." I tried to say something but didn't think of anything in particular.

I abruptly closed my mouth when she came closer to me and whispered lightly, giving me chills.

"Don't wear this jacket.. this is a college not a club."

Then she took a step back. I felt goosebumps all over my body.

What the hell was that!?

"Have a good day everyone." She waved with both hands like a happy kid and then finally left.

I can feel two pairs of eyes fixed on me. I even know exactly what was going on in their stupid heads. But for now I choose to ignore them, because I was in some kind of trance.

"Hey Pier! Take my jacket." I said after coming back to my senses.
