
Mind and Magic

Harry Potter, the boy who lived. How much do we know about him? About his life? About magic and the magical world? So let's find out what this magical world and its inhabitants are like. Let's watch a new person with sound logic in this crazy world. Will he stay the same? Or will he become just as crazy? Wait and see. it is a translation.!

3737_irinol · Book&Literature
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151 Chs


September 2, Hogwarts, Calder's Room, after class.

If we look into the Ravenclaw freshman's room, we can see an interesting picture.

At the moment, Calder was sitting on the floor in the lotus position and meditating. What was strange in this picture was not the young man himself, but his surroundings. About three dozen metal balls were flying around the boy.

Each of these balls flew along a different trajectory at a different speed. They either stopped or accelerated. Some could hang in one position for several minutes, and then fall off in a dizzying turn. Some of them collided in the air and immediately scattered. All this created a beautiful, chaotic picture.

Also, if you look closely, you can understand that the balls were different. Some stood out in size, others in color. The fact is that each material weighed differently and the effort required to move them was different. What's not ideal control training?


Sitting on the floor in my room, I thought. Meditation was a great help in this matter. Today has brought too many reasons for reflection. Perhaps I should think about everything from the very beginning, what if I missed something?

The Herbology double pairs lesson went better than I could have imagined. The credit for this lies entirely in the hands of Professor Sprout.

Only upon entering the greenhouse did we find ourselves in a huge space. There were so many different plants here that it was dizzying. What was missing here? It's worth clarifying right away that the greenhouses were divided into several sectors depending on the plants that grew there.

True, all the plants were only from the first-year program. Such as: devil's snares, lavender (a magical variety) and much more. Apparently, so that we can immediately become familiar with what we will encounter in the future. Also in the far part of the greenhouse there was a whole "mountain" of gardening tools.

Taking a magical look around the greenhouse, I plunged into a whole sea of ​​"living" mana. Only now it became clear to me that magical plants were arranged in groups according to shades of mana. I wonder if maybe plants of different "manogroups" somehow influence each other? And how can this be used in other branches of the magical world?

As soon as I turned off my magical vision, Professor Sprout entered the greenhouse. What can you say about her? A beautiful girl, I can't even call it a woman, 25-30 years old (what else can you expect from a strong mage? And the professor is exactly like that), wearing a magical type of jumpsuit, with the magic "woven" into it, it becomes clear that this is not an ordinary jumpsuit. Thick brown hair was partially hidden under a neat cap, and thin hands were dressed in gloves made of dragon skin (I know, everyone has these first).

The professor's face simply radiated kindness, and from the smile that graced her beautiful face, it became clear that this person was incredibly kind. I hope this is so, and not just another mask so beloved by representatives of the magical world.

"Good morning, freshmen," said the professor, and her smile became even wider. – Welcome to the first lesson in the subject Grebology. In this lesson we will get to know each other and learn how to interact and care for plants. I have a request for you. Raise your hand, those who have already interacted with plants at least once?

As soon as this question was uttered, silence fell. Not oppressive, no, but one in which one feels the indecision of the interlocutor. The professor still stood there with the same sweet smile. After standing for a while, the children began to raise their hands. Out of 30 people, only 4 raised their hands. Of these, 1 is a boy and 3 are girls. I can't say anything about the girls, but the boy unexpectedly turned out to be Nevoli Longbot.

Seeing him, I fell into prostration. How? Shouldn't the Lions have him, why is he in the Badgers' house? While the children stood with their hands raised, I plunged into my mind and, sure enough, on the day of distribution, Neville ended up with the badgers. Why didn't I pay attention? How did you miss it? Looking through the memories, I realized that at the moment when Neville was being distributed, I was thinking about the situation with Potter. But still, how did I not pay attention? I heard Neville being called, but I didn't pay enough attention. What if this was a different situation, like the troll example? This could have a huge impact on my life.

This is a complete failure. I have to learn to pay attention to my surroundings, even though it will be hard and it will also tax my mind, but it is better than missing something important.

While I was lamenting my carelessness, the professor continued:

"Wonderful," said Miss Sprout, clapping her hands. – This year there are as many as three people who are interested in magical plants. Just great. "Now, raise your shrine to those who have read at least the introductory chapter of the textbook," after her words, all the children raised their hands. I expected the same from my house, but the Badgers' house surprised me a little. Although, why be surprised if you pay attention to their dean? -Excellent, I'm very glad that you take the subject so seriously. Now follow me.

Having said these words, the professor led us into the depths of the greenhouse. Having reached an empty space somewhere in the center of the greenhouse, the professor, taking out her wand, conjured chairs for us and herself. They were positioned so that we could see Miss Sprout.

Having removed her wand, the professor waved her hand and asked us to sit down, while Soma set an example. As soon as we sat down, she delivered her speech:

-As I said earlier, Herbology is the science of plants. Why about plants and not magical plants? Because plants come in different types, both magical and semi-magical.

Who knows why they are called that?

Who would have guessed it, Neville raised his hand, and so did I. It's time to start acting out the role.

-As many as two willing. What should we do with you? – the professor said with a smile. – Neville, after yesterday's conversation, I perfectly understood that you are far ahead of the first year. Maybe you'll give your fellow student a chance?

"O-okay, professor," Neville answered, stuttering slightly, while lowering his hand. -I don't mind.

"Wonderful," the professor said, smiling at Neville with a soft smile, just like my mother. - Please, mister? ...

-Calder Wilson, ma'am.

-...Wilson will answer my question. Why are plants magical and semi-magical? You don't need to stand up, you can answer while sitting.

Thank you, professor," I said, nodding respectfully. - As you said, plants can be both magical and semi-magical. The main difference between them lies in the place of germination. Semi-magical plants can grow in both the magical and non-magical worlds. Magical ones can only grow in the magical world. Allow me to express your opinion on this matter? -under the encouraging nod of the professor, I continued. – I believe that it depends on the mana in the air. While reading the first chapters of a textbook on charms, I came across the following phrase: "... casting spells and recovering from spells is much easier in the magical world than in the Muggle world, this is due to the free mana in the air. There is no much more in the magical world than in the Muggle world." From this phrase, as well as from the difference between magical and semi-magical plants, I drew a conclusion. The growth of magical plants depends entirely on mana, or rather on its quantity. After all, as it was said in herbology textbooks, magicians can feed magical plants with their own mana. Perhaps magical plants simply do not have enough mana to grow, which is why they die. Am I right professor? If not, please correct me.

"Bravo, Mr. Wilson, bravo," said the professor, clapping her hands lightly. - 20 points to the House of Ravens. Your answer is exemplary. Not only did you read and learn the required material, but you were also able to connect it to other material from a completely different subject. But guess what? Your answer was incomplete. Otherwise I would give you 25 points. You said everything correctly; for the growth of magical plants, mana is needed no less than water or nutrients. Without it, they simply die, while semi-magical ones can live without mana. But that is not all. If semi-magical plants grow without mana, they will lose their magical properties, but if they are transferred back to the magical world or begin to share mana, then over time they will regain some of their magical properties. The offspring will have the full extent of these properties, subject to the presence of magical impregnation. Do you understand everything now? Have questions? -there were no questions.

This is how our couples went. The professor enthusiastically talked about her subject, and we listened to her words. From the manner of her speech, as well as the emotions that directly poured out of her, it became clear that Miss Sprout lives her subject. The same can be said about Neville. He was simply gushing with joy and impatience. It's immediately obvious that he is in his element

Interestingly, we were sitting near various magical plants, and Neville was sitting near the devil's snares. So why am I, Neville stroked the devil's snares. As stated in the textbooks, devil's snares are plants that require total control. They can only be grown if they are located at a distance from the magician himself. Neville was simply the other side. The devilish snares not only did not attack him, but also shared their mana with him, however, the boy did the same.

This is simply incredible. Perhaps Neville's family are descendants of the Druids? Or is the boy himself an exception? We'll have to find out.

So, thinking about this situation, and also listening to the professor, I conducted these two pairs.


At the end of herbology, we waited for the headman and headed for lunch. Nothing outstanding happened at lunch, only the children were too active, especially the first year. A real storm was happening at the scarlet table. Screams, swearing, laughter - everything was there. What about the flying food, and no, it's not Ron, of course, but he's not very careful, but the food didn't fly from him. Everything is much simpler. Twins. They put a spell on the food to make it fly away from the children. Another joke from the young buffoons.

At the end of lunch, we followed the headman to the Charms class, to our dean.

Having brought us to the door, Crystal left us, saying that she would pick us up after class.

And the situation repeated itself again. Just like in front of the greenhouse, no one opened the door. Now all the representatives of my faculty were looking at me expectantly.

With a sad sigh, I pushed the door and entered the classroom.

What can you say about the class? Well, first of all, this is a rectangular room, unexpectedly, right? The visit was performed in the form of an audience. Along the wall, in a semicircle, were stands. There was a door on the wall opposite us, probably behind it was the professor's room.

Books acted as a podium. Rowling was right here. A whole mountain of books, on top of which there was a small chair and a table to match our professor. If you look closely at the mountain of books, you can read the titles of some of them. There were some of the books that we bought for Hogwarts, as well as many others.

In a place of honor, near the leg of the chair, was the book Gidderots Lohart: I am a Wizard. Apparently, our professor does not have a very good attitude towards this representative of the magical society.

As soon as all the children, like me in principle, sat down in the stands, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the pairing.

At the end of the call, the door leading to the professor's office opened. Our dean, Filius Flitwick, entered through the doorway. Climbing onto his makeshift podium, he looked at us and said:

-Good afternoon class, I'm glad to see you in Charms class. I can directly see the joy and impatience on your faces. The fire in your eyes burns with an unquenchable fire. Those who have read the books know what we will do in these classes. Others don't even have a clue, right?

As if in response to his question, some of the students nodded. How strange it was even for a couple of people from my department.

-You must be thinking that right now at this moment we will take out our wands and start casting spells, right? - part nodded. – I must upset you, we won't do this.

Some of the children immediately sank. They expected magic, magic, but the professor bluntly rejected these dreams.

-In my lessons, during the first month, we will only go through theory and learn movements with a stick. Yes, yes, that's what we will do. Don't get upset, this month will fly by. But imagine, after a month you will be able to summon water, fire, light with a wave of your wand. Lift objects into the air. Create fireworks. Girls will be able to style their hair without a comb, and also take care of it without any available products. Guys will be able to play without using their hands, and also make fun of each other. Isn't this incredible? Is not it?

I just give a standing ovation, of course in my thoughts. Professor of the highest category. First he shattered dreams and ideas, and then, using contrasts, he was able to cheer up and motivate everyone without exception. And most importantly, he himself experiences the same emotions. As they say: "I take my hat off to you, professor."

The smile on the children's faces showed their attitude towards this. Take away something important, and then give the same thing only slightly changed. The children's enthusiasm was so dense that it seemed that one could cut it with a knife.

-OK then. We dreamed and that's enough. Let's return to the topic of our lesson, - I wave my hands, the professor stopped whispering in the audience. -Enchantment. What it is? Just another discipline or something more? Today I will try to explain this to you.

Wave your magic wand and the world takes on new features. And badgers ran through the air, crows flew above them, and somewhere in the distance a hidden dragon peeked out. All this happened against the backdrop of the setting sun in the sky.

-Enchantment. At first glance, one of the simplest magical disciplines. After all, how does the use of enchantment work? I wave my hands, the code phrase and the spell is ready," with a wave of his wand the professor turned the creatures into a bright fireworks display. – At the initial level, spells such as Lumos, Nox, Leviosa do not require anything exorbitant. Just a wave, a word and faith. Here are the three components of not only charms, but also other magical disciplines. Who will say which of these is a priority?

The children were silent. None of them knew the answer, because they did not know the requirements for wandless magic. Although I'm lying, some of the children know that they come from aristocratic families, but are not going to say.

Slowly the child's hand rose, my hand. Most of the eyes were on me again. I don't like being in everyone's sight, but I have to live up to it.

-Oh, Mr. Wilson. Do you know the answer? Come on, tell us what is the priority component of this trio.

Slowly rising from my seat, looking around the audience, I began my answer:

-Gesture, word and faith. Three pillars holding wand magic. As you know, the first stage of mastering spells is called verbal. In this case, two pillars are used during the creation of the spell." Looking questioningly at the professor, I saw his approving nod. -*Sigh* Next, the second level, so to speak, the non-verbal method. In this case, the magician refuses the gesture. No conductor's symphonies are needed, just a wave or pointing of the baton at the target. Next comes the silent enchantments. This method involves only faith. After all, only faith in yourself, in your strengths and in your knowledge makes great magicians out of ordinary magicians, - as if losing to my words, the professor carried out those options for using the charms that I spoke about. – Faith is the main step in using wandless magic. Only if the magician knows, knows how and believes, only then will he be able to master this method of using spells.

With a snap of his fingers, all the illusions that Flitwick had conjured disappeared. The aristocratic children looked in surprise at the half-goblin who was using the wandless spell Nox - Cancel right in front of them.

-Everything is correct, Calder. You're absolutely right. 20 Ravenclaw points," holding his gaze on me, Filius smiled at me with a toothy smile. -As Mr. Wilson said, the main thing in magic is faith in yourself and in your strength. What if knowledge is not a reflection of the magician's power, right? Therefore, he studies, studies and studies again. I hope you will be strong magicians, and not appendages to a wand.

Having said this, the professor kicked Gilderoy's book. Respect just pours out of the kind half-goblin.

And so began the charms lesson. During it, the professor talked about safety precautions, and also, using magic, demonstrated what happens when these rules are violated.

The two couples flew by unnoticed.

After the Charms classes, we had a scheduled tour of the castle provided by our prefects.

During the excursion, a significant incident occurred. You see, some children managed to read about the history of Hogwarts. And there it was said about its secrets, secrets, as well as secret passages that students use.

Because of this, the children had a question, where are these paths? Who can know them if not the headman. That's why Anthony was enthusiastic about this question. To which they responded:

-Secret passages? Of course they are," the headman began with a smile. - The whole of Hogwarts is riddled with them. Some boast of getting around the notorious moving stairs, others get to classes faster. There are even those that lead beyond the castle wall - all the children listened eagerly. How could it be otherwise, such important information is being shared with them, but Anthony continued. -But I have to upset you - no one is going to show them to you. And don't get your hopes up.

Having said this, he stared at us intently.

-But why? – Terry Booth asked timidly. A stocky, fair-haired boy with a slightly rough face. His hands shook slightly as he spoke.

"Tradition," the headman answered simply. -It's so fascinating to wander around on your own, to find mysteries and secrets. There's something romantic about this, don't you think?

That was the end of the conversation. The children, carried away by his words, did not pay attention to his eyes, which stood out on his smiling face. It was clear from them that this was not some kind of tradition. Either this is common throughout the school, or this is a test, or, more likely, this is the attitude in our department.

And yes, sitting in the faculty living room in the evening, I noticed that communication between members of our house takes place strictly within the circle of their Course. Between courses, conversations were very rare, and if they did occur, the older ones looked at the younger ones with a cold and calculating gaze. It's as if there's an individual in front of you who wants to steal something from you. It looks like this department is ideal for me. They will definitely not interfere with me with such an attitude.

Scrolling through the memories of the day, I thought.

The first thing I managed to do was show myself. Now there should be no questions from the Ravens and Badgers. For them, I'm either a kid who wants to show off, or a nerd. You need to stick to the second option and if they ask for help, help as best you can. My role begins now. I will adjust it during the process.

Secondly, the faculty turned out to be even better than I expected. Not only are everyone here individualists, but they also treat each other with caution. I don't interfere with them, they don't interfere in my affairs. Perfect.

Third, there is an inadmissible amount of time after classes. I spend no more than 40 minutes on lessons, and I still have a carload of free time and a small cart. You will need to use it. The library and room of help come to mind. I'll probably start next week.

Having made a rough plan in my head, I finished training and meditation and went to bed. I never understood the British fetish for pajamas...