
MimicLIFE,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life

Mimic,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life or MimicLife is journey of reincarnation to Otherworld(Isekai genre) but the world is still connected to the real world he came from(reference houkago saitensie and GATE japanese manga) starting a new life as a mimic he will use all of his abilities throughout the journey with which path?(Hero path, Demon king path ,kingdom building path ,Fools path ,Tyrant path ,Streaming vtube videos as vtube streamer in YouTube in another world path?) Well let's find it out shall we? (The picture is not mine)Art credit: http://deviantart.com/phill-art/gallery https://dndbeyond.com/monsters/2048646-mimic-knight, midjourney

NovelPls · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 7 Into the darkness (7)(Before darkness)(2)

Author note

Character Map

"X"=Loid Orcus(Protagonist)

"(X)"Loid Orcus Strong inner thought

~X~=Big Sister Helia

®X®=Big Sister Rena


"....(Clack)...(Clack)..."(Foot's steps)


I walk in the corridor with excited steps and joyful hymn while daydreaming as I proceed in another corridor that leads outside and arrive at the double white door with a dark brown knob.

(creak)(door sound opening)

And open the door, what lay to see is a wide garden full of beautiful floras such as are flowers plant in magnificent arrangement and trees that compliment the ground scape and green plants that make it all look like a great painting and the green plants as its canvas that makes it the whole garden truly commendable and praiseworthy.

Because of this, I mistook the lady who has blonde hair as the sun and blue clear eyes as the sky and her white porcelain skin as the clouds and charming red lips as the scarlet dawn, and her green dress that has a flower design that covers her figure as the magnificent flora around it, the flawless curves as the delightful valleys and most of all the bountiful paramount mountain that I dare not say what is it represent.

Mesmerized by the appearance I didn't notice the danger lurking on my back that makes any man shiver once here, as if all sin is laid and made to bare to see to all world.


My body shivers and my mind is shaken as I make stupid sound excuses

"Im-m-mm-m n-n-not lo-lo-lo-look-ing"

~Fufufu who said you are looking and what is it perhaps?~


Think, Think, Think, Think,

Ok, make it look like it is natural to look

"Ok, I'm Looking for sister Rena, is there something wrong? Sister Helia"

~Not really, but it is different when it is you who look~

I raise a question


~Because it will be a lewd look~



WHAT A GREAT Tsukuyumi(Retort)

"That-That-That a quite Bad view, you have there about me"

~Bad view?...fufu not really to be true its quite the opposite~

As I hear it, I didn't have time to raise another question because the sensation of something tingling and crawling on my chest is been sent to my mind and spread over my body, and a new unspeakable sensation felt on my back causing me to shiver and my body is paralyzed because of delightful sensation.

I bow my head and saw well-tanned skin that look like caramel and well-trained tone muscle that compliment the whole arm and hand and fingers that contradict itself because despite looking delicate and soft it also look firm like it showing what kind of person it possesses and concentrate all my focus on the back I don't why but the sensation changes every time I try to focus on it

Soft to firm and firm to Soft with irregularities like bouncy and hard

But despite the gratitude and appreciation, I feel the danger it gives off it is still frightening as the hand and fingers crawl up to my chin and slowly slide to the cheeks and lightly rub it, and with up and down motion I sense on the back it felt something soft and firm and bouncy and hard.

a new sensation sense into my ear and hear amorous and lovely breathing and I hear a frightening word

~I quite love it~

At this moment the 777th War happen inside of me

My mind send the army of rationality to march and deliver the warning over my body to break out and flee but my body didn't listen as another army took over sent by my beating heart called the desire of a man wanting to remain and savor the moments.

As my mind and heart do civil war inside my body I sense a new strong sensation on my hand and my hand feels a strong force pulling in the front, cause of this not only my hand but my whole body is also been pulled over as I close my eyes out of reflex.

After I pulled, I was bound to be stopped so I expect some hard rebound but out of all of my expectations, the rebound is quite... hmmm what the word?....HEAVEN!!!

As I open my eyes I saw paramount mountains that reach heaven that all man dreams desire to climb



All my entire being shook even my brain and heart causing the civil war inside of me to stop because of an unexpected ambush send by my lower half called the army of my libido.

In front of the great enemy the mind and heart agree that the enemy should not prevail to control the body henceforth the mind and heart agree on another truce like in ancient times when the libido invade.

Henceforth my heart and mind, CHARGE!!!




Dont let the invader ERECT MY TOWER

Don't let them COME

Don't let them STAND

Make them FALL


With all this Drama I regain my sanity and my body especially the tower on my lower half

This war only last for 12 seconds at most but to me, it feels everlasting and it may be because the stake is all my being if this goes out and my tower stands tall it will cause me all I build up on my life

Once again Thank you mind and heart and all of it army your achievement and sacrifice will never forgotten

As I saw off the army of rationality and desire with the mind and heart marching in the dawn inside of my head as I tear inside a cheerful voice brought me back to reality

®Good Morning Loid! How are you today?®

Turn out to be Sister Rena's voice

"Good morning Sister Rena and like any other day I look well."

I reply I want to reply I feel well but I am lying and betraying my mind and heart after all that sacrifice they made and I'm not that good at lying, Mother Maria even said that she read me like a book whenever I lie

®Then im glad®

As she smiles like blooming sunshine





At this moment the 777th rebellion happen

The heart and the army called the desire of a man with the unexpected reinforcement break the truce and rebel against the mind and the army of rationality

The ambush makes the heart insane and tries to take over the mind with a reinforcement army called feelings and tries to take over the body and confess it feels, the heart began to attack the mind and its army but the mind and its army didn't retaliate but instead, send a messenger

The messenger carries a scroll and reads at loud the next following

"Heart and its army called desire of a man, it is futile,"

The heart and its army smugly sneer until they hear the following words

"And remember our fallen Brothers!!!"


As it says by messenger, not only the heart and its army called desire and love groan, but the mind and its army also groan

As they say, the heart and mind and their armies relive the memories of their fallen brothers who confess their feeling to sister Rena

Because I am living in the orphanage there are also other boys who are my peers and with this their also others who confess their feelings to her but like it says 'Fallen brother' they all fail

I still remember it likes it still yesterday

My brothers, who try to gather all their courage and fuel their bravery day after day

There are times that my brothers collapse and couldn't do it anymore and give up and we as brothers in courage them again

Others give up and some others didn't, and to others who didn't give up seek my counsel because out of the most boys, I am the one closest to sister Rena

Perhaps because when I am still a child and the first time to arrive at the orphanage, one of the children I share the bed with is Sister Rena and it continues to share the bed until I became 15 because of this I am one of longest to get along and know sister Rena among the boys as they ask my opinion about their like and dislike

As I remunerate to what I remember what sister Rena liked and dislike

With this, they train themselves to become what sister Rena like the most and get rid of the bad things I mention they dislike about themselves base I mention

I watch my brothers grow until they become the ideal man I mention based on the things I say

With confidence, from the bravest to those who have low bravery they march and confess their feelings

But when they return I saw my brothers crestfallen and down cast reaching even the deepest despair carve in their face

The heart and its armies, desire, and feelings, clench their teeth and arms with faces twisted by sadness, and the whole heart and its army are tainted with fear and cowardice

The heart and its armies surrender and the mind and the army of rationality forgive them 777th time like how in the past

With all this drama, I regain my sanity

®What is the problem Loid?®


Although I can't lie, I can divert the topic

"Ahhhh!Uncle Tony is been said that he cannot go today because of an emergency"

®Uncle Tony?®

~He means the man in suit~

®Ahhh! Do you mean Uncle Suit®

~Yeah that's right~

Uncle Tony is the lawyer and the man in the suit that visit the funeral when I'm still a child and also I don't know why but Uncle Tony is the one managing the work and affairs of my father's company and it seems mother maria and uncle tony are know each other for a long time and trusted each other

And in this orphanage, he is more well known for name called Uncle Suit because he always wears a Suit that is always the same, and never been seen wearing something other than the suit

®i almost forgot good morning Sister Helia®

~Good morning Sister Rena, How are doing?~

®Good as always and, muuuu!!!, Sister Helia don't tease Loid too much!!!®

~My bad,hahahahhaha!

As sister Helia says with boisterous laughter

®Muuuuu!!!Sister Helia!!!®

~Hahahaha, really my bad~

Seeing this, I remember that in the girls' category, the one who gets along and knows the most about Sister Rena is Sister Helia.

It might be because like me she was also the other one who share the bed with me and Sister Rena when we were still children

~Ohh, right do have the keys, Loid~

Rummaging in my pockets, I pull out the three keys and give the bus one to each Sister Rena and Sister Helia

®Loid, what is the other key use for®

~Right, now you say it, what the other use for~

My Angel Sister Rena and Harassment Demon Sister Helia ask

"It is a Secret"

As I run to the path going to the garage while hearing questions from my lovely big sisters and childhood friends who follow me in the back.


Author notes:


(I am too tired to write something because the recent days are full of tension and stress and I'm going to rewrite this chapter after I rest now then have Good days and do not make yourself push and tired yourself too much readers HAVE A GOOD DAYS WEEKKS MONTHS YEARS TO COME, READERS

(Rewrite 06 10 23)