
MimicLIFE,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life

Mimic,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life or MimicLife is journey of reincarnation to Otherworld(Isekai genre) but the world is still connected to the real world he came from(reference houkago saitensie and GATE japanese manga) starting a new life as a mimic he will use all of his abilities throughout the journey with which path?(Hero path, Demon king path ,kingdom building path ,Fools path ,Tyrant path ,Streaming vtube videos as vtube streamer in YouTube in another world path?) Well let's find it out shall we? (The picture is not mine)Art credit: http://deviantart.com/phill-art/gallery https://dndbeyond.com/monsters/2048646-mimic-knight, midjourney

NovelPls · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 59 New God in New World (15) Apostle Trial: Act 1: infantry (2)

**Author's Note**

**Character Map:**

"X" = Loid Orcus (Protagonist)

"(X)" = Loid Orcus (strong inner thought)

°X° = Makina (Artificial Intelligence)

^X^ = Makina program System to assist Loid

[X] = Status Board


|||| = Time Skip

(X) = Explanation

([X]) = Sound Effect


After being swallowed. Light escapes my eye, leaving behind darkness.

Darkness, a state in which light is not present. And light, the one that makes us able to see visible things, is absence as the darkness takes over its presence

Usually I should not be able to see but this darkness is artificial and just made purely by the box or more like a device sent by Makina to assist me

To prove this fact, in front of my sight, a status window, unlike the window before such example is the grey window that ended my typical but joyous life and also ironically, also the one that make and restore my hope by believing a speculation I made and still pin at that belief to continue even it has no basis why it is to

Or the white status window used by the proclaimed goddess that I shall not utter even faintly to my mouth, or at least what could serve as mouth to utter this thought in this vessel I dwell in

The status window that shows this time if described, has a see-through like stain glass colored in sky blue and the text is written in solid and bold sky blue and written there with a voice that I am familiar with

°Activiting Assistive Combat System°

°Initiating Combat Module per program°

°Combat Module Initiating°

°Assistive Combat System is now fully online°

°The program will start at your mark°


Before I could even utter Makina names

Makina voice interrupts me

°The Assistive Combat system is under the Control of Sub-AI that I prepare to manage the modules program that I created just like how the module program that manages your status°

°At such, I'm still in the position as you ordered°

"...well, it's not me trying to scold you but thank you"

°....your welcome°

Although I don't know why, but I feel that Makina is embarrassed right now, but leave it aside

"..ha(inhale)..ha(exhale)...Fuego!!(It means fire but the go at the end just sounds right)"

Shouting a cool word with a grin, I shout a go mark, as I shout, the dark background vanish as a real time scenery are shown to me with a notification like mana percentage and health percentage and other things showed like Harvis(Jarvis of Ironman) of Fe-man (those of know chemistry will know)

The Deadly arms are not at my sight because I'm flying, the reason why I'm flying is because after I swallow and while I am inside the package, the package levitates itself with the rockets to fly above and get away from the ground, getting away from Deadly Arms

Looking below me, I see that deadly arms are staring at m-


As I'm about to finish my sentence, a rushing spear are flying at me and base of the momentum and the direction of the spear, the spear purpose is to pierce, specifically at my chest, but with leisure, as I see that happen in scaled down time or slow mo, dodge only with minimum distance to avoid it

The spear misses and passes through me, as I dodge it with minimum effort, now here is the explanation of why I have such leisure now while just earlier I am struggling

The package that was sent by Makina, is a condense pack super quantum computer packed with a power armor suit powered by condensed packed large scale electricity generator generated from the mana that collected real time except this time, the thing being generated is mana not electricity so we could call it mana generator

How it works, Makina said it works by converting the electricity condensely packed stored in the suit, converting the electricity to mana while also collecting the mana from the surrounding, that is, although I don't know how that works in a more detailed manner but I more concern in the enemy at my front who notice my changes

As to respond to my changes, the manner of the enemy use of it mana change, the mana that condensely gather and flow at it body, spread at the surrounding and the mana being spread start wrapping at the weapons embedded like gravestone

It pulls out the weapons starting from a far to the nearest vicinity of the Deadly arms like domino, Making the swords look like floating if I have not seen the mana wrap to it


^Divine Skill "Ascertainment" activate^

"A skill..no, an Ability...not either"

Activating the Divine skill "Ascertainment", I try to figure out the nature of the power behind the phenomenon that happens, I try to appraise it if it is a skill or an abilitity as this variable could greatly affect the battle about to fought, but out of my understanding, it neither a ability or a skill

"Then what it is"

°Based on the data that was collected, it has been concluded that it is a phenomenon called "Spell"°

°Spell, is a phenomenon that occurs when one masters an art called Magic and could bring forth similar results of skill and ability, except one did not need a skill and ability to use it°

°Based on the data collected from the archive of data that the goddess and gods stored in there, using the Ability "Soul Sphere" and the skill "Ascertainment"°

°Those who master this art are called Magician or Mage, it has been described that these people in time where the gods and goddess granted them skills and abilities through the system, these people wish to have it themselves without the reliance of beings above and persue power by raising their proficiency controlling mana and finally achieve power similar to skills and abilities and call it Magic, this achievement is similar to our Science back to our world except that beings such gods and goddesses are proven true and exist in this world°

"I see now what is happening here, what the difference of this magic from the Skills and Abilities"

°if I divide it into pros and cons, the benefit of using magic is your not needed to possess a skill and abilities to use it and everyone could use it and like abilities, magic could be used with your own jurisdiction°

°but the drawback is that it consumes more mana than skills and abilities and you have some certain proficiency to use it and take time to master and if compared to a skill°

° the skill could be cast mindlessly as long as you intend it while the magic takes the mind to process and take time making the cast longer, making the skill best when it comes to immediate use and for the ability, if describe it, it difference of the ability is like part of your body and the magic as tools use by hand, it means that when come to control and manipulation, the ability is better use°

"So inferior version of both ah, but like the people say, versatility in life is key to living, so it could not be underestimated what it could do"

As if to respond and prove my words, the Deadly Arms control it's mana and pull a big broad sword to itself and float it around to itself and finally the broad sword lower it levitation and lower itself vertically

Afterward, Deadly Arms slender gorgeous legs raise and step it foot in the levitating broadsword and follow with another one, and now standing at the broadsword

The control of mana in the broadsword change as it starts levitating and raising in heights and to follow, the weapons such as swords and spear and others different kinds follows as deadly arms raise in height

Flying and reducing the difference of height between us, it finally reaches the level of height I am flying and we have a stare down

And to show that my opponent has no intention to make this stare any longer, the mana it controlled change as if to change of grip in weapon, the weapons point at me, and without any sign of waiting something, start the first attack of our fight

Observing this, the first thing I thought is

"Wow, what are you?, A cultivator, not that I'm complaining, I'm happy to see one actually, no joke implied"

I'm happy about the situation, rather than facing it with fear, I fight with excitement and looking forward to what to aspire



Hello and I have a good rest for a long time, and to have more rest, I shall immediately upload this chapter and this message

Happy good read and day to come