
MimicLIFE,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life

Mimic,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life or MimicLife is journey of reincarnation to Otherworld(Isekai genre) but the world is still connected to the real world he came from(reference houkago saitensie and GATE japanese manga) starting a new life as a mimic he will use all of his abilities throughout the journey with which path?(Hero path, Demon king path ,kingdom building path ,Fools path ,Tyrant path ,Streaming vtube videos as vtube streamer in YouTube in another world path?) Well let's find it out shall we? (The picture is not mine)Art credit: http://deviantart.com/phill-art/gallery https://dndbeyond.com/monsters/2048646-mimic-knight, midjourney

NovelPls · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Chapter 11 Into the Darkness (11)(Before Darkness)(6)

Author note

Character Map

"X"=Loid Orcus(Protagonist)

"(X)"=Loid Orcus (Strong inner thought)

^X^=Game System

'X' = Extra

[X]=Written on something(interface)



All this beauty and elegance are full of fantasy but there only one thing that bothered me the most

(swosh)sound of falling)

It is really necessary to drop us from the height just to enter or-

'Ahhhhhh!!!'(shouting in diaphragm)

'Mama!!!!!'(shouting in the lungs)

'Eyahh!!!'(shouting in the voicebox)

'Ekkkkk!!!'(I out of ideas where they could shout)

are the game developer just being silly?

'Hahahhaha!!!(some laugh)

'Here they are!our content!, stream them immediately'(some streamers)

'this funny content never get old'(some streamers)

Now I remember, this is one of it purpose

Although it may look just a silly and laughable content but like they say, this content never get old and making the streamers themselves gather some views will make a indirect advertisement for the game making it very effective for advertising the game without paying any peny

The marketing team of this game is very clever for thinking like that

'Look!Look there!Hahahhaha!What a funny face'

'Hahaha, such face!such face is, is,isHahahaha'

'Just his face alone is comedy'


I stare to where they pointing to and


A Falling Fat Smilling Blob Fish!??

I Spit some out of my mouth as I stare at it

(That guy who has a face of blobfish will certainly become I meme tomorrow)

Although there are some regulation to follow and not to violate so it may not end up in a serious case of public humiliation but if the man who has the face of blob fish allow it, I want to add him to the hall of memes I collect in my file

The reason why I'm doing this?you will found out it eventually

"(Really this content never run out of meme to produce)"

Well because of it, this game become famous through indirect advertisement from memes collected in here and this game also hold the genuines record for having the most produce meme in the whole world making it more popular

Well, it is one of perks of this game but I'm not here to relieve my stress at laughing at the memes being produce live here

While I'm falling, I'm trying to search something in the game store as I search I found the thing I'm searching for

[$Buy$One month Normal Spawn pack

- you are able to spawn in the normal spawn point

- Cost$3


Really, this game has no bound when it come in money

Just like it say, the pack will make me spawn in the normal spawn point without this fall in height to spawn

You may think that this pack is ridiculous but as you play the game, you will see how essential this pack is

This pack prevent you to fall in height to spawn that take one minute to fall in the ground and spawn back to the spawn point but it is waste of money to buy this pack if you could just wait one minute to spawn again but that will cause you a lot

There a time where there a guild try to raid the boss room and didn't buy this pack and a party who follow them that try to steal the kill

The guild raid the boss room and after some battling they able to reduce the boss health into 10 percent but it cost them most of their members especially their vanguard like tanks and fighters alike making most left as the rearguards and when the party try to steal the boss no one their could stop them and when the vanguard about to arrive,there are already to late

The party able to steal the boss and gain the lots and experience while the guild get nothing and after that they disband

The guildmaster say that if they could arrive even little earlier nothing like could happen

With this lesson the players especially those who has guild know how important the time is and how much is wasted in the spawning in the height they fall

But one thing is understood,The one minute spawn delay is such a trouble that must get rid, especially when raiding and doing other urgent event

To the point that the requirement to join a guild is to have buy the pack

It is such intented extorting from the first place but is indeed an irresistible event and can't be help and must have to play to the point of buying it is mandatory even it is not

"(The Marketing team of this game are such a sly fox and shameless racon)

Let's stop the info dumping again and after hesitantly buy as I curse to the marketing team of this game I choose a normal spawn point to spawn and immediately spawn and stop falling from height

The spawn point I choose is what you called The Frontier

If you think this is the name of the place,

Sorry to say it is not

It is called The Frontier because this is the place where the highest level reach area of the players reach in the game

In the game every 20 levels achieve, new area will be open where the players roam and venture to play and in the game the highest level reach by players and could be considered top players over the whole world are level 789

In total there a 39 unlocked and open area and in the 39th area is where The Frontier is and this area is called in the game'Gates of Gate' but the player preferably called it'Randomiser'

Because in the Game every area has it's own gimmick, in the 39th area or'Gates of Gate' has the gimmick of choosing multiple gate to advance in next level and each gate spawn different in random monster but optimize fitting to the level

For example, in the gate what spawn are level 1 slime, that slime will undergo optimization to fit into the area level and turn the slime level into level 789 and if you think it stop there, your wrong

The optimization will add more things like skill, attribute, amplitude and etc. to fit it more level making it more bizarre

Because it random Zombie tactic or Challenge, Die, Learn, Challenge and repeat or any other term of this method will not work making it hard to beat

Because of this only skill and intuition gonna work in this level and not only that everytime when you receive defeat and die you have to start over again from the first level of the area and the area has a ducking 20 LEVELS!!

(Aot(duck=friendy and family word for F word)

The game developer of this game are also duck up

As I curse the Crazy innovative Craze Mad developers

I arrive at the first level of the 39th area or gates of gate and specifically level 781

As I arrive I change my Avatar or my appearance of my appearance to that game Avatar I make when I play this game

As I change, blue light gathered and covered me like a veil and as the veil of light died down, my appearance change

The previous appearance of mine turn into 6feet giant body of that of a spartan but dressing as Philippine warrior clothes like Lapu-Lapu the first hero of Philippines with it traditional warrior tattoos and other accessories befitting of Datu or tribal Chief except they have the cape and helmet of a spartan like Leonidas of Sparta

The reason behind this avatar characterization are because I admire the tale of bravery of Spartan in the Battle of Thermopylae and the tale of bravery of Bayanis, Philippines Heroes in the Battle of Mactan because of this I make a fusion of this two with their characteristic combine

Let's leave it like that, as I change and prepare myself for the battle to come

After preparing myself I enter the first level of 39th area or Gates of Gate, to challenge the first level of this area specifically level 781

After I enter, in front of my sight are one black gate open with sinister dark violet portal inside of it

"(Even after Seeing it numerous time, I still not use to the eerie atmosphere and sinester appearance of the gate)"

As I rumbling it to myself, I walk with tension as I enter it

In this Area what the scary the most is not the fighting but what it is your fighting, their the time that their are monster spawn out of the league of level despite having the level

Not because of Enemies Stat, but because the Synergies of Possible skill and attributes monster been optimized making me in tension as I think of it

As I enter, what greet me are humanoid figure with green skin, long nose, elongated ears, and yellow eyes and size of that average Child ranging to 8 to 10 year old


^Skill Activated^




[Species:Bloody Goblin



[Job:Blood Swordman

[Hp:160(Life points:16000)








[Blood Arts Lv36

[-Able to Use Blood arts


[Blood drain Lv36

[-A kind of Blood Arts that Drain enemy

[Hp and Mp through blood and absorb

[the Hp and Mp

[Unallocated Points:0


[Rusted Blood SwordLv300




[Rust PoisoningLv100

[Once Contact in inside of enemy flesh could caused Poisoning effect reducing 2 Hp [every 4 second until cured

No, Vampire Goblin it seems and there 3 at that, it fortunate that they could not use Magic skill because of low intelligent

As for me,here my Status




[Species:Pure Human




[Hp:10(Total Life Points:1000)








[Space InventoryLv319

[Able to Store things corresponding to the level of the inventory]

[AppraisalLv###(Player Skill)

[-able to find out others status (Player Feature)


[Equipment ChangeLv319

[Able to to Change Equipment posses by [the user in the inventory with [immediate and the Skill only work for [equipment below or the same level of [skill

[Player Privilege


[Able to view information to chosen [target

[Unallocated points:0



Now, Now don't be judge mental, as you see I have no class making me has no growth direction at all if you think this is bad, I say to you, it really it is,

But don't worry I show how I Fight

"I see, so what equipment will I use this time, Inventory"

^Skill Activated^


As I surf about the equipment I could use listed in interface, I evaluate what I needed Characteristic of equipment in this fight and sort out those who not fit and after sorting it out the equipment that could use befitting in the situation remain

As I wonder what to choose

The goblin rush straight to me and arriving where the goblin sword could be swing against me

"Equipment change"

^Skill Activated^

I activated my skill and choose Level 270 ring of magic that has stat of 250 for Mp and only 20 for durability and retrieve another equipment called Absolute Defence Shield(Medium) Level 300 that has stat of 200 for defense and 100 for durability and with attribute called Mana Shield and block the incoming sword


The shield block the swinged sword of the goblin without problem as shield possess 300 defence after the attribute mana shield activated and exchange 100 mana to increase 100 stats for Defence that able to negate the 260 strength damage of the goblin

The goblin stance broke as aftermath as I activate my skill once again

"Equipment change"

^Skill Activated^

On my other hand, A ring appeared called Herculen ring Lv 200 that has stat of 150 strength and 50 durability and a spear called Steeled adamatite tip Spear(Medium) Lv 250 that has 150 for strength damage and 100 for durability and equipment called Dwarves Gaunlet(Light)Lv300 that has 200 for dexterity and 100 for durability

I prepare my stance and skillfully thrust the spear to the disturb goblin


But another goblin appeared, with it shield block the spear as I thrust causing the miss it target but a chance open

The goblin who block the shield couldn't block all attack causing the shield hold by the goblin arm stuck together swing to the side making the body open

"Equipment Change"

^Skill Activated^

The shield on my other hand disappeared and another one appeared

A long sword called Adamantitle Steeled Sword Lv250 with 125 strength damage and 125 durability and swing it against the guard down body of the goblin

^285 Damage inflicted^

^Enemy has 110 defence^

^Total 175 damage inflicted^

^Damaged Enemy health decrease by 15,825^

The goblin could not block it had it happen to fast and the sword just appear out of nowhere on his sight because of this factor the goblin receive damage but the goblin just grin mischievously as if to mock me

Out of my sight, a spear is about to pierce my head as I narrowly avoid it and step back and step back more to create distance

"(Three goblins ha, assuming that is there is)"


The result of appraisal is that the goblin has the same stats but different skill

The goblin who had the shield has the Skill Instant movement that could move the goblin immediate in desired location the reason why this goblin just appear out of nowhere and block my attack

The other goblin who had the spear has the Skill Invisible Stealth that could hide the user presence and figure that explain the ambush on my blind spot

As I account the things I learned through appraisal I begun another battle with stored mind what to do

The battle go like this using my Inventory I retrieve a equipment called Senseful Necklace that has attribute Detection making me able to locate where the shield goblin would teleport to and where the spear goblin gone into

Me, changing equipments like weapon and accessories and sometimes Armor to defend and attack when I'm think is right and them cooperating with their weapon and perks to take me down

And to let you know, the armors are just sometimes because it keeping me showing my Avatar Glomorous, ___, ___, ___,___(All kind of Compliments put here) body and I hate it but I don't that narrow minded not to use them when needed, only needed thought

The time went on as we exchange blows and attacks but in the end up winning as I have equipment that could heal me and of course my incredible skills too

The reason why they able to last this long because of attribute of blood arts and the swordman goblin skill blood drain that steal my healed HP to heal the swordman goblin and it's comrades

And the margin of times the damage I dealt and they dealt although not big but considerable to make me win

As I breath my relief, I compare my self to other players

Although the most players prefer to focus on one thing in their class and job specialties and focus to strengthen their discipline or their category they in like the fighter who focus in damage and tank in their defence but they have no way to heal themselves like me

And if you think there a item box in the game that could store potions, sorry to say but there's is none

You either put your points in buying the skill inventory but the points are be will wasted on it and in this game every level you leveled up could only have 1 points per level which it is a waste

And as for the famous item bag that could store things you have to put it to the equipment slot but the slot are limited and the players are more to prefer to put equipment that could raise their stats on it or skill or attribute that make them stronger because this game are heavy meritocracy system abider

Because of this there is no one that would lower their avatar strength for putting points and equipment slot that weaken them

And if there's that could, it's useless because in 39th area or Level 781 could only be challenge by alone

Because of this, the whole players are struggling to come up solutions of their problems for their weakness and needs like the fighters trying to find a way to heal themselves and healers trying to find a way to cause great amount of damage

The whole players of this game are busy to improve oneself and solve their problems, even the top players are joining the search to found a way in this hurdle

While me and my other kind(other players) are able to do everything from the start because of crazyness of wanting to try everything for ourselves

Because of that everyone are trying to become an all rounder to clear this area

"(The developers has gone crazy, no they are already crazy because of past offense shit they did to us players in the past)"

Because of it I remember the floor 600 or 30th area called Gladiator Collisium where only you could beat 30 players in PvP in a row to advance to the next area or beat 300 players in PvP to advance in next area

(That time is really a hell)

The players battle each other to the end different those who the weak and who's the strong

The law of the jungle, The strong eat the weak and the weak is food for the strong

The strong advance and the weak will be left and never leave on that place

Causing a huge complain to the players that could not advance but the game developers didn't budge and not sway to the masses opinion at all

"(Well the game developers of the game say that higher the level reach and onward could only be accomplished when the players reach a certain capabilities of the developers hope for making the game more fun they say)"

As I think those to myself

3 gates appeared and chose the 2nd Gate and proceed to the next level



Hello and Good(Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, Midnight) readers and here the chapter and once again sorry for delay for here in the Philippines is we having bad weathers causing me to sick and not able to write So sorry and bye bye and

GOD BLESS(For those who believe in their Gods)

Have a good time(For those who have not)

Let's respect each other for days to come

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

(This is not been scan and corrected yet so still a raw for apologize for mistake)

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