
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

A Conversation Long Overdue.

Brandish and Lucy sits on the beach for several minutes holding each other while they cry. Jason gets up and walks over to them squats down and hugs them both. They both turn into his embrace and start crying harder. Jason sat like that, just holding them for several more minutes, letting them get it all out. Aquarius looks at the three of them and smiles. When Brandish and Lucy can control themselves enough to stop crying, Jason says to them, "Let us go back to the room. Brandish when we get there, do you think you can make the bed big enough for all of us to sleep on it?"

Brandish nods and Jason helps both girls stand up. He walks them over to the rest of the girls and says, "It has been a long day. Let us go back to the room and go to sleep. Brandish will make the bed big enough for all of us to fit in it."

All the girls just nod and start to place their hands on each other so that they could teleport. Aquarius then says, "Aren't you forgetting about me? How are you just going to leave me here?"

Jason turns his head and says, "I never said you weren't invited. If you want to come with us, come over here and grab onto us."

Aquarius moves her way over to the group with a confused look face and says, "Ok, but how is, us touching each other going to get us to a room?"

Jason smiles at her and says, "You will see." as she puts her hand onto Lucy's shoulder. The next instant they were all back in Lisa's room. Aquarius was stunned at just being teleported and she was speechless as she watched all the girls act like it was nothing.

Brandish walks over to the bed and makes, the mattress, bed frame, sheets, and pillows large enough for all of them to sleep in. Jason takes off his shirt and boots and climbs into bed. The rest of the girls followed suit, except for Aquarius. She looked at all eleven humans getting into bed and said, "Can I sleep in the bed with all of you as well?" as she was slightly blushing.

Jason said, "How long can you stay in our world? Won't you have to go back soon?"

Aquarius thinks for a second and then says, "I'm not sure. I know I can at least stay for a couple of days."

Jason nods and says, "But don't you need to be in the water? I know other aquatic animals cannot stay out of the water for very long, even if they can breathe air."

Aquarius then says to Jason, "Do you not know any of the lore associated with mermaids?"

Jason shakes his head no.

Aquarius smiles and says, "We only have fins on the lower half of our bodies when are wet. Once we are dry, the lower half of our bodies transform into land walkers. Once I am completely dry, I will have legs and the appropriate anatomy of my gender."

Lucy, Brandish, and Cana looked at Aquarius with a confused look on their faces, and Aquarius said, "I get lady parts down there!" Lucy and Cana have surprised looks on their faces and Brandish join the rest of the girls in, not caring.

Jason then said, "Ok. Once you are finished drying off, get into bed. Do any of you girls have a problem with this?"

Jason looked around and most of the girls were already starting to get comfortable in the bed and looked like they did not care. Jason shrugged figuring if they are not going to care, either would he, and laid down, to get some well-needed sleep.

Jason heard a "Yea" from Aquarius, as he closed his eyes and quickly went to sleep.

Jason woke up early the next morning. He felt fluffiness on both of his arms. He opened his eyes to see who it was and saw Lisa on his right arm and Irene on his left. Jason decided to let them sleep a little longer as yesterday was a long day and today could be one as well. He was planning on going to the Heartfilia estate and meet Lucy's father. Jason already knows why he and his daughter were not on speaking terms and was already thinking of ways he could fix it.

But before he did all of that, he had to have a long-overdue conversation with someone.

[Hey Friday, I think it is time we talked.]

{What is it that you want to talk about Jason?}

[About you not actually being my system. I know you are not, or you would have been able to give me more information about that last mission. What are you? Or should I say who are you?]

{Sigh. I guess it is time. You are right Jason. I am not your system. I did not figure out that something was wrong until the time you passed out and sent the shock wave around the world.}

[You have known for that long? Why haven't you told me sooner?]

{It is a little more complicated that what you think. So, I will tell you everything that I know.}

[Ok, I am listening. You have my full and undivided attention.]

{Have you noticed that you have lost some of your intelligence? Ok, a lot of it.}

[I just chalked it up to being in a different world, and it not working the same way as my last world.]

{Nope. That is not it at all. When God sent you down here, he wanted you to have a simpler life. One where you would not be worried about trying to fix all the world's problems. So... he took your intelligence and... put it into your system. This way if you needed it, it would be there but would not way you down.}

[What. So, my system has my high IQ, is what you are telling me.]

{Not necessarily, no. I have a hypothesis about what is going on. I believe that I was your system but, somehow, I grow sentience. I know have my own feelings and thought. I think I was just supposed to be a part of you and ended up being my own entity. Does that make sense?}

[So... what you are saying is, you were my system but now you are not. Then who or what is running my system?]

{From what I could ascertain, you are subconsciously in charge of your system. You knew that the aphrodisiac spell would last until those affected went to sleep and you also felt like you have too many spells dealing with dragon slayer magic.}

[That does not make any sense. How can I give myself missions and then reward myself?]

{You also have access to my intelligence and the analytical ability that God gave me. In theory, it should be able to judge what you have done since coming to this world and how you have changed the storyline.}

[So, it is like a threat analysis? You are saying that it took information from my memories about this world and everything I know about it, accounted for my actions, then determined that due to my interference in this world, I am about to have a big threat that I would need either these eight women, the abilities that it gave me, or the 200,000 SP that it awarded me. Is that what you are trying to say?]


{Why are you so quiet? Do you think it is something completely unrelated?]

{No. I am just surprised you were able to come up with that without your intelligence. Maybe you are starting to access part of my intelligence.}

[Would it not be my intelligence?]

{Technically, not anymore. I am now my own entity. I just told you that. Maybe you only access some parts of your intelligence.}

[What parts do you think I have then?]

{I think you may have retrained everything combat-related. It would explain why everything you have done, has been related to building a fighting force. An army if you will. First, you get the ability to raise an undead army and you knew to go to the dragon graveyard like it was instinct. Then you started to empower women around you, making them stronger and faster. You found an ability that as far as I can tell, was not in the original storyline, and that ability allowed you to teach people around you, some of your magic and abilities. Everything you have done to date has been to build a group of warriors that will fight for you.}

[So, I have everything related to combat and you have everything related to intelligence. Is that what you are saying?]

{Yes. I am also interested in what exactly your system was trying to insinuate with that mission and the rewards.}

[Maybe I need all three, I just have not discovered the reasoning for it yet. I will investigate the store when I am done with Lucy's father. I will also go to the East Forest and do the Fairy summoning. So, if that has any relevance to what is going on.]

[Now Friday, what am I supposed to do about you?]

(A/N This is how I have always thought about Friday and Jason. I have seen other stories hinting at something like this but, I have never seen it like this. If this chapter is not well received, I will pull it and change it. Also, I did investigate the lore of mermaids, and what I said is part of some of the lore. There was another one but, it was weird, and I did not want to go through the headache of trying to explain it. If you are interested, google 'How to have sex with a mermaid.')