
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


Aquarius was staring right at Jason and then Brandish yelled, "Aquarius!" Aquarius looked over at Brandish who was standing next to Lucy and said, "It has been a long time Brandish." Lucy looks at Aquarius and says, "You know her?"

Aquarius nods and says, "Your mother gave my key to Grammie, her mother for a short period of time. The two of us really had some fun times together back then, didn't we Brandish?"

Brandish has a disappointed look on her face and starts to grumble, causing Aquarius to get upset and yell, "Listen you Brat! When I ask you a question, you better answer it!"

Brandish has a shocked and scared look on her face and says, "Yes! Forgive me, mistress!"

Then Lucy says, "That was weird."

Then Aquarius says, "You grew to be some kinda twisted chick with a nasty attitude that kept all the boys away, haven't you?"

Brandish says, "Yes ma'am."

Aquarius says, "Why can't you be a good girl? You always have to cause trouble for those around you, don't you?"

Brandish says, "I'm sorry mistress! Please forgive me!"

Lucy has a really confused look on her face now. She does not know how to process what she is seeing.

Aquarius then looks at Lucy and says, "Did you call me out here just to introduce your hot boyfriend to me or is there a reason all of you are standing there staring at my tits!"

Jason steps forward and says, "Hello Ms. Aquarius. My name is Jason. I asked Lucy to summon you here to help with a particular problem we are currently having."

Aquarius says, "What? Is Lucy not doing anything for you? I think I can pick up the slack for her, if you know what I mean!" and then winks at Jason.

Jason says, " All of these women are my women, if you want, at a later date we can add you to them. If that is what you wish, but at this moment, the problem we are having is a discrepancy over the last holders of your key. Brandish says that Lucy's mother killed her mother over your key."

Aquarius looks over at Brandish with a sad look and then turns her head to Lucy, and says, "I see. Those two women were close friends when they both died. It would be a shame if their daughters were to hate each other over something that never happened. She looked at Jason with a soft smile and said, "You really care for these two, don't you?"

Jason thinks to himself, 'Whoa. That was a complete 180 in her attitude! Just like in the anime.' and then he says, "Yes. I care for them both. We only just met but, I do not think I could let either of them go. I think I might want to take care of all my girls for as long as they let me."

All the girls around Jason started to blush, including Aquarius.

Aquarius says, "Thank you for taking care of these two. They are also important to me. I will take them and show them what happened. Please wait here. They will not be gone long."

Jason nods and then Aquarius, Brandish, and Lucy disappears.

Jason then sits in the sand and takes off his boots and he starts to dig his toes in the sand. The girls that are left all sit down next to Jason and start talking about everything that has happened today. Jason thinks to himself, 'Man. It has been a long day. After this is done, I am going to bed.'

Aquarius, Brandish, and Lucy finds themselves in dark, vast, and empty space. Lucy and Brandish both have mermaid fins instead of legs now.

Lucy asks, "Where are we?"

Aquarius says, "We are inside the Memory of the Stars. A place where the memories of the celestial spirits are archived. This may feel like a dream but, let me make it abundantly clear that everything you see and hear is exactly as it happened. Now, follow me."

The three of them are then shown a woman with long blond hair in a ponytail with a blue band around the top. She is wearing a dark blue and white cloak over a white dress with a blue and gold accent. She looks almost exactly like Lucy. She is meeting a young man with black hair who is wearing high-collared black robes with gold trim, he also has a white toga draped around his torso.

Brandish says, "Emperor?"

Aquarius says, "That is Anna Heartfilia, your ancestor Lucy. She is meeting a man named Zerf. They are discussing a plan to send five Dragon Slayers to the future using what is called the Eclipse Gate. They were sent four hundred years into the future where the Ethernano was more abundant. Inside the five dragon slayers, were the sealed dragons that the dragon slayers considered their foster parents. They were sent to the future to help fight and hopefully defeat Acnologia. The plan required two Celestial Spirt wizards, one on each side of the gate. It required the Celestial Spirt wizards to have all twelve Zodiac gate keys"

The vision that the three girls were watching then panned to Layla Heartfilia lying in a bed, looking very unhealthy. Lucy said, "Mom!"

Aquarius then says, "Anna did not know how long it would take for the Ethernano to be strong enough to open the gate again so, she had the plan passed down through the Heartfilia clan. Finally, the time came for the gate to be opened once again, and it fell to Layla to do it but, she had given the three gate keys she had, to people she trusted until the day she would need them again. After she gave my key to Grammi, she moved away, and when Layla needed the key, she was unable to reach Grammi who had moved to Alakitasia. Layla still having eleven of the twelve keys needed, supplemented the energy needed with her life force, which caused great damage to her body. She now had Magic Deficiency Disease.

Several days later after Grammi had heard what had happened, she returned to Layla. This is the last conversation they had."

Grammi says with tears in her eyes, "Layla, my Lady. I am so sorry. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

Layla looks up at her with a soft smile on her face and says, "Sweet Grammi, I don't blame you for any of this. Truly.

Then Grammi says with a slight sob in her voice, "I appreciate all you have done for me and my daughter, but I'm not fit to have this key. Will you please take it back, my Lady?" Grammi tries to hand back Aquarius' key.

Layla then says with a little bit of sadness in her voice, "I do not need it. I can't use Celestial magic anymore."

Grammi says, "Well then, surely you can give it to Lucy. She is obviously gifted. I know she will grow up to be a great wizard like you.

Layla says, "Thankfully, my family's duty to open the Eclipse has ended with me. I did not want that burden to fall on Lucy. Now she is free... to live her own life. Which reminds me, I hope Brandish is doing well."

Grammie says, "Yes, she's a good girl. She will probably throw a tantrum when she learns Aquarius is not coming back, though.

Layla says with a light smile on her face, "She and Lucy are around the same age, right?"

Grammie says while trying to hold back her tears, "Yes. I'd love to bring her by sometime."

Layla closes her eyes and says, "I think the two of them could be good friends."

Grammie says as tears are running down her face now, "I think so, too."

Layla opens her eyes and then says, "Just like we are."

Grammie then says with a loving smile on her face, "That's sweet, my Lady, but I'm just a humble servant."

Layla shakes her head and says, "No, Grammie. I consider you a friend."

Grammie smiles as more and more tears are escaping her eyes and running down her face and say, "Thank you, my Lady."

Then scene changes to Grammie leaving the Heartfilia estate to start her trip back to Brandish, knowing she would probably never see her friend alive again. She stops to look back at the estate and whispers to nobody, "Goodbye, my friend." and then turns and starts walking home again.

Then, suddenly, a man comes up from behind Grammie and stabs her through the back, pricing her heart.

Brandish yells, "Mom!"

The man that stabbed Grammie in the back is sobbing heavily and he says, "This is all because of you. You're the reason... she's dying!"

Grammie looks back at her attacker and says, "Zordio, I... You are right. It really is all my fault. I deserve to be punished."

Zordio says with a sobbing voice, "Yes, you do! You could've saved her!"

Grammie is now crying, knowing she will never see her daughter again, and says, "I'm begging you, Zordio. Please. Spare my daughter. My dear Brandish. Promise you will not hurt her. I am willing to sacrifice my own life to save hers. It's my last wish."

Zordio lets go of Grammie and starts to back away with a look of sorrow on his face realizing what he has just down started to scream.

Then Brandish yells, "Oh. Mama!" and starts to heavily cry. Lucy jumps over and grabs Brandish, wrapping her arms around her neck and placing one of her hands on the back of her head, allowing Brandish to cry as Lucy cries with her. The scene they were just watching fades away and they find themselves on the beach again with their knees in the sand, holding each other and crying.

Lucy then says while still crying "I believe in my heart, that our mothers would have wanted us to be friends."

Brandish nods through her sobbing, as she cannot make any other sounds right now.