
Midnight Chaos

Ivy was living a nice life until one day she got hit on the head and collapsed. After waking up, she found herself somewhere else, somewhere more sinister, more dangerous. She walks around a dark mansion and finds all types of monsters and ghosts but somehow survives. After some time she finds another person within the mansion named Dimitri. They team up and try to find the reason they are in the mansion and try to leave.

Noblessed · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

-Strange Mansion-

When I woke up, I saw that I was on a really luxurious looking bed but it was super uncomfortable. I had a killing headache and my head was spinning, It was hard to keep focus around my surroundings. I slowly got up and noticed that I was still wearing my shoes. I quickly looked around to see that there was no window anywhere.

Ivy: (Well, there goes my plan of smashing the window out of the window. ) It's strange... If someone planned to kidnap me, they would have put me in a basement and chained me up... Did I die or something?! What's going on??!

My head was spinning on what to do and trying to figure out what was going on.

Ivy: Is the door locked? It most likely is but it doesn't hurt to try.

I walked up to the door and to no surprise, it was locked shut.

Ivy: Figures... I wonder if there is a key somewhere here, I doubt it tho.

I started searching around the room, looking under the bed and inside the drawers. For some strange reason, the drawers were empty, there wasn't even a bit of dust on and inside them. The room was surprisingly clean and tidy.

Ivy: I hope this drawer has something in it, but it's probably empty.

I opened the last drawer and to my surprise, it had a vintage-looking key and a military-style flashlight.

Ivy: YES!! A key! I should also take the flashlight just in case, I might need it later.

I quickly take both items and run to the door.

Ivy: Come on! please work...

I insert the key and luckily it works.

Ivy: YES! I can finally get out of here!

But as soon as I open the door, I see a really dark hallway. I look around and there are no light switches around at all.

Ivy: Wait a minute, did the person who kidnapped me put the key and flashlight on purpose? If so, then why? This is seriously strange.

With the flashlight on hand, I start walking on the really dark hallway. The hallway is really long and seems to have no end. And for some reason, a strange smell gets stronger the further I go.

Ivy: Urk! Beh! Just WHAT is that smell?! It makes me want to throw up! But I can't give up yet, I need to get out of here.

Suddenly I see a small light further in the hallway.

Ivy: *gasp* Maybe its someone else! or maybe its the god damn kidnapper, either way, I need to be super careful, I have a really bad feeling about this.

Not knowing why I turn my flashlight off and I start walking very slowly and try not to make noise. That strange smell gets even stronger the more I walk but I know I can't give up yet and push on forwards. The hallway is full with a lot of drawers and there is nothing in any of them, but I keep checking what's inside just in case. The more I walk, the closer that light gets and the more bad vibes I get from this situation.

Ivy: ...! (WHAT?! ...I... I NEED TO HIDE!)

I quickly crouch behind a drawer and watch as some sort of monster is devouring someone. Now I knew what that strange smell was, It was blood. I try to hold back a scream and cover my mouth. If I scream now, I will be done for. I need to escape somehow.

Ivy: ( What do I do? I don't have a weapon or anything and I think that creature can run really fast. I don't have a chance to survive if I run. Should I wait for it to finish doing it's... business? I think that's the only thing I can do for now. )

I feel tears rolling down my eyes. I honestly was petrified. I never believed in ghosts and never imagined these things to exist at all. I slowly peek and see that the monster is still eating that person and it's trying to destroy the flashlight, probably to not catch attention, who knows. Suddenly, the monster stops and I quickly stop looking, praying that it will not find me. At this point, I am trying my best to not scream or make any sort of sound at all. Fortunately, the monster runs away to another direction.

Ivy: (...! THAT! WAS! CLOSE!)

I get out of my hiding spot and look around the dark hallway trying to make sure that monster is really gone before I turn my flashlight on.

Ivy: (...I think... It's gone...) Thank god...

I turn my flashlight back on and I try to ignore the corpse and walk around it and find an exit. I walk for about 5 minutes and I find a small room. I slowly open the door to find the room is empty but there is only a table in the middle with a beautiful white tulip inside a vase. Nest to the flower, there is a piece of paper with something written on it.

Ivy: A note? Let's see what does this say...

Note: Hello beautiful Ivy! How are you doing today on this amazing day!

Ivy: What the?! It says my name on it!

Note: You have been chosen to live here! Isn't that AMAZING? This house is far too big for me and I need a friend to live with, but unfortunately, I am dead and I cannot talk with others and make friends... So I chose you and only you to live here with me! When I saw you on that street, I saw how lifeless your body was, so I decided to help you out, you were near the brink of death and it saddens me to see such a lovely lady die, so I fixed you up and brought you here! But I can't do that for free now can I? So... if you survive and manage to escape from here... I'LL GIVE YOU A PRIZE! And you can live here too, you won't have to pay for anything and I will take care of everything you need. So you see this beautiful tulip? Remember this clearly, IF THIS TUPLIP LOSES ALL OF ITS PETALS, YOU WILL DIE. So take care of it! Solve riddles inside this mansion and find keys to get out of this house. This tulip is magical because if you put it in water, it will regrow the petals its lost, so you don't have to worry. Anyway, TAKE CARE DARLING.


Your hero.

Ivy: ...What...WHAT THE HELL?! What is this?! This is ridiculous! Why...why did this happen to me...? I need to pull myself together, I need to get out of here no matter what. And if what this note is saying is true... I need to not let it lose all of its petals.

I take the tulip carefully and put it inside my handbag.

Ivy: There... I hope nothing happens to it. Now I need to get out.

-------------------------------TO BE CONTINUED-----------------------------------