
MHA: Werewolf in the academy

After Dante Spain died, he met the God of Reincarnation. Dante was told that he would reincarnate into a world at random and gain a power never seen there before. Born in a world where 80% of the population is born with a strange power, known as quirks, Dante must try to survive in his new reality with the threat of Heroes and Villains around every corner.

sonicpanda1_2507 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Why should I apologize

I don't know how long it's been since the start of the quirk assessment, but I know that I was forced to turn. It seems that the machine agitated me enough, causing me to activate the forced full transformation.

During the transformation I learned something, I am still conscious when the beast is out but I don't have any control of my body. It's like I am a passenger in my own body, looking through the eyes of someone else.

I was able to see the look of everyone's faces when they saw my monstrous state. I wasn't surprised when they all started screaming, I probably would too if I saw a child transform into a monster. What did surprise me was the face that Mia was making.

She looked at me with eyes filled with amazement, it was honestly kind of creepy. Even Mrs. Yoshida screamed when she saw me transform, yet this four year old child was looking at me thinking I was someone amazing.

Before I could hurt anyone a glass container sealed me away from the others, and my alter ego didn't like it. Using his sharp nails he began to slash at the container, hoping to break it and get at the meat in front of him.

Looking at my arms, I can see that they were covered in white fur. I guess that my fur is the same color as my hair. My arms also seem much more muscular since the transformation. That must be how I get my enhanced strength.

My hearing is even more enhanced since I changed, but that means that the pain is even greater. I can guess that my sense of smell is also improved, but I can't smell the others because of this glass container. I will probably calm down soon... I hope.


(Mia POV)

This is awesome, Dante is so cool! He has a transformation quirk which turns him into a human-wolf hybrid! Look at those claws, they look so sharp and his arms look super strong. He keeps making claw marks in the concrete floor, he has to be super strong.

It looks like he is trying to get away from something, but I don't know what. The doctor said something about the machine using sound, but I don't hear anything. Maybe he can and that's what he is trying to get away from?

The others are trying to get away from him, it's like they are scared of him. But why would they be, he is still the same Dante that we hang out with everyday, isn't he? Even Mrs. Yoshida looks afraid of him right now.

Why would they be afraid of him? It's not like he is going to attack us, we've known him for years and never once has he been hostile with us. They probably just think he looks scary.

"Doctor, shouldn't we stop the test, it's clearly hurting him." I needed to speak up, his pristine white fur is getting dirty from the blood coming from his ear.

"Yes, it appears the machine has pieced together what his quirk can do, but we will have to keep him in the containment chamber until he returns to normal." Dr. Takahashi pushed a button on the computer, and the test stopped.

At first nothing seemed to have changed, but after five minutes Dante finally calmed down. He started changing back into the white haired boy that we all knew. It seemed he was exhausted, he was panting hard and could be seen sweating profusely all over his body.

When the glass tube was raised, no one moved. They were all too frightened that he would turn into that monster again. I ran towards him, why wouldn't I? We're meant to be buddies so I ran to his side and knelt down next to him.

I saw his eyes open, their yellow color charming me instantly. I don't know what came over me but I wrapped my arms around his body and gave him a hug. We were never close and I always see him alone. I wanted to go over to play with him and be his friend but he always looked like he had something on his mind.

His breathing calmed and he began to look around. My arms were still holding his body, but he didn't seem to mind. I heard him take a deep breath and he said something that made me blush instantly.

"You smell nice."


(Dante POV)

Finally, that damn sound has stopped. I just need to wait for my other half to calm down then I can take control again. Hopefully I can be allowed to leave the room when the others are doing their quirk examinations.

Its been about five minutes since the start of the transformation, so I should have around five more minutes before I transform back into a human. Until then I just need to wait until I calm down.

'Human, why did you call me?'

What the heck was that? Why am I hearing the voice of a child? It doesn't sound like my voice or any voice that I know, yet it feels like it has always been in my head.

'Answer me human! Why do you make me suffer?!'

The same voice is calling out to me again. I should probably answer it to not make it more angry.

'Who are you? What are you doing in my head?'

'I am your other half, the superior, the Alpha Wolf.'

'So, you're the werewolf?'

'If that's what you call your predatory side then yes, I am the werewolf. Now answer me, why did you call me?'

'I'm sorry, the pain that the machine caused me made me activate my full transformation and called you. I didn't mean to put you through that torture.'


'I know, I'm sorry. I promise that it won't happen again.'

'You are lucky you are only a pup, but if you call me and it isn't an emergency then I will not hesitate to attack anyone and everyone near you.'

A thought popped into Dante's head as he listened to what his other half said.

'Does that mean that you take control of the body when I do a full transformation?'

'Yes, you take the backseat and I gain full control of the body. I allow you to view what happens through my eyes when I am in control, and I am capable of seeing what you see when you are in control.'

'You allow me to see? Does that mean you can forcefully cut off my vision when you're in control?'

'Yes, so if I want to go on a rampage then I am going to go on a rampage.'

'I would appreciate if you didn't do that. I'm sure that we can come to an arrangement on how we can both benefit from our symbiosis.'

'We can discuss the details at a later date, right now you have a girl trying to mate with you.'


I opened my eyes and covering my eyes was a field of black. I thought that I hadn't actually opened my eyes, but when I moved my head I was able to see the other kids and their terrified faces. I couldn't see my partner, then it hit me. Mia has black hair, the darkest black I had ever seen, and that was what was covering my visions.

The smell of a pot roast hit my nostrils, and I couldn't help but take a deep breath in. The smell hit me hard, so hard I almost licked my lips.

"You smell nice."

Mia pulled back when I said that, and she seemed flushed. I'm not sure if I made her embarrassed or she just wasn't expecting someone to compliment her, even though I meant it in a different way than I bet she is thinking.


"So, I guess my quirk isn't as bad as I thought it was."

I stood up and pulled the cables off of my body, I don't know how they didn't get torn off when I turned. Must be really sticky I guess.

Dr. Takahashi called me over to talk about the details of my quirk. There were a few things that the machine didn't find out about my quirk such as the alter ego I have and my turning on the full moon, but it did say that I couldn't digest many other foods.

When Dr. Takahashi mentioned that, I gave Mrs. Yoshida a 'told you so look' which she pretended not to notice. I just hope that they will finally listen and give me more meat.

The machine had discovered that I have the ability to temporarily change parts of my body into that of a beast, giving me enhanced strength, stamina, reflexes, and agility. It didn't say that I could do a full transformation, but from what just happened I don't think people will question if I do.

Dr. Takahashi needed to do one last thing before I would be able to go back to the orphanage and begin my training and escape plan.

"So Dante, what would you like to name your quirk?"


"An excellent choice, I will register your quirk into the national database. After that I will continue with the other children." I walked back to the others as Dr. Takahashi typed a few things on the computer. The other children seeing me walk towards them started moving away, as if I was Moses parting the red sea.

The only person who didn't move away from me was Mia, who was now at my side with a beaming smile as if she was the one who had my quirk.

"Now, who would like to have their quirk assessed next?" Dr. Takahashi asked the rest of the kids, but no one seems eager at the moment. Eventually Mia stepped forward to get her quirk assessed.

I'm not surprised, she was the only person, besides Dr. Takahashi, to not be affected by my monstrous quirk. Honestly, that fact alone worries me a little, she is four years old after all.

"Excuse me, can I leave the room while the rest of the kids have their quirks assessed?" I never want to hear something like that again, especially after hearing it once before.

"Ah, yes, how inconsiderate of me. I will call for another doctor to take you to the cafeteria where you can have your lunch. Mrs. Yoshida will come get you once the others have all been assessed." Dr. Takahashi pushed a button on the computer and a few moments later the door to the room opened and in walked a female doctor.

"Yes, how may I help you Dr. Takahashi?" The brunette doctor pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Dr. Watanabe, can you please take Mr. Dante to the cafeteria for an early lunch. He has sensitive hearing because of his quirk and the machine could damage his hearing." Dr. Takahashi gave Dr. Watanabe his instructions.

"Of course doctor. Which one of you children is Dante?" She turned to face us and called for me. The kids made way for me as I walked forward. I could see a surprised face on Dr. Watanabe, but I couldn't care less. If they saw me as a king or demon lord right now then so be it, it's not like I'll see any of them later.

"Shall we leave doctor?" I motioned for Dr. Watanabe to lead the way, waking her up from her stupor. She began walking but not without eyeing me up and down first.

"This way, Mr. Dante." She led me out the door and down one of the many hallways of this hospital. "What is your quirk, kid? It can't just be improved smell for the other kids to treat you like a plague."

"I have a transformation quirk that allows me to take on the abilities of a human-wolf hybrid. I call it <Werewolf>." No point hiding my quirk, the hospital has already recorded my quirk in their database so I can't hide it at all.

"Impressive, you could do wonders as a hero when you grow up. Though you would probably need to reconcile with your friends eventually for that to happen." I see what she's trying to do, make me apologize for something that I had no control over and their own weakness.

They were scared because I was so strong and they were weak, why should I apologize for that.