
MHA: Werewolf in the academy

After Dante Spain died, he met the God of Reincarnation. Dante was told that he would reincarnate into a world at random and gain a power never seen there before. Born in a world where 80% of the population is born with a strange power, known as quirks, Dante must try to survive in his new reality with the threat of Heroes and Villains around every corner.

sonicpanda1_2507 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The Opportunity

'So, that's what being hit by a truck feels like. Can't say I enjoy that feeling.' A floating, shining orb spoke to itself as it woke up. There were no sounds coming from this orb, only changes in brightness were seen as it spoke to itself.

'Guess I should get up now, who knows how long I've been out.' The orb tried to open its eyes to see something, only to realise it didn't have any eyes. It tried moving its body only to once again find out that it couldn't move any of its limbs.

'Why can't I do anything? HELP, SOMEONE HELP!' The changing in brightness got brighter and brighter as the orb screamed for help.

"Calm down would you, It's too early to start yelling like that." A loud and domineering voice spoke in a weary tone. "Let me get a coffee and then I can help you."

At the sound of another person, the orb tried searching for the source but couldn't find it anywhere.

'Where are you? I can't see, move or do anything! Please, help me!' The orb shone its brightest as it, once again, called for help.

"I said let me get my coffee first. Jeez, souls these days don't know how to act around gods anymore." The voice sounded exhausted, as if it had been interrupted from a very long slumber. "Tell you what, wait for a couple of minutes and don't shout and I will give you something nice when I send you off. Does that sound fair to you?"

The soul shone in affirmation to the strange request of the being who called himself a god. If he could get something out of doing nothing then why wouldn't he take it.

In the distance he could hear something, that reminded him of a coffee maker, being used. He guessed it was by the God he talked to before. A few minutes after the machine finished, the soul heard the noise he could only equate to someone sipping at their coffee.

"Ahhh, that's better. Now I suppose I should do my job." The voice had gotten closer to the soul and the sound of a chair creaking could be heard. "You probably still can't see like that, let's fix that shall we."

With a snap, the soul started morphing, changing shapes and growing what looked like arms and legs. Moments later a fully formed human was in the place of the soul.

"That should make it easier to communicate. Now, tell me your name."

The human turned towards the source of the noise, and in its place was a man in glowing white robes. His face couldn't be seen as an intense shine blocked the view. The human was able to make out a long white beard that reached the knees of the entity.

"My name is Dante Spain sir. I apologise for my previous outburst and panic." Dante bowed towards the God, hoping to not offend it.

"Well Mr. Spain, today is your lucky day. You have been chosen as a soul that shall reincarnate into a random world." The god clapped his hands at the luck Dante had, but to Dante the claps were like earthquakes.

"Well time to send you off to your new world!" With another snap, the two beings were teleported to a room with a large wheel.

The wheel was divided into hundreds of segments, so small that he couldn't read the writing in them.

"Let me explain how this will work, I will spin this wheel and whatever world is chosen will be the world you reincarnate in.

If there happens to be any powers or abilities present in this world, another wheel will be spun to determine what ability you reincarnate with. Are you following everything?"

"I think so. So everything is dependent on luck?" Dante couldn't help but ask his question. He was basically didn't have any say in his choice, so if he was put into an apocalypse he would just die again.

"Yup, and you don't get any do-overs. Now shall we spin the wheel?" Although Dante couldn't see his face, he could tell that the God was excited about what would happen.

"Sure, what other choice do I have anyway?"

"Actually you could reject this reincarnation and go straight to the afterlife, then someone else would be chosen."

Dante was shocked by the realization that he could go straight to the afterlife. He had read a bunch of stories where people don't get any choice in their reincarnation and end up being reincarnated as the child of a weak family, bullied by the strong and suffering everyday.

Now with the choice to accept and potentially suffer the same fate as those protagonists or settle for eternal peace, he couldn't choose without thinking about what could happen in his new life. He could become a noble, a commoner or an orphan who didn't have any family.

After careful deliberation he decided that he would accept the chance to reincarnate. What was the worst thing that could happen to him? He'd be reborn as a monster? If so then he would just need to be strong enough to never worry about death.

"Good choice, let's begin the selection of your new world." With another snap of his fingers, the God caused the wheel to start spinning. It was spinning so fast that all Dante saw was a blur of multiple colours.

After a few moments the wheel slowed down to a halt and one of the segments was flashing, indicating it was the chosen world. The God reached for it and pulled the segment off the wheel, enlarging the text so that they could see what world was chosen.

"It appears that fate has decided to send you to the world of 'My Hero Academia', I am not sure if you've heard of it." After declaring the world, the God was expecting a response along the lines of excitement or confusion, but what he got was something he hadn't expected.

'Shit, depending on what quirk I get I could be labelled as a villain from the day it manifests.' Dante was pondering what he should do if his quirk was deemed as evil, and he was outcast from society because of it.

"If you are planning on backing out, I'm afraid that since the world is chosen, there is no way for you to go to the afterlife, except dying in this new world." The God, seeing that Dante was pondering something, decided to inform him that there were no other options now.

"Don't worry I wasn't thinking of turning back, I actually like the world that I was given, but depending on what my quirk is I have to think of ways to survive." Dante explained his silence and lack of reaction.

"I see, but we have not even chosen your ability and you are already making plans for the future. Truly meticulous." The God admired people like Dante, who planned out every move to be as efficient as possible.

"Speaking of abilities, lets see what fate has in store for you." The God clapped his hands and the two were teleported to another room with a new wheel. This wheel had segments numbering in the thousands. One final snap from the God caused the wheel to begin spinning.

As the wheel slowed, Dante began praying for a good ability, one that wouldn't cause society to label him a villain. The wheel came to a halt and the chosen segment glowed, allowing the God to pick it out from the thousands.

Grabbing it, the God enlarged it and one word appeared on the segment.

"Werewolf. An interesting ability and one that will have to be altered if you don't want to die right away." The God closed his eyes (unbeknownst to Dante) to ponder how to change the ability to suit the world of superheroes and supervillains.

Dante was also pondering. Pondering how he could survive when he would constantly turn into a raging monster on the night of the full moon.

"Okay, I believe that I have come up with a way to allow you to be a werewolf in your new world. Right away, you will only be able to turn a few other people into a werewolf. Yours is a unique gift that no one has had before, and only your chosen few will be able to share it with you."

Dante was aware that in some of the stories he had read, werewolves were capable of turning others by way of a bite. They didn't usually have a limit but he was glad he did. There was one problem that he could think of but he would ask that later.

"Next, you will have the regeneration of a werewolf, as well as the boost in all of your bodily functions, including strength, reflexes and senses. You'll be able to smell your prey from over 100 meters away with ease and see twice that distance."

Dante couldn't help but be giddy, it was like having multiple quirks with only this one. But with all of these good things, there of course has to be some downsides to his abilities.

"I am still going to make you turn every full moon. In this turned state you will lose as rationality and attack anything in sight, but you will regain your sense if you either make it through the night or run out of physical energy."

Of course, he wouldn't be a werewolf if he didn't turn on the full moon so there was no surprise there. The part that shocked him the most was that he would lose ALL rationality. He would basically become a bloodthirsty killing machine that won't stop until the morning.

"Finally, you will be restricted with what you can eat. Your diet will consist of mostly meat with a few exceptions that you have to find out on your own. You will be able to know if you can't eat it by throwing up the piece of food and suffering from extreme pain."

With this restrictive diet, there wouldn't be a lot of problems. As long as he was able to eat things that filled out the rest of his body's requirements then he didn't mind suffering through only eating meat.

"Are there any questions about your new powers?"

"A few, will I be able to do a partial turn where I change only a part of my body?"

"Yes, that will be possible. Your body part will gain the power of your full transformation, but it will cost more energy than just doing a full change."

"Cool, next when you say I will be able to change someone, how would I be able to do that? If I am in a fight I don't want to accidentally bite someone and change them into a werewolf."

"When you bite someone, you will have a feeling in the back of your head. If you follow that feeling then you will eventually gain the ability to turn your target, but it will only happen until your pack has reached capacity."

"Good, finally can you add the ability where I do a full transformation without needing the full moon?"

"I can add that, but may I ask why you would want that? You would still lose your rationality if you enter the state and it wouldn't cancel out your full moons transformation."

"In case I get cornered and don't have a way out then having the ability to forcefully become a monster will be helpful. I don't need it for long, ten minutes max."

"I see, well I will allow you to add that to your skill set but you can only use it once a day, I did say that I would give you something." The God wasn't expecting for Dante to ask for a new power added to his quirk, but this solved the problem of what he was going to give him because of his earlier deal.

"I thank you. Now with that I won't need to worry about self protection as much."

"I see, well if that is all then I will send you off to your new life. You will have all the memories from your past life, except those of the people you considered important to you. You will also be given the knowledge of what your quirk will be capable of, but you will not remember me or any of our conversation."

"Yes sir, I thank you for this opportunity." Dante bowed, showing his appreciation to the opportunity he was given by random chance.

With a wave of his hand, the God opened a portal that sucked Dante in and sent him on to his new life. One where he would become either a hero, or a villain.