
MHA : True Power of Telekinesis

A random dude died and got reincarnated into the world of MHA by the name of Izaya Kurogami, his quirk is telekinesis and find out how Izaya uses the true potential of his quirk to become the strongest, but will he become a hero or a villain Author's note:- this story is just my take on showing the limitless potential telekinesis have, I think MHA has not used the true potential of telekinesis in MHA world this ability is rarely used and is very weak, the MC will be OP, he will train and became OP, MC will use his previous life's knowledge to increase his powers, so please enjoy this fanfic Also I do not own My hero academia or any of it's characters

Omega200 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Villain hunt

<general POV>

In this society the heroes are everything, they are celebrities, sportsmen some are politicians and some are even worshiped by people like gods one example would be all might but above all else, the heroes are the defenders of justice or that's what people believe

before the emergence of quirks the police were known as the defenders of justice, but today they are being overshadowed by the heroes

it's not like the police of this day don't work and just slack off but it's just that the public want heroes fighting villains using their flashy quirks that they forgot about the contribution the police made

the police forces main job is to collect information about the villans and create a strategy to capture the villain without harming any civilians or property

one of those police officers are detective reiko, he is a kind and charming detective respected by everyone in his department, his main job is to gather information about villans and he is good at it but just like everything else not everyone in the police department is the defenders of justice

detective reiko has a dark side too or his true side which he keeps hidden from his colleagues, technically he is a middle-aged kind, and charming man whom everyone respect but that's just a mask he put, his true side makes his kindness feels like a lie

detective reiko is an informant for the villans who serve the boogeyman of the underworld all for one, there are some villains who dare to cross the infamous symbol of evil but reiko just set the heroes up and capture the villans so all for one's identity won't be revealed

and the villains who serve all for one don't bother in the area of detective reiko, he also finds info one people with useful quirks around japan through the police database and give it to all for one so that he could kidnap them to make nomus, but him despite being a police officer working for villans is not the most disgusting thing about him, not by a long shot

detective reiko is actually a ra*ist, he captures girls and after doing what he needs to he feed them to the pigs on his farm

once people knew that they can do whatever they want and get away with they don't bother with the morals of the world, they will do whatever they want just because they can

he chose the wrong path and killed many innocent girls just to make himself feel powerful

reiko had always thought that he could do anything and get away with it cause he is being backed by all for one but one night when he was going to an abandoned building his delusion shattered, the day when someone covered in pitch black clothing and mask with glowing red-eye showed up

<Izaya POV>

well I am currently dressed in black pants, shoes, and a hood with a black mast covering my face and the only thing that is exposed is my red eyes, I am emitting light from my eyes to make my eyes glow so that I could look intimidating

I have researched about the place I am going to procure the test subjects, my main target is a piece of trash called reiko who is a police officer, his quirk is called enhanced hearing which allows him to hear things from afar

he is meeting up with five different villans, the villans also don't have combat type quirks except for one who has strength enhancement

soon reiko entered the room and the villains came as well, they were about to start their meeting when all the windows and doors got shut

"Hey what's going on" one of the villains said

"The door won't open" another one said

of course, that's my doing, but before they could speak a black swirl with red lights got created in the middle of the room, I have actually created some lighting effects on my warp gate

well I walked out from the warp gate and stood in the middle of the room, I released a very low telekinetic wave which made the lights flicker in the room, and due to that everyone noticed my glowing red eyes

I stood in the middle for few seconds with my intimidated appearance when one of the villans asked me

"who the heck are you"

"I didn't give you lab rats permission to speak" I said with a cold voice

"why you" the combat type villain got enraged and activated his quirk ready to attack me

well people lose their reasoning skills when faced with something they can't win against and charge blindly, onoki charged at madara in the 4th great ninja war despite knowing what madara is capable of

anyway back to MHA, the villain launched his enhanced fist at me but before it could hit me it got destroyed, his whole arm got blasted spilling blood everywhere on the floor


"what the"

the villans shouted

"I don't need you guys in perfect condition, all I need is you all to be alive" I said

besides, I could regrow their limbs with my biokinesis in no time

"what do you want.....do you think you will get away with this" reiko said

"do you think all for one will avenge you or are you threatening me who have your life in my hand right now" I said

"i-if...you know about all for one then why..."

"do you think I would be afraid of a mere faceless quirk thief, there are many quirks more powerful than what all for one have but that arrogant bastard won't accept the reality," I said

well that's true, one quirk is of eri's the other one is aizawa's

"anyway I need you to sleep for now" I said before knocking reiko unconscious

I did the same with the rest of the villans and warped them to a safe house I have prepared beforehand

so I have an idea, should I make the MC's quirk a sentient one like dark shadow which will try to take over the body of MC or maybe a split personality

also please give a villain name for MC

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