
MHA : True Power of Telekinesis

A random dude died and got reincarnated into the world of MHA by the name of Izaya Kurogami, his quirk is telekinesis and find out how Izaya uses the true potential of his quirk to become the strongest, but will he become a hero or a villain Author's note:- this story is just my take on showing the limitless potential telekinesis have, I think MHA has not used the true potential of telekinesis in MHA world this ability is rarely used and is very weak, the MC will be OP, he will train and became OP, MC will use his previous life's knowledge to increase his powers, so please enjoy this fanfic Also I do not own My hero academia or any of it's characters

Omega200 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs


AN:- This chapter is just a chapter of MC torturing the villains in the most brutal way, this chapter contains depictions of extreme gore scenes so if you don't want to skip this chapter you can because it doesn't have a big influence on the overall story and for those readers who are going to skip this chapter I am going to upload another chapter for you today.


"w-where am I"

Reiko slowly opened his eyes not remembering where he is, long story short I warped him to his own safe house, this is a farm-house that belonged to a couple who were killed by a villain

the truth is this farm-house is located in a very rural area where not many villans or heroes operate so this would make a better base for the kind of villains who planned everything from the shadows such as all for one so reiko killed the couple and feed them to the pigs in this farmhouse and this is where he disposes his other victims as well

".....who are you"

reiko asked me while being chained to the pillar of his own farm, I brought reiko here with the place where the pigs are while the other villains are in the other room, I created a barrier around the whole house so that no sound could escape this place

"hey are you listening to me" reiko said

looks like he has some guts to be able to speak so boldly

"let me guess, you are gonna threaten me next that all for one will avenge you" I said


well your surprised expression gave me the answers I needed

"if you know about all for one then why are you targeting me"

so he thinks I should be afraid of him, well even if I told him that I could rip all for one apart from inside without blinking then he won't believe me anyway, I mean would anyone believe that a middle school kid could defeat all might in his prime

just as he is the symbol of peace all for one is the symbol of evil so telling him about my power would be pointless but I want to break his will

if I will kill him now then he would die thinking that all for one will avenge him and I don't want him to die like that, not after what he has done to those girls, so I need to act like I am a subordinate of all for one

"I targeted you because all for one ordered to do so" I said


"But I am also a subordinate of all for one" he said

"But you are of no use to him" I said

"But why"

"simple, if you are not useful then it's better to dispose of you rather than letting you live, cause if you are to live then you could leak info about us" I said


he still can't accept reality huh, well he did thought he is very important for a long time though

"ever heard of kurogiri" I asked

"you mean the portal guy" he said

"exactly, have you ever seen his face"

"no, but why-"

"that's what I am saying, have you ever saw the face of all for one"

"where are you getting at" he asked

this idiot, how the fuck did he became a police officer

"There are some people who no one have ever seen but they know that they exist and those are the really important people for the league of villains while people like you are simply pawns meant to be disposed of when the work is done"

when I said that reiko's eyes widened in surprise, his reality of being all-powerful crumbled, right now he knew he would die but not that easy

"Please, please let me go, I won't sell out all for one or the league, just let me leave" he begged

"I think your victims said the same things" I said

in reality, I don't want to affiliate with the league or all for one I just wanted to crush the fake sense of security this bastard had and it did the work now time to begin your punishment

"no please"

Reiko continued to beg but I simply unchained him and lifted above by using my telekinesis and brought him above the area where the pigs are

"no, not that" he said

"you should have the taste of your own medicine," I said and lowered his body for the hungry pigs below him to eat


his screams resonated throughout the farmhouse but the barrier stopped it, the pigs ate his legs, and soon the bones of his legs became visible

normally I would have pucked at this scene but I am keeping my mind calm by using [biokinesis], also I made sure Reiko won't pass out from the pain so I used some telepathy and stopped the excessive blood flow by telekinesis so that he won't die from blood loss

well now it's getting to the good part, after the legs were finished it's time for his balls, man the pigs are merciless they tore and ate every last bit of it while the screams of reiko increased even more if he keeps screaming like that then soon he would cough up blood as well but I don't care

well since the balls are finished I can't let them eat his vital now, so I tilted his body horizontally and lowered his right arm for the pigs to munch on and so they did, due to me using telepathy reiko's pain never disappeared and he screamed even more

soon the torture got finished and I brought his body back to where he was chained before, his both arms and legs are got eaten while his stomach has some bite marks, his eyes are red while blood is dripping from his mouth from screaming too much

his eyes looked dead, looks like he is mentally broken now, well nothing that some telepathy can't solve

so I went towards him and touched his head and used [biokinesis], I gathered the energy in the surroundings and transferred it into his body replicating the cells in his body to regrow lost limbs and the blood cells, I also gave him some calories and nutrients so that he won't feel hungry and finally some telepathy to heal his mental condition

I made sure that he would remember the pain of the torture I put him through but his broken mind is healed now

"what...how did you-"

reiko tried to ask something but I cut him off

"you don't need to know"

"then why did you heal me, I thought you wanted to kill me" he said

"didn't you wanted to live" I said giving him hope

"Are you saying you would let me go" he said with hope in this eyes

after hearing that I just gave him the warmest smile I could muster

"Thank y-" he tried to say but I once again cut him off and said

"of course not"

well this did the trick, his eyes once again widened in fear as he once again remembered the torture I put him through

"then why..."

"Why did I heal you" I said completing his sentence

after hearing me he just nodded

"do you remember how many girls have you killed" I asked

he hesitated for a bit then shook his head

"36, that's the number of girls that you fed to the pigs so it's only fair for me to give you the same treatment"

"you mean..."

"I will feed you to the pigs and then heal you and then feed them again for 36 times"

"no please, please kill me, I don't want to go through that torture" he begged

"I won't kill but I will grant your other wish" I said

he then looked up with teary eyes

"instead of feeding you to the pigs I will put you through another torture" I said


"so you have two options for the type of torture you would prefer, first get fed to pigs or take a heated metal rod in your asshole" I said

once again I could see the clear hint of fear in his eyes, his victims must have been terrified of him in the same way now it's time you get the same treatment

"no please"

"pick one or I will do both tortures on you" I said

well he begged some more but I just warned him to pick one and so he got silent

"times up, I'll ask you again if you have no answer then you will have to endure both" I said

"i-i'll pick the pig torture" he said

after hearing this I grinned and said

"the burning rod it is then"

"wait, but you said-"

"I don't recall saying something" I said

"no, no, no, please"

once again he started begging but I just stuffed his mouth with the hay kept their for the pigs, I then tied him up to the pillar again and used some metal chains to morph them into an iron rod and used pyrokinesis to light a fire at the corner of the house and dropped one end of the rod in the fire

"well, I will come back after taking care of the other villans," I said to him and left the room while Reiko simply looked at the rod with fear in his eyes clearly visible

I know I picked up the Iron rod method from redo of a healer but I just needed an extreme torture method

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