

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

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Chapter 43 - Sports Festival Arc I

With Tomura and Kurogiri disappearing, the invasion was effectively over. This invasion left much in its wake. The hundreds of villains who had attacked the USJ were at the top of the list. Shortly after the arrival of the Tenya and U.A. personnel, the police also arrived at the crime scene. With the arrival of the U.A. personnel, All Might went to the recovery girl. He didn't have time to keep in shape. "Nezu, we secured USJ and captured 108 villains. Did the security system find any villains on campus?" asked Naomasa Tsukauchi. Naomasa Tsukauchi was the detective assigned by the police force for this attack.

He was also an old friend of All Might. "The system didn't find any villains, Naomasa!" said Nezu with his usual smile. "Still, just to be safe, we'd like to search the campus. I was hoping for your cooperation on this," said Naomasa. "Of course, detective. The doors of the U.A. are always open to you. Please be our guest!" said Nezu in his jovial way. "Sansa, search the entire campus, and if you find any traces, I want to know immediately!" ordered Noamasa. Sansa was an officer with the Quirk of the Cat mutation.

Sansa shook her head and ordered the men. "You can send the students home. The interrogation process of the villains will take a long time, we can reach the students later if necessary," Noamasa said to Nezu. "Thank you, Detective, it's been a hard day for them," Nezu said over Vlad King's shoulder. Meanwhile, the students of class 1-A were talking among themselves. "Dude, these guys weren't that strong. They were more like street punks than villains," said Kirishima. "There were very few of them with power, the darkness in me overcame theirs," said Fumikage Tokoyami.

"I wonder how Deku is. He's hurt himself again," said Ochaco as she tapped her fingers together. "Deku will be fine, Uraraka-san! By the way, I have to thank you for encouraging me, I was able to run to the teachers quickly!" said Tenya, shouting as usual. Meanwhile, Ikiru, Momo and Jiro were sitting on the benches, talking among themselves. "Do you think Aizawa-sensei will be all right?" asked Jiro. "I'm sure he'll be fine, but the damage from that attack was too much. He'll probably develop an injury," Ikiru said, and Momo nodded in agreement. Shoto Todoroki was listening to their conversation from the sidelines. He was frowning, thinking about what he had seen in the centre.

His father pushed him to his limits when he was young. As much as he hated it, it made him very strong. So he didn't expect to see anyone in the U.A. who could come close to his strength. But what he saw today made him realise how wrong he was. He had seen a monster created to kill All Might, a monster that could fight him head-on, neutralised by Ikiru. Who was All Might? He was a symbol of peace. And a fifteen-year-old boy was stronger than him? Shoto wouldn't have believed it for a moment if he heard it from someone else. But he had witnessed it with his own eyes. He snapped out of his thoughts, lifted his head, and looked at Ikiru. He had identified his opponent, he was going to beat him no matter what, at least that's what he thought.

Soon after, Nezu informed everyone that they could all go home, and that school was cancelled for two days. The students then changed into the locker rooms and returned to class to get their things. When Ikiru returned to the mansion, he was alone. Momo had returned to her mansion to calm Mayumi down because of the attack. "I'm fine Mika, not a single hair was damaged," Ikiru said, rolling his eyes. Mikasa had been examining and probing every part of him since he had entered the mansion. Ikiru thought it was an excuse to touch him.

"During the attack, I observed that there was a signal jamming around the U.S.J. building. Later, I was able to hack into the attackers' phones and get some information. But first, I want to know your conclusions," Levi said as he handed Ikiru cocoa milk. Ikiru was addicted to cocoa milk. "There was an attacker with a signal jamming Quirk. He was neutralised by Momo. The leaders of the attack were Tomura Shigaraki, and a man named Kurogiri, who had the teleportation Quirk I mentioned earlier. This Kurogiri is alive, but he's also not. He's like an organic robot, made by combining the corpses of several people. I also learnt that he has multiple Quirks, and how he got them. The target of the attack, as we guessed, was All Might. They wanted to kill him, and the tool they brought for that was a corpse with several Quirks," Ikiru said, savouring his cocoa milk.

"It's obvious where the Garaki got the bodies. The problem is how they were able to keep more than one Quirk in one body," Levi said. "I'm surprised about that, too. As you know, Quirks connect with the person they belong to, just as they change their personality. What Garaki accomplished was to unify the structure of the Quirks. This results in the loss of mental abilities in bodies with multiple Quirks. I don't know how he did it, but what he used to fuse the Quirks was psychic power. But I don't think he did it on purpose, he must have found a method accidentally during the experiments. And he saw it as the key to uniting the Quirk. Because the Kurogiri were a little more subtle, but the two corpses had Quirks that were combined in very crude ways," Ikiru said.

His words had come as a surprise to Mikasa and Levi. Levi had checked all the databanks he could infiltrate, looking for Quirk similar to Ikiru's Quirk. The result, surprisingly, was that Ikiru was unique. It should have been known that even the New Order had similar Quirks. Since a reality-affecting Quirk could have a similar one, Ikiru's psychic power Quirk should have one as well. At least in theory, but the fact could not be denied. No one known had a Quirk similar to psychic power. This made the truth of Ikiru's words all the more striking.

"Are you sure that psychic power was used to combine the personalities of the Quirks? Doesn't that mean you could do it if you wanted to?" asked Levi. "Not personalities, souls. I don't know how, but I think that when you take someone's Quirk away from them, the Quirk you take takes a piece of the original owner's soul. This causes a mismatch of souls during the process of giving multiple Quirks to one person. As a result, the merger fails. Before, I thought it was the personality that the Quirk carried, but after scanning Nomu and Kurogiri, I realised that it was the soul that the Quirk carried. Of course, I can do it better than they can, but first, you need to develop a method to take the Quirk from them," Ikiru said as he took the last sip of his milk.

"Doesn't that mean that Quirk merges with the soul?" asked Levi, the subject of the soul was beyond his knowledge. No matter how much research or experimentation he had done, he had not been able to identify the concept of a soul. This left him in question when it came to the soul. Fortunately, he knew the only person in the world who could answer him. "No, there is no such thing. The Quirk's effect on the soul must have occurred during the exorcism. I've observed hundreds of different people more than once, and apart from Quirk owners having personality problems due to their Quirk, I've never seen anyone other than myself whose Quirk has an effect on their soul. In theory, I should be the only person whose Quirk Factor has a soul. But since the Quirk seems to interact with the soul during the extraction and merging process, I don't think Garaki knows what he's doing," Ikiru said, giving them a moment to absorb his words.

"I've watched hundreds of people's souls fade as they die, and very rarely have I witnessed a few people's souls turn into cursed souls. Without knowing whether Garaki takes Quirks from people using the AFO's Quirk or some other method, I can't say exactly how he performs the merging process. Because, if he transfers the Quirks without killing the person he chooses, soul fusion is impossible. But if he transfers the Quirk during the brain death of the subject's body, the possibility of soul fusion is not impossible. A person's soul leaves the body during brain death, which opens up the possibility of becoming a cursed spirit. I have already told you that cursed spirits can take over any organic structure. This is very rare because they are stronger in spirit form." Ikiru paused again as Mikasa looked at him in confusion.

Levi was absorbing all the information Ikiru was giving him like a sponge and using it in his calculations. "If Garaki is doing brain death and Quirk transfer at the same time, it could cause the cursed spirit to enter the body with hunger and greed for powerful body possession. But that increases the likelihood of the process failing without outside interference. Because in my examination of the Kurogiri, and Nomu, I found that they were not controlled by the cursed spirit, but had merged spirits, which disproves the logic of merging with the cursed spirit eating the souls in the body, that is, at that moment, there must be a means of suppressing the cursed spirit, preventing it from eating the souls in the Quirk, and forcing it to merge with them. Thus, the spirit is freed from its curse and becomes an abomination made up of different spirits," Ikiru said.

"What you say is too much speculation. I'll do some research on the subject and we'll have to talk about it again later," Levi said. At that time, a different meeting was being held at U.A. It was already dark and the searches on campus were over.

We have moved on to another Arc I hope you enjoy reading it. POOOOWWWWEEEEEEEEEEERRRR

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