
MHA: The Water Swordsman

Giyu Tomioka, The Blade Hero: Tempest ———————————— I wonder if I would ever notice water, had I been born in the oceans with fins for limbs. I suppose then it would have been my air and I would have moved within it more easily than a bird in the sky. As it is, I would love to dive within those salty formless arms and feel the freedom it gives, transparent and blue, soft and strong. ——————————————— I apologise if the events aren’t accurate time wise, if I say a specific number of days but that isn’t actually the case, just know that events will all still be in order ——————————————— Just Giyu Tomioka in MHA what’s else? I hope you enjoy this, the MC won’t be apart of UA class 1-A, he’s gonna be a hero. He will be 21, 22 as of chapter 14 onwards, and yeah, there may be flash backs ——————————————— If after reading this and still want to see some r-18 let me know and I might find a way to have some ——————————————— I’m gonna use some famous quotes and speeches as well so let’s see if you can spot them! ——————————————— Disclaimer: Everything I use in this fanfic belongs to their respective owners

NotSoBigShlong · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

There Are Friends, There Are Family, And There Are Friends That Become Family

When I'd run, when my soles felt the earth and gained their rhythm, my thoughts became lyrics - my original track had the chance to play for its audience of one

Once you get in the zone, running is a form of whole-body meditation. Your thoughts can go places they couldn't before. It is one of the many keys available to unlock the imagination

I had been running at full speed for about 9 minutes and looking at my navigations, I still have another 20 KM to travel. I don't know either it is the urgency I felt or the fact that I have recently gotten better lung capacity, but I am still moving as fast as I can and I can feel myself speeding up even more

(If you're wondering that would mean that right now Giyu is moving at 265.5 KM/H. He can't do this straight away. There is a thing called acceleration. So if you want him to instantly get to places in short-range it won't be as fast, but still, be extremely fast around 140 ish)

I pass another city, rushing past it, jumping over the buildings as I continue to rush towards where Sabito is being held. Heroes down on the streets are evacuating all of the citizens

"What did you say is heading our way?" I heard a hero ask one of his friends

"Some huge monster? It's rushing through the cities and is heading towards our main operation?!" Another shouted out loud

I jump away as the heroes began to become nervous as loud crashes begin to go off around us. I had a feeling about what is going on but to fully understand what was happening I will have to-

"Master! I can smell master!" Gigantomachia shouted out desperately as he appeared in front of me from the trees

With a heavy grunt, I landed on top of him, getting to my feet ready to jump off of him to continue moving ahead

"Huh? Silent?" I heard the voice of Mr Compress say behind me

I pause for a moment before I turn and look towards him, or more accurately, 'them'. The entirety of the League minus Twice and Shigaraki is here

I sign to him: 'Hey. What's happening?'

In response, he signs: 'We're heading over to Shigaraki right now. He's having some trouble with those heroes'

"Stop doing those annoying hand signs and just talk to us will ya?" Dabi asked with a smirk as he looked at me

I just stood and watched him, reaching my hand behind my back to clutch onto a makeshift blade, not liking where this guy is heading

"What do you mean, Dabi? He can't talk," Mr Compress defends me

Dabi laughs slight and says, "You have no idea Compress," after he said this he pointed over to the side, "This guy would beg to differ,"

I look over confused and I see a defiled and bloodied figure 'The Second Mongoose' struggling to stay awake, "I'm sorry, Silent, he threatened…to attack you…and your frie-" Dabi cut him off by stamp in ton his head

I grip my fist tightly around the blade that was strapped around my back, as I looked back up at Dabi

"Do you wanna talk now?" Dabi asked

"It depends," I started, everyone here being surprised at me talking, "On what you want me to talk about,"

Dabi gives a huge grin and says, "There it is. I truly was shocked when I heard the news about it. But hearing you in person is the real cherry on the cake,"

"I feel like I recognise his voice from somewhere?" Toga questions to herself

"Well, you're not wrong there cutie," Dabi begun

I begin to walk away as I say, "I have something I've got to d-" "He's Temp-"

I stop in my tracks as I hear the words that begin to come out of Dabis mouth. Disappearing from my position, I appear in front of him and swing my blade towards his neck. In response, he releases his flames at me, causing me to back away from him, giving us distance once more

"How'd you know then?" I ask him

Leaning against a part of Gigantomachia, he started, "At first I found it strange that a guy with only a months track record was as strong and experienced as you, but in this world, you can never be too sure. I did some digging. I found that you spent most of your time here with this guy," he said, pointing towards Mongoose, "And decided to…'ask him a few questions'. This came to that and that came to this. Everything started to link together slowly but surely. I had my suspicions about who you were. But when I saw your left arm one time, I knew it," He explained

I readied myself to fight them as he said, "I finally figured out who you were, Giyu Tomioka, The Blade Hero: Tempest,"

"Huh?" The people around us voiced

"Silent? Is this true?" Toga asked, her face looked like a child's favourite toy had been taken from them

Taking a few moments, I ready myself as I breathe in, "It is," I said to them

Toga dipped her head down, her fist strongly gripping her knife, "You heroes…why? Why silent, why? Why? Why? Why?!" She screeched, rushing towards me

As she headed towards me, I dodged to the side, sending a string gut punch to her and I continue to stand waiting for the League to make their next move

"You can't stop this Tempest," Dabi said to me

"What? The charge of Gigantomachia? That was never my job, why should I stop him anyway?" I said to him

"Ahhhh! My child! Someone help!" A civilian said from below is as we charged through a city

"Backup! Is there any backup?!" A hero shouted

"Even Mt Lady and the top tier students were only able to hold it back! What do you expect some low tier heroes like us to do?!" Another hero responded in desperation

Ruin continued below as I tried my best to ignore it

"Can you not hear them? The people are there calling out for someone. Anyone. And here you are. Ignoring them…all for what? 'To save a friend'?! Yore ridiculous!" Dabi shouted at me

Anger boiled up in me as I screamed, "You shut your mouth Dabi! I didn't choose this! I didn't want to do this! Don't put the responsibility on me!"

"But it is your responsibility! You're the hero, aren't you?! How do you think the public would feel knowing that you're here right now?! How would this friend that you're trying to protect feel?!" He shouted at me as I listened to his next words in fear and anger, "What was his name again? Sato…Sabo…no…it's Sabito. That's it! Sabito!"

"What? How do you know his name?" I said lowly, my voice shaking slightly

"I did some digging into one of the not so abandoned laboratories that were laying around. I mean seriously, what kind of idiot leaves working software in an abandoned place? That stupid Doctor. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if this Sabito is already dead. The Doctor already sent some people over to where he is earlier, this situation was the perfect time to save him right? That would also be the same to be the perfect time to go and kill as well," he finished

Not wanting to listen to anything else he is saying, I turn around and with all the strength I can muster, I sprint in the direction of Sabito. I take one last look back at them and see a sly grin on the face of Dabi. He must be planning something and I don't like it

I rushed through the streets, running through all of the rubble that had been left behind by Gigantomachia. It was awful. Absolute ruin. Everything that he had come across was destroyed mercilessly

"Someone please help! My mummy is hurt!" I heard a child shout

"Where are the heroes?!" Another screamed

"I'm sorry," I muttered underneath my breath, "But there's someone more important I need to save,"

Whilst running through the city, I had noticed that most heroes are either giving up or are heavily injured. Some had even noticed me, chattering into their comms that I had been spotted

Eventually, I had entered the forest that the underground facility is that holds Sabito

Dropping down from the branch that I had been perched on, I land just behind one member of the Liberation Army, grabbing his neck

"Where is the facility?" I ask him, my grip tightening on him

He struggled to hold up his arm as he pointed in the direction of a small hill

"Appreciated," I tell him, snapping his neck as I grab his collar to keep the noise down from him falling to the ground

This had happened for multiple men. I had just been rushing through, eliminating as many as I can as I made my way through the forest, closing in on the base

As I passed a large tree, I was met with a large metal door hidden in a ditch of the forest grounds. Cocking my fist back, I punched through the door, rushing down the long, dark hallways

"Is the recording equipment re-" I cut off one man by stabbing him through his neck, not bothering to what he was saying

"H-He's he-" I shut another one up by piercing him through his ear into his brain

Searching through the hallways, the dark seemed like a thick covering preventing me from moving forward. Almost as if it warned me not to continue going forth

The light radiating from my helmet was the only sense of direction I was given to traverse these dark halls

After some time, I had cleaned out the Liberation dogs that were still leaking around and I had happened upon a slightly open door. The only thing that made it different from the others was that some light had broken through the small cracks that it had

I pushed the door open further and slowly stepped in. Looking around, I noticed that there was a camera in the corner of the room that pointed to the opposite side of the room. I followed where it pointed and I finally saw him. Sabito. He was even worse than what I had seen on the videos that the 'Doctor' was showing me off him

I neared him slowly, my legs feeling weaker and weaker the more I walked towards him

"Sabito? Is that you?" I asked with my voice shaking as I take off the helmet that covered my face leaving me just in my suit

I saw his head struggle to move as he turned towards me, "Giyu?" He said, "Am I hallucinating now I'm about to die?"

"S-Sabito!" I shouted again rushing towards him

~~~ General POV ~~~

After the announcement that Dabi had made and the information he revealed, there was a major uproar across the nation. People were shocked and scared, worrying about what they are going to do now all of this is happening to the people and the heroes

The country was in peril. Cities were destroyed and their Number One hero was revealed to be an abusive and terrorising man. They had no one to lean-to

Suddenly, once again the broadcasting stations were taken over as the screens displayed a body in a room lying on the floor, blood sprawled across the room

At the far left of the screen, an object moved. A door to be more accurate. Everyone's attention was fixated on it as it opened to reveal the recently famous villain: 'Silent Death'

The people were less scared and more confused. This particular villain hasn't been spotted harming the civilians and people. But most ignore this fact and instantly associate him with an evil man. He is part of the League of Villains; What more is there to say?

"Sabito is that you?" Silent Death asked as he walked towards the body

His next action shocked everyone. Something so unprecedented and shocking that the people didn't know how to react

Silent Death took off his mask. And it was revealed that his real identity was the current hero that was MIA. The one they were waiting to return. The one they believed to be the start of the next generation of heroes alongside Hawks

The newly appointed Number 6, The Blade Hero: Tempest!

Hope you enjoyed reading this

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