
MHA: The Water Swordsman

Giyu Tomioka, The Blade Hero: Tempest ———————————— I wonder if I would ever notice water, had I been born in the oceans with fins for limbs. I suppose then it would have been my air and I would have moved within it more easily than a bird in the sky. As it is, I would love to dive within those salty formless arms and feel the freedom it gives, transparent and blue, soft and strong. ——————————————— I apologise if the events aren’t accurate time wise, if I say a specific number of days but that isn’t actually the case, just know that events will all still be in order ——————————————— Just Giyu Tomioka in MHA what’s else? I hope you enjoy this, the MC won’t be apart of UA class 1-A, he’s gonna be a hero. He will be 21, 22 as of chapter 14 onwards, and yeah, there may be flash backs ——————————————— If after reading this and still want to see some r-18 let me know and I might find a way to have some ——————————————— I’m gonna use some famous quotes and speeches as well so let’s see if you can spot them! ——————————————— Disclaimer: Everything I use in this fanfic belongs to their respective owners

NotSoBigShlong · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Heavy Hearts, Like Heavy Clouds In The Sky, Are Best Relieved By The Letting Of A Little Water

Strong and annoying. Two words to perfectly describe the thing we were fighting. The more I hit him the bigger and stronger he gets. He is way too durable

Quickly grabbing Shigaraki and pulling him out of the way of another punch from this thing, I leap upwards at the same time as it swings a wild punch in my direction. Landing on top of its fist, I roll onto the back of his hand, jumping towards his face as I send a powerful kick towards his eye

Before I was able to follow through with my attack, it sent a huge blast of air knocking us all back. It picked up the trees like they were nothing and disintegrated them in the air. It picked up the machines behind us like they were toys, tossing them down the forests and rivers. Behind it had been cut a huge swathe of destruction, it was no different to setting off bombs in a long line, the devastation was just the same

"Why…Tell me why…?" It began to speak, "Oh lord, whyyy?! Why is he so weeeak?!" It shouted with tears and mucus streaming down its face

"What's up with him?! He doesn't make any sense!!" Spinner shouted as I sprint over to check-in Mr Compress' condition, him giving me a slight thumbs up as I bent down to him

"You seem to be at a loss…Tomura Shigaraki," A voice all too familiar said

"Doctor…" Shigaraki spoke out loud as he turned towards the radio

"Did you say 'Doctor'?! Could it be the 'Doctor' we're looking for?!" Spinner shouted at him

I keep traversing around the terrain, looking for a way to attack this monster…anything to keep myself from hearing that bastard voice

While the thing was crying hysterically, it brought both its fists down in rage. Swiftly grabbing the injured Mr Compress and Twice, I use my acrobatical expertise and slight inspiration from my 'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow' I can safely allow landing to the ground

"I want to accept him! I do! But, All For One I…I just can't!" He shouts, his fingers desperately cleaning at his face as tears stream down

"Why not?!" Shigaraki shouted out

The 'Doctor' then thoroughly explained how this 'Gigantomachia' was very close to All For One as his bodyguard. Most likely he was the first thing they were able to experiment on freely as he hadn't undergone any side effects of his…'experiments'

"Call me crazy, but I'm having a hard time…seeing this as some generous gift," Dabi said sceptically

"Nice insight Dabi! I'd say you're right! Gigantomachia is loyal to a fault. So loyal that…it hurts him to think that Shigaraki doesn't measure up to his old master!" The 'Doctor' told us

"We'd better go all out to show him we're worthy!" Dabi shouted as he sent a large turret of flame towards Gigantomachia

"That won't be enough," The 'Doctor' said as Gigantomachia broke through the flames

"Not very effective Dabi!" Toga shouted as I readied myself for another duel

"Machia," The voice of All For One spoke out

My eyes widened as Gigantomachias movements suddenly jerked sideways, rushing towards the sound of the radio, all of us taken aback in shock at the sudden change in the attitude of Gigantomachia as he knelt towards the radio like a dog

The 'Doctor' told us, "A recording of All For Ones voice…is just to calm things down,"

"We don't want this guy," Shigaraki told him

"Oh, you don't?! He could be quite handy to have in the future!" The 'Doctor' told him as Shigaraki became confused

"Kurogiri has been babying you for too long, open your eyes, boy," He continued as Shigaraki voiced some complaint in response

Suddenly, my mouth was jolted open as an all too familiar black fluid escaped from my mouth. It spread around me, escaping through the fabric of my torso. Everyone was in shock as it became clear that we were being teleported away from the same thing All For One had used

As the effect had ended, my senses began to clear up as I took in our surroundings. It was similar, but not the same. Another laboratory. Nomu lined up in sections submerged in a green liquid. My blood ran cold as my emotions became more and more difficult to control

"Where're we now?" Dabi began taking in our surroundings, "Nomu? But unlike any we've seen before…" he finished

Ho, Ho, Can you tell the difference?! Ho, Ho, Ho, once again you've got a pair-" The words of the 'Doctor' slowly become quieter and quieter like listen to a song through walls as I become lost in my thoughts of this place


The bell rings, symbolising the end of the school day as a voice shots out to me, "Oi! Giyu!"

Without turning, I respond with a smile on my face, "Sabito, how did you get to this class so fast when the bell only just rang?"

"Ah, haha welllll you see…ermm," He struggled to find his words as he scratched the back of his neck

I laughed slightly as I walked up to him, "You skipped class again didn't you?" I held up my hand facing downwards

He gave a defeated face as he trudged towards me, his hand connecting with mine once upwards and the next downwards. We then fist-bumped, followed by hitting our chests and connecting our arms. We finally put our fingers to our lips and gave a high five with the opposite hand as we began walking to the school exit. Our traditional handshake

"Sooo Giyu, you still not missing living with us?" Sabito said as he hit my shoulder with his, shoving me to the side

"No," is said repeating his action, "You've asked the same question every day for over a year now Sabito. If you had the same commitment towards school you'd impress your sister with something other than your swordsmanship," I mocked him

"Oh yeah? Well, at least I'm able to impress my sister. You on the other hand still haven't been able to-" I wack him on the back of the head to shut him up

"You shut up," I told him swinging a low kick to his calf, him easily avoiding it

"Heh, you know Giyu, you'll have to make a move soon. Guys will be flocking towards her soon you know?" He said to me as I looked away, strangely becoming interested in my raisin bread

"If it had to be anyone, I would only approve it to be you, ya know?" He said to me grabbing me into a headlock

"Yeah yeah I know," I told him as we neared the schools gate

"Hey, guys! What are you two talking about?" I heard a girls voice say to us

"Nothing much sis, just…things," Sabito said looking at me with a smirk

I glared at him as I turned to Makomo, "Hey Makomo, just your brother being annoying as usual," I told her with a smile as all three of us set off through our hometown

I have walked these streets my whole life, I know them just the same as if they were etched in my head with a sharp knife, scored in deep like some strange work of art. These are the streets I grew up on and for the most part, I'm calm here, at home, on the down-low with a steady heartbeat

"Hey guys," Sabito suddenly spoke out jumping ahead and turning to us with a mischievous grin, "Let's go to the river," He said pointing over to a hill that covered a forest where the river lay

"I don't know, we might get in trouble brother," Makomo said with a gentle voice

"Yeah…I don't know man," I voiced to him

"Come onnnn, it's gonna be fun! We haven't gone there in so long!" He said somehow even more cheerful than before, "Come on, Grandpa Urokodaki wouldn't want us to laze around doing nothing with ourselves!"

Eventually, Makomo and I gave in to his constant complaining as we ventured out a way to the edge of town. He's always been like this. Dragging me to do things I don't want to be doing getting us in trouble

He always takes the hit though, no matter what, he always takes the brunt of the blame no matter what trouble we get into

"Here, this way," Sabito said in a hushed tone as he jumped over a large metal fence

"Why are you whispering? This place looks abandoned," I said to him, also jumping over the fence

"We should always be careful Giyu, we don't know if we will get caught or not," Makomo said to me as my cheeks began to heat up slightly

I gave a small pathetic laugh as I said, "Yeah sure…I guess, sorry Makomo,"

The forest feels like a song being played in my mind as we traverse our way through. The leaves dance to an unheard beat, whispering their songs to the wind. In here, sheltered by the mighty trees, is every kind of life, from the humble beetle to enchanting birds of every colour

We hear the river clashing against something as we change our direction and head towards it

"Hahaha! Look at that!" Sabito shouted as we came through the clearing

What greeted us was a long downhill and at the end, it was met with a dip that heads into a long stream

"Woohoo!" Sabito shouted as he lay down, pushing himself off as he rolled all the way down

"Sabito wait for u-" I'm unable to finish my words as my foot meets something, sending me into a falling motion

I attempt to steady myself until I feel another weight land on me as I go tumbling down the hill. The laughter of Makomo enters my ears as we both tumble down the hill, unable to stop ourselves as we both end up connecting with the water

Some time passes and we are all sat next to each other until Sabito says, "Hey, I'm gonna go do my business be back in a sec!"

"Dude, we didn't need to hear that," I said as Makomo began to giggle from beside me

We were both left sat next to each other, an awkward atmosphere hovering between us as Sabitos words repeat in my head, 'Guys will be flocking towards her soon you know?'

"Hey, Makomo?" I said to her

"Mhm?" She said turning towards me

I look down at my legs taking in a deep breath as I turn to her, "I like you," we both said at the same time

I'm taken back at what she said as I stare at the huge smile on her face

"O-Oh…Ah! I mean! Good! Good! T-That's good. I'm really glad!" I said with a huge smile when her fingers intertwine with mine

Suddenly, her face begins to flicker between her and the bloody face of Sabito. The once happy and smiling face of the girl I love was replaced with a bloody and empty one of Sabito as I stood in front of him, my blade stuck in his chest

A man behind us had a fear-stricken face as he rushed away, deeper into the alleyways of the city. Around us, the place seems ruined as multiple people lay around us

"S-Sabito? What? Hey! Why…Why are you there?!" I said in desperation as I remain frozen, my hand glued to my sword as it was embedded through his heart

Never before had I noticed how time is so much like water; that it can pass slowly, a drop at a time, even freeze, or rush by in a blink. The clock says it is measured and constant, tick-tock, part of an orderly world; the clock lies. The past three seconds had passed like thousands of separate moments one at a time. In this slow time-bubble, the birdsong was louder, the coldness was colder and colours were brighter. All the while his insides felt as if there was nothing there, nothing to need feeding, nothing to need anything at all.

I hear light footsteps to my side as I turn to see Makomo turning the corner of the building. She looks at us as I just stare at her, my face with an indescribable expression as she gains a horror ridden face

"W-What? Giyu, what are you doing? W-What is this?!" She said, her eyes shaking as her hand covered her mouth

My hands slowly leave my blades to handle as I turn to her, "M-Makomo I don't know, one moment I was fighting this man and the next moment I was-" I stopped my words as I saw her back away from me in fright

"S-Stay away from me. Y-You killed him. You killed Sabito. H-How could you? Y-You we're like a brother to him!" She shouted at me, backing away more and more

"N-No! I wouldn't ever! Trust me!" I screamed at her, only making this situation worse

Her face showed absolute heartbreak and terror as she ripped off the bracelet I had bought her for our relationship, "You monster! So much for being together forever! Y-You! I can't believe you! I hate you!" She screamed even louder as she threw the bracelet rushing off

The bracelet neared me as I reached out my arm to catch it. Just as it landed in my hand, its appearance was swapped with a small metal disc

"Use these to keep in touch with me!" The 'Doctor' said, the device in my hand now identified as something for communication to him

I lifted it to my eyes to study it for a moment, before slotting it into the earpiece of my helmet

"Here we go, Johnny, back to Gigantomachia they go!" The 'Doctor' said as the black fluid began to cover us again

I looked up in his direction, noticing that he was looking right back at me. He gave a late smirk as he held up one finger to his lips before we disappeared back to the construction site

Sorry for the delay, my brain had been fried recently because of IRL reasons.

Hope you understood everything that happened this chapter

NotSoBigShlongcreators' thoughts