
MHA : The New Spider

For New Readers of this Story, this story Already has 1.2 million views, 48 reviews and an average rating of 4.2 stars. I ReUploaded this because WN had some issues. SYNOPSIS : Story of a guy who got reincarnation into MHA world with powers, one of them being of spiderman. Disclaimer : I don't own MHA franchise, all the characters displayed are imaginary. Along with the cover of the story, the picture is download from internet. Warning : This Story will contain Mature themes like [Strong Violence], [Strong Language], [Graphic Violence] & [Strong Sexual Content]

Your_Drug_Supplier · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter-9 : The Result And Acceptance ‘Letter’

It had already been a week since the UA entrence examinations.

The result should be coming anytime now.

It was still first week of march, and there was still a month for the start of the new session, so there was no hurry really.

I completed my morning duties, cleaning the garden, sweeping the hallways, changing the everbrown diapers, and other miscellaneous stuff.

I was currently on my duty to babysit some three four yr old children, though I liked it, sometimes they went more than just overboard. Like now, a bunch of girls were using sticks of chocolates, strawberry and other eatables to do 'some' make-up 'practice' on my handsome face. Like literally, chocolate for lipstick, strawberry for blush, blueberry for eyeshadow, banana paste as foundation.

At one point even I was horrified of my face, suddenly the mail box rang as I saw grandma coming here carrying an envelope in her hands.

She opened the door and looked at me


Then she looked at the girls with their Make-up 'accessories' in their hands.

She made an expression like she understood everything. She put the letter on the table and exited silently, but I swear to god I heard her giggling on her way back.

It was an hour until the make-up session ended and I was finally free for today.

I took the envelope and moved towards my room, thank god that I had my personal room now, otherwise this would have made another rukus around.

I opened the UA seal on the letter as I took out the holographic projector inside, It was truly extravagant to use these things for announcing result, these things weren't exactly cheap, more like on the higher end of entertainment technology, and by the looks of it, it was the latest version with high definition holo projection, about 500 000 yen (4753 USD) for single one. But I think only those who passed got it.

I put the projection disc on the table as it scanned my face and starts a projection.

All Might with his trademark smile looks towards me and said "I am here, but as a projection now"

"The truth is that I didn't come to this city just to fight villains, I am now a UA faculty member, as a teacher now!"

"So, moving on, You had scored full points in the written test, And in the combat test, you scored a whopping amount of 181 Points, but even that is not what to look at" He waved his hands as he said "look at these videos" and a bunch of videos started playing in the air, most of which were of me saving some random participant while I was swinging around and reactions of those whom I saved after the exams.

"Your heroic actions saved many of these from harm, The entrance exam that day was not only graded on defeating villains and villain points. The main task of a hero isn't to defeat the villain, its to save people from the harm first, and that was the heroic spirit that you showed us."

"For those filled with that spirit of helping others, UA also had a way for them to score, Rescue points!!!!"

He said as he pointed towards a screen where my name was written at the top, in front of which were two colums, in first were the villain points [181] and the other was Rescue points [234] which was well above my expectations but was acceptable. If Midoriya could get 60 points saving a falling girl in front of the zero pointer in OG, I ought to have more as pointer in people all accross the ground.

"Yes Kira-shounen!!!, you scored a total of 415 points, which is highest amount scored in history of UA, It even broke my record of 329 points!! Congratulations, You passed and took the first place by a huge margin!!"

The projection ended, I took out the letter of acceptance out of the envelope, and read it.

The letter contained the verification I would need for creating my UA ID which would also serve as entry pass to UA campus, I needed to go to UA for submitting some other documents along with the design for my hero costume.

There was still a week to do this so I kept the letter inside my desk and took the projector in my hands, It was a free piece of good technology, there was no way I was letting it go to waste.

Three more days passed, I decided to go to UA to finish all my other formalities for admission.

I took a train ride till there, It was a 30 minute ride from the nearest station and I reached the gates of UA.

The campus was truly huge, it was like UA was a city in itself, But the amount of security it had was astonishing, there were patrolling guards at every 50 m, each and every corner was retrofitted with high specs hidden cameras, heat sensors and motion sensors were everywhere.

It was impossible for any villain to come inside UA from the front door, well, except a few. But until you had warp quirks, it was nearly impossible to do so for the rest.

I went in to the outer reception and submitted the required documents and papers.

As I was about to leave, a lady in grey suit, her hair tied in a neat bun, with glasses on her eyes and a writing pad in her hands came towards me and said "Mr Sogaru, Principle Nezu would like to have a talk with you" She said while looking directly at my face.

'So, this should be about my other 'quirk' [Symbiot], I was thinking when he would contact me....'

"Yeah, No problem, I was free by the way"

"OK, please follow me"

She turned around and lead me to a small golf cart looking vehicle which took us to the inner campus where classes and laboratories and HQ was located.

I was taken to a building in the center where the mouse like principle was waiting for us.

He analysed me as he smiled and said, "I am principle of UA, you can call me Nezu. I think you may have an idea why I called you here today"

"Yes, You can call me Kira, Is this for what happened at the entrance exam?" I asked

"Yes it is, particularly the part where this red thing surrounded you" He said as a 3-D projection of me in my symbiote mode form appeared in front of me.

"This... Is my second quirk, I call it [symbiot], It lives in my body and I can call it when I need it, It gives me a boost in my overall cpabilities and regeneration, but has a drawback, it drains a lot of my stamina" I said as red colored slime looking thing appeared on my hand, there was no benefit in hiding this, It was pretty clear already in the videos, better use it to develop a healthy relationship.

".... Well, thats quite nice, I am sure that it will help you become a great hero in future. Are you sure that it isn't harmful to you?? Because there are quite the number of cases where symbiotic quirks take over the body control. Please do tell us if any symptoms of that ever occur."

"Well No, except stamina, it doesn't take anything from me, and it doesn't have a conciousness either, so its very safe to use" I said.

"That is nice to hear, the classes are starting in three weeks, please tell us if you find something lacking, Misae, have someone give Kira-kun a tour around the campus" He said as he excused himself, I followed Misae as she then called another lady to show me around the campus.

The campus was really very huge, But what were the odds of my meeting All Might here on my first visit to UA before the start of session??? Close to zero, even then I met All Might, though he was in his skeletal form loitering around the artificial pond.

I even scared him by saying "You seem oddly familiar...." as he dramatically threw up the water he was drinking and almost fell into the pond.