
MHA : The New Spider

For New Readers of this Story, this story Already has 1.2 million views, 48 reviews and an average rating of 4.2 stars. I ReUploaded this because WN had some issues. SYNOPSIS : Story of a guy who got reincarnation into MHA world with powers, one of them being of spiderman. Disclaimer : I don't own MHA franchise, all the characters displayed are imaginary. Along with the cover of the story, the picture is download from internet. Warning : This Story will contain Mature themes like [Strong Violence], [Strong Language], [Graphic Violence] & [Strong Sexual Content]

Your_Drug_Supplier · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter-8 : Home

## MC POV ##

I reached home late after the exams, as soon as I opened the door I was attacked by a group of 3 toddlers.

"DId YoU mEat All Might?!?!???!!!!!"

"DiD Thay Throo RoKs at U?!?!!!"

"U D'feeted billans right??!?!!"

"DEaD yoU fite All MeAt ?!?!??"

Seeing them like this instantly brightened up my mood, I smiled and picked the smallest one and sat him around my neck, and piked the other two in my hands as I said to them "No, I didn't MEET, or FIGHT ALL MIGHT", I looked into the eyes of the green haired one "But I defeated a lot of VILLAINS"

"YEAH!!!!" he said while throwing both his hands into air

" I nuu IT, naow all the Chocolates are mine!!!"

"No fare, I wanted the chocolates!!"

"No I vanted them!!!"

One started pulling my hair while other my ears, "Oww Oww Oww, don't be sad, I'll bring you lots of chocolates tomorrow"




"Did someone say CHOCOLATES???" A yell came from end of corridor, and as if answering to a call, everyone that liked chocolate was now looking at me with hungry eyes.

A nervous smile came to my face as I handed the three of the chipmunks to the nearby senior as I ran with full speed to the nearest candy store and ran back to the nest with bags full of chocolates and sweets in just under 5 minutes.

I just patched same amount of chocolate to everyone's chest with some webs and saved myself from a tragedy of epic proportions with hairs breadth, but even my math failed.

When everybody went back to their rooms, there was still a five year old girl in a pink frock, had a pigtail and held a teddy bear with both her hands looking directly towards me like I had committed some grave sin with her eyes bubbling with tears which were threatening to leave anytime and her throat gurgling.

"NO, Please no Eesha, please not today, I will get you the Super Deluxe Smooth Limited Edition Soft Chocolate, from my secret stash!!!" I said while trying to control her from crying, last time she cried, the playing room needed some serious renovation, it was all due to her quirk [Lion's Roar], Her quirk amplified her voice over many times and she could not control it now.

Making her cry was the last thing anyone in this place wanted, and could land you a heavy punishment of no candies or snacks for a month.

Hearing my words, all her tears dissipated faster than I could blink, A warm smile came to her face as she ran towards me and hugged my leg.

I took her up in my arms, and looked towards her, she moved her head a bit and gave a cute kiss to my cheeks, I smiled and said "Looks like someones bribing me now!"

She just smiled and made happy noises, and yeah, she couldn't speak normally, for now atleast, her quirk made it quite difficult for her to speak normally.

After giving her one bar of my Super Deluxe Smooth Limited Edition Soft Chocolate and leaving her in her room, I walked back to my room.

On my way back, I saw the beautiful moon in the dark sky while its light was illuminating the garden "Seems like this life isn't that bad after all"