
MHA: The Metal Eater

UA High home to many young students and from the outside looks like a normal school but inside it’s far from ordinary as the there students are born with super powers called “quirks” some students can make explosions with the sweat and others can punch with enough force to destroy a massive robot, some students however have more unique quirks such as phasing but for Kinzoku Shōjō his quirk was very different.

ChromiumVoid · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chaos In The Forest And A Rescue Misson

(Secluded Forest Area)

Kinzoku wakes up, and shivers "Damn, Consumer is really in control, but how can her quirk turn into a different person?" Kinzoku hears more noise and clears his head before creating his armour again and rushing off in the direction of the noise.


He meets up with Shoto, Bakugo, Mezo and Tokayami, only to see Dark Shadow completely out of control, after a brief wait for Dark Shadow to beat Moonfish they manage to get Dark Shadow back under control and Tokayami thanks them. Izuku speaks up "We need to protect Bakugo, the villains are after him. We need to get him and ourselves back to camp" Bakugo growls "I don't need protection!" Kinzoku sighs "Shut up, Bakugo this isn't the time to argue, let's go, we argue later." Bakugo sighs and they all head back as a group.

They come upon Uraraka and Tsuyu being attacked by Toga, Toga notices them and flees, Izuku breathes a sigh of relief "Phew...you two mind joining us, we need to protect Bakugo from the villains, Kinzoku notices something out of the corner of his eye but is unprepared for Mr Compress who uses his quirk to trap Tokayami and Bakugo inside marbles before running away, Kinzoku growls and chases after him.


Consumer finishes carrying Moonfish's, Mustard's and Muscular's body's away before thinking "They were weak...might as get rid of their existence" she consumes the trio before heading to the villain regroup point.

(Villain Regroup Point)

Consumer arrives just as Toga does and the four villains begin comparing their progress, "I only managed to get one person's blood" Twice sighs "Well that's just great, we needed three!" Toga sighs "I'm aware Twice!" Dabi growls "Shut up you two" Consumer laughs "Well that just makes our job a little harder-" three are interrupted Izuku, Kinzoku, Mezo and Shoto catching Mr Compress and slamming him into the ground. Twice gasps "Hey I recognise those kids" his spilt personality starts talking "Who are they?".

Mr Compress then turns himself into a marble and Dabi throws a fire ball at the them, Kinzoku blocks most of it with his shield by blasting out steam to combat the flames, but Izuku and Mezo still suffer burns to their arms, Kinzoku growls while Toga charges towards them, Kinzoku creates his metal dragon and rams it into the villains but it's blocked by Consumer's flesh shield. Mr Compress returns to his normal form while Dabi turns to him "Did you get Katsuki?!" Mezo cheers "I got the marbles guys" A warp gate opens and Kurogiri urges them to leave but Dabi refuses "Not till we get Katsuki!" Mr Compress smiles "I fooled them, I kept the marbles with Bakugo and his friend in my mouth the whole time. He then bows but is cut off by Yuga blasting his mask off with a naval laser, Kinzoku immediately reaches for them with his metal tendrils but his efforts are blocked by Consumer while Mezo only manages to grab one of them. Dabi turns to Mr Compress "Confirm we got Katsuki" he undoes his quirk to reveal Bakugo and Dabi drags him through the gate while Consumer holds off the students before jumping through the gate herself. Kinzoku comforts Izuku who screams in agony and frustration for not saving him while Kinzoku thinks "Bakugo may be violent but his drive to be a hero is resolute, you haven't won villains you've just made a fatal mistake".

(At the hospital, next day)

Kinzoku along with the rest of class 1A (besides Momo, Kyoka and Tory) visit Izuku in the hospital, he reflects on his failure to save Bakugo and cries, Kinzoku thinks to himself while Tenya and Kirishima begin arguing on wether to save Bakugo themselves or let the pros handle it. Kinzoku eventually settles them down by telling them to wait for the pros to decide on their next move before they decide.

They then begin discussing the viability of Shoto and Kirishima's plan to save Bakugo and Shoto speaks "We have to save Bakugo soon, the villains probably won't keep him alive forever" Yuga, Tokayami and Tsuyu however agree that the pros should rescue Bakugo. They all sit there in awkward silence until they are shooed away by the doctor, Kirishima tell Izuku to meet him behind the hospital after dark but not before getting Momo to make a new receiver for the tracker she placed on the Nomu.

(Behind The Hospital, Night)

Kinzoku waits with Kirishima and Shoto when Momo and Izuku turn up as does Tenya who thinks to himself "This is foolish, we are making the same rash decision I made when I went after Stain" he voices his opinion and Izuku tries to convince him until he punched in the face, Kinzoku grabs their shoulders "Enough, wether this is reckless or not it must be done otherwise we won't be coming back UA anytime soon" Shoto nods "Plus, Tenya our plan includes covert rescue rather then direct conflict" Momo smiles "Thats good at least, I might as well help you guys then" Izuku smiles "As long as I can reach Bakugo then I must try and help him" Tenya sighs "Then I might as well help too, seeing as I can't talk you out of it and sorry for the punch" Momo looks at Tenya cautiously "Why the sudden change of heart Tenya" Tenya sighs "I'm only helping to prevent physical combat from happening" Momo smiles "Good, then we can share the role. I'm comprising as I can see where Izuku is coming from" she thinks to herself "Will this even work, yes Kinzoku can hold off the majority of the villains if push came to shove but even he has his limits" they head to the train station and take a bullet train to the Kamino Ward. While on the train Izuku speaks up "What about the rest of the class, where do they stand on this" Kinzoku breathes deeply "Everyone including Uraraka tried to talk us out of it" Izuku sighs "Oh ok, but even so I won't turn back on my promise" everyone agrees and they wait for the train to stop.

(Kamino Ward)

They arrive and head down only for Kirishima to immediately rush after the villains but is held back by Kinzoku "Kiri we can't just go after them" Momo nods "Agreed, the would recognise us as they appear, we should buy disguises to throw them off" they all nod with Kirishima sighing and following them.

After a while they come across a broadcast of a press meeting with UA, with Eraser Head, Vlad King and Nezu representing them and they publicly apologise for allowing the students to come to harm while the media begin asking questions. Izuku sighs "They just want to make the school look bad" the media begins badmouthing the school and all of them realise people's faith in UA is very thin.