
MHA: The Metal Eater

UA High home to many young students and from the outside looks like a normal school but inside it’s far from ordinary as the there students are born with super powers called “quirks” some students can make explosions with the sweat and others can punch with enough force to destroy a massive robot, some students however have more unique quirks such as phasing but for Kinzoku Shōjō his quirk was very different.

ChromiumVoid · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

The Raid And Battle

(LOV Hideout)

Consumer sighs and waits while the others fight to restrain Bakugo, she feels multiple presences outside and transforms into a pool of blood and slinks away just before All Might busts through the door.

(Consumers Mind)

Consumer laughs as Shōhisha try's to fight her again "You aren't changing sides now little girl" Shōhisha growls "Just try and stop me!" They continue fighting until Consumer gets a hold of her and grins "You won't get rid of me forever even if you win, cause I'm a part of you and I'll never leave".

(Kamino Ward)

The group led by Momo continue heading to the league's hideout, Kinzoku thinks "None of us have effective stealth skills to sneak in there though...maybe a distraction is our best shot" they stop and ponder their next move and Kinzoku hears Izuku and Tenya mutter about keeping safe.

(Time skip)

Kinzoku thinks of a plan "Hey guys, let's go round the back, might be safer" the group nod and carefully move to the back, Kinzoku and Tenya then hoist Kirishima and Izuku on their shoulders so they can observe the place for them only for them to panic, Kinzoku looks at them "What, what did you see?" Izuku looks at him "This isn't their hideout...it's where they keep the Nomu's" Kinzoku's eyes widen until a massive explosion gets their attention and a dark presence overwhelms them, Kinzoku recognises the presence "Is this...All For One? They look up and spot a man dressed in a suit with a skull like mask and a black and white neck brace. All For One immediately moves over to a flattened out area and black sludge appears which falls away to reveal the LOV and Bakugo, All For One then turns to Best Jeanist and blasts a hole through his chest, putting him out of commission. He then turns to Tomura "Tomura I believe it's time for your game to be reset" elsewhere Izuku goes to move from behind the wall but is stopped by Tenya and Kinzoku who shake their heads as they watch from behind cover. Just as All For One turns to see them All Might appears and rushes toward him, Bakugo stares at All For One and thinks "Is this...the strongest villan?" All Might and All For For One lock up only for All Might to be blown back by an enhanced quirk combo attack from All For One, he then turns to Tomura again "Tomura get Katsuki out of here" he reaches over to Kurogiri and forcibly activates his quirk before being rushed by All Might again, the villains surround Bakugo who keeps them away with his explosions while Izuku thinks of how to help him before smiling and telling the others of his plan, Kinzoku grins "Great, I'll get ready to provide cover if things don't go according to plan" they nod and get ready with Izuku and Tenya grabbing onto Kirishima, Shoto then creates an ice ramp and Tenya boosts them up it, after getting into the air they use Kiri's quirk to break through the wall in front and Kirishima calls out to Bakugo who creates a massive explosion propelling himself forward, Magne try's to shoot Mr Compress at them but it's blocked by a wall of metal from Kinzoku and MT Lady blocking them before she falls over and slips into unconsciousness, All For One spots the metal and senses Kinzoku "Hm, so that's Hijiri's brat hm?".

(Consumers Head)

Consumer struggles to try and hold Shōhisha and screams "You stubborn girl, the heroes don't care about you, they didn't help you when your family died did they?!" Shōhisha growls and escapes the hold before locking up with her "And how does that make them bad people they are as human as us and are not perfect!" Consumer sighs "You have a lot to learn girl" Shōhisha pushes her back and stamps on her face "Just! Shut! Up!" She continues before Consumer gasps as she feels herself slowly fade away "No, no, no, no!" She falls apart and Shōhisha breathes heavily as she feels like a weight has been lifted off her mind. "Finally she's gone now I can work to try and repair what's left of my life".


She moves towards where Kinzoku and the others are and removes her mask before turning back into her normal form, the others feel her presence and turn with Kinzoku immediately calming them down, he stares at her cautiously until she approaches him and hugs him while crying the others are shocked and confused while Kinzoku comforts her.

(Back with All Might and All For One)

All Might growls "I'm done holding back All For One" Gran Torino prepares to fight the other villains but All For One activates Magne's quirk to pull all the male villains to Toga then they are pushed through Kurogiri's warp gate, once they leave All For One repeals All Might by using the black sludge to teleport Gran Torino into All Mights punch. All Might recovers and manages to pull Gran Torino away before unleashing a Detroit smash to counter All For Ones spring like limbs quirk. All For One chuckles "Not holding back anymore hm...I beg to differ your still afraid of hurting the nearby bystanders so your still holding back!" All Might growls "I won't let your disrespect of the common person continue!" He punches All For One in the head and crushes his helmet but begins reverting to his skinny form, All For One laughs "So much like Nana".


Kinzoku, Bakugo, Tenya, Momo, Kirishima, Izuku and Shōhisha move away from the battle area with Bakugo still refuting the rescue attempt "I didn't go with because I needed rescuing, I went with you to get out of All Mights way" Kinzoku sighs and he Shōhisha stay with them to watch the broadcast of All For One and All Might with them gasping at the spectacle of it.

(Back with the battle)

All For One laughs "That all you got All Might even Nana put up a bigger fight then this" All Might screams and goes to attack him but is blown back by All For One's air cannon quirk. All Might nearly hits the news helicopter but is luckily caught by Gran Torino who reminds him that All For One's taunts are how he distracted him the first time they fought, All For One sighs "I kinda don't want to end you yet, after all Tomura worked so hard to try and kill you, me doing it now and taking the honours away from him seems pretty selfish, I hate you, you have ruined everything I tried to build!" He charges up another air cannon, Gran Torino try's to get All Might to evade it but All Might notices a civilian in the firing line and moves to protect him, taking the brunt of the attack and turning back into his skinny form. All For One laughs "I'll destroy your reputation and expose your weakness at the same time" All Might growls "My body may be weak but I'm still the symbol of peace!" All For One laughs "Well then you might like to know that Tomura is Nana's grandson" All Might gasps and thinks "T-that can't be-true" All For One smirks "Also where's that smile gone off to" he uses his fingers to make a wide grin which makes All Might think back to when Nana told him that the strongest people are always smiling. He begins to despair until the civilian he rescues encourages him to keep going, everyone watching including Kinzoku and Shōhisha worry about All Might's chances and begin cheering "Win, All Might!". All Might gets to his feet and charges One For All into his arm "Your right a hero has so much to protect in this world, which is why I can't lose!" All For One sighs and levitates above him and prepares another wind cannon when Endeavour and Edge shot interrupt and Endeavour growls "All Might what happened to you!" All For One smiles "Impressive Endeavour being able to beat all my Nomu's" Endeavour growls "All Might put your back into it and show them why you number one!" All For One goes to attack Endeavour only to be blocked by Edgeshot, while they distract All For One, Kamui Woods begins retrieving the unconscious and injured pros. All For One growls "Enough" he blows Edgeshot and Endeavour away before creating his ultimate quirk combo "This will be how you die All Might, I know you've passed on your quirk to another, your embers won't be enough!" The two clash with All For zone using impact recoil to further push back All Might until he growls "I must live to help my student, just like my mentor did for me" he focuses One For All into the opposite arm and hits him across the face closing the distance between them, All For One laughs "Tricks like this aren't your typical arsenal so your attack did little" All Might grins "No, it's just because my back wasn't in it!" He focuses One For All back into his fist and hits All For One "United States Of Smash!" He causes a massive shockwave and everyone watching the broadcast smiles and cheers for him as All Might goes back into his muscular form one last time. He then points to the camera "Next, it's your turn" Kinzoku realises what he means and turns to Izuku who has a shocked look on his face.

(End of chapter)