
MHA: The Darkest Hero

What if Izuku Midoriya gained the power of the Yami Yami no Mi before he met All Might? How will his path deviate? How will he cope with the power of the evilest Devil Fruit? Will he be the greatest Hero or may end up a Villain? But no matter what: This is his Hero Academia! ---------------------------------------------- For over 10 advanced chapters visit: www.Pat_reon.com/Joy_boy ---------------------------------------------- MHA and One Piece belong to their respective creators. Just the Original Storyline and Characters belong to me.

Ashmodai · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 14

The second match of the Battle Trials went, even more, one-sided, instead because of powerful analysis and strategy, this time through pure overwhelming power.

It was a completely imbalanced matchup, with Team B made up of Shoto Todoroki and Mezo Shoji vs. Team I composed of Mashirao Ojiro and Toru Hagakure.

By trying to ambush them the Invisible girl had the right idea, using her Quirk to her advantage, but Todoroki didn't even give them a chance to do anything. With his superior control over ice, he froze the whole building without even getting out of breath.

Ojiro and Hagakure who possessed only close combat capabilities didn't even have a chance to do anything against such a strategy, at least without peeling the skin of their feet by breaking free from the ice. The Ice user just casually stepped into the building, bypassing the helpless defenders, and touched the prop Bomb.

Once their win was announced, he unfroze his opponents with a wave of heat.

'I see. He also possesses control over heat or fire. Is he trying to hide it? Why does he freeze half of his body to cover it up? He clearly still feels the cold in some capability.' Analyzed Izuku who pulled a notebook from somewhere adding notes on his classmates to it.

This caught Momo's interest who was standing beside him. "Are you taking notes, Midoriya-san?" asked the intelligent dark-haired girl.

"Eh, yes. This is an old habit of mine. I take notes of any Quirk I see, analyzing them, ideas, weaknesses, and so on, especially of Heroes." He explained showing her the current entry he had on her.

As the girl read her entry, her eyes widened at the details he just had on her Quirk after having seen it only the day before. The entries on her classmates were of similar length. But even more impressive were his ideas. "Of course. Why didn't I realize it myself? I don't convert my lipids into mass but the energy stored through them. My quirk is energy to mass conversion." She realized remembering how she created Objects that had more mass than her, "You believe I should be able to convert the energy stored in my body into other energy forms like heat or plasma?"

"Yes, there is nothing speaking against it. After all the energy is still stored as lipids and later converted into energy than mass, nothing is spoken of converting it into other energy. And you already convert it into energy. After all, a camera runs on electricity too, you created a charged battery in there today. At least you should be able to create gas directly and become a flamethrower." Explained Izuku, "But you should be careful since, unlike Quirks which can do this naturally, you are not born with a resistance against these elements and could hurt yourself." He added worriedly about the possible dangers.

"You are right Midoriya-san. We will probably develop our Quirks during lessons in the future, this would be a perfect opportunity to try this out under the supervision of a teacher." Nodded Momo as they concentrated back on the Matchups since the teams now returned and are receiving their analysis.

The rest of the Matches weren't as exciting as before, but Izuku gained a lot of new Insights into his classmate's Quirks. Like Fumikage's dark Shadow growing stronger in darkness and weaker under light, allowing him to dominate in indoor battles. A sentient quirk was fascinating and opened up a lot of questions about his own powers.

The shadow back then called it the evilest devil fruit. Was it just in perspective to the power itself or does it have sentience itself? Darkness seemed evil but in the end, it was just a power, not much evil he could tell right now. Maybe there were aspects of the Devil Fruit he didn't discover yet. Or the name Devil Fruit is more literal than he believed, and a real Devil was now inside of him. This made Izuku shudder but all he could do was handle the situation once it came.

Out of the remaining matches, the Match of Team C consisting of Ochako Uraraka & Kyoka Jiro vs Team G made of Denki Kaminari & Minoru Mineta the funniest one.

After the midget Mineta tried to harass Ochako, he promptly flew out of the Window after receiving a Shockwave through his whole body from the earphone Jack user.

Kaminari who possesses an electricity Quirk didn't end up much different since he had a perverted expression on his face as he saw how Mineta tried to grope Ochako's but during the match-up without any protests from him, this warranted more than enough to deserve at least a sound wave through his body.

The feedback for Team G wasn't flattering, after all, All Might had a disappointed look on his face and looked like you kicked his Puppy. Which made both perverted Teens feel guilty a bit, well at least Kaminari. Mineta was once again distracted by Momo's boobs.

During the whole lesson, Bakugo was very silent and looked downcast.

Once the matches were over, after a few quick finishing words All Might literally ran out of the Battlegrounds. 'This is so strange. Does he have another commitment?' Wondered Izuku as he watched the disappearing back of his Idol and Teacher.

~After School~

Once the lessons for the day finished, Izuku saw that Bakugo was packing his things and leaving. The explosive teen remained for the whole school day downcast and silent.

Izuku who decided to talk with the teen got held up by some of his classmates, who wanted to chat with him after his excellent performance during their foundational Hero Lessons.

After politely telling them goodbye he hurried behind Bakugo until he finally caught up with him. "Kacchan!"

"Ahhh?" grunted the red-eyed teen as he turned his head staring back at Izuku.

"I think I need to tell you how I got my Quirk." Began Izuku determined to do the right thing by helping his childhood friend, "The day you told me that thing, I got attacked by a villain. It was some strange Sludge Villain who tried to take over my body. As I was almost dying, my hand suddenly was coated in darkness while I had a strange feeling, while I touched the Villain he turned back into a Human. I negated his quirk which effectively saved my life. A few moments later All Might arrived and saved me."

"From that day on I trained hard every day learning as much about my Quirk as I could, training my body, all in order to surpass strong people like you and All Might." Shouted Izuku with conviction while staring at the shocked explosive teen. "I won't stay aside anymore and let you push me around, if you don't work hard from now on you will always be behind me!" warned Izuku now with a determined Quirk.

"So what! You assclown!" shouted Bakugo back, now with a more lively look in his eyes again. "You beat me today. That's all to it. And that fucking Ice guy, also looking down on me." Gritted Bakugo out as Izuku saw some tears forming in the other teen's eyes for the first time in years, "Goddammit! From here out… Are you listening. From here out I am gonna be number one!" he declared as he turned around continuing leaving the School.

"And don't get cocky. You beat me once! It won't happen again." He warned.

"YOUNG BAKUGO!" Just at that moment All Might arrived putting a hand on Bakugo's shoulder, "I will tell you this once. Self-confidence is indeed a very vital thing. And you are very talented, from here on out you can only climb higher!"

"Let go of me All Might. I can't walk." Said the explosive teen. "I didn't tell you before. But I am gonna surpass you All, Might. I am gonna vault over you as Top Hero." Declared as he now left the school.

"Ah… okay." Replied All Might while thinking, 'Teaching is difficult.'

After getting a few encouraging words from the Top Hero he disappeared as fast as he appeared, and Izuku also headed Home for the day.


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