
MHA Stand User

A young man with the ability of Killer Queen in the world of My hero academia (This is the first thing I´ve ever written and English isn´t my first language.)

Esposible · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Internship Case 1

It´s the day of the internships. We are standing at a train station.

"You all have your costume, s right?" asked Aizawa.

"Yes, sir!"

"Remember you aren´t allowed to wear them in public. Don´t lose them or something and mind your manners with the heroes."

I hopped on a train and set off. After few hours I arrive. With the help of my phone, I find the Fel Agency in the outskirts of Kyoto. It´s a two-story building and It looks very old. You aren't able to tell it´s a hero agency at all.

There is a man in a black coat with a hat covering his eyes. He is leaning on the door of the agency, smoking a cigarette.

"Good afternoon, are you Kira?" asks the man.

"Yes, I´m here for the internship."

We shake hands.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Takashi Buki, but call me Fel. Come in."

We go inside the office and Fel takes off his hat. He is a little shorter than me. He has long brown hair in a man bun, green eyes, and a thick beard.

He yells "Hey guys, come introduce yourself!"

Two people walk in. One is a short woman with brown curly hair in her early twenties and the other is a tall, slim man with square glasses.

"Hi, I´m Skywave. My quirk is called Radio Control." says the woman.

"I´m Coms. My quirk is Parallel Processing."

"Nice to meet you. I´m Kira. Quirk: Killer Queen. I look forward to working with you."

They went away into their own rooms.

We then went inside Fel´s office.

"Well you´ve probably never heard of us so I´ll explain our line of work. Coms gets information from the hero association about a villain or a criminal. Skywave makes a plan how to arrest or kill the villain and she sends me on the mission. She controls my ride to the place with her quirk and I subdue the villain. My quirk is weapon projection. I can create cold weapons and tools. Any questions?"

"Where will I be sleeping?"

"Oh don´t worry. We´ve got a room for you. I´ll show you. Today seems to be a calm day so just settle down. The wifi password is written in your room. Tomorrow we´ll start in earnest."

He escorts me upstairs to the room and I unpack my things. I brought some clothes, my hero costume, and a laptop. The room has just a bed, a closet, and a table with a chair. It feels like a hotel room.

At night someone knocked on the door. I opened it and see Fel.

"I was wrong. I hope you´re well-rested because we´ve got a mission. Follow me."

We come inside a room filled with monitors and Coms sitting in a big chair, looking very sleepy.

"Coms, show our new asset what we´ll be working with."

"Sure" says the tired Coms.

One monitor shows a photo of a muscular giant standing in the middle of a ruined landscape. It has eyes shining green, long elf-like ears, and no lips.

"We got an emergency signal from an island about a rampaging villain. The island is populated by about 500 people, from which approximately half is now dead. The rest is hiding at the edge of the island. With Skywave´s help, I´ve gotten these photos. The villain is about 15 meters tall and he appeared in lightning which destroyed his surroundings."

"We´ll set off at 4 AM. Get ready!" said Fel.

I left to put on my hero costume. When I was leaving Coms was falling asleep on his chair with a blanket over him.

We boarded a helicopter and flew towards the island. Fel gave me an earpiece through which we could talk.

"I´ll be jumping down at the giant to try to subdue him. If I have any trouble I will tell you and you´ll help. It´s harder for us to justify using your help when it´s not necessary and I´d get yelled at by Coms. He has to deal with the legal side of things."

We arrived at the island at dawn. Most of the town is in ruins and the giant is standing in the middle of the island, seemingly unresponsive.

Fel jumps down at the giant from 30 meters. He creates 6 meters long hammer mid-air and swings it at its head.

Its head drops down with the impact. It was probably sleeping, but now it's fully awake.

The titan swings its arm at Fel.

He responds by creating a huge sword to the ground, rebounding himself upwards.

The titan´s hand misses and Fel flies towards it.

He pierces the giant´s shoulder with a spear and jumps back to the ground.

With its arm unusable the titan pounces at him. However, Fel produces a sword, impaling its chest, and jumps to the side.

The giant lays on the ground with the sword sticking out its back for a while. It looks like it´s dead.

Suddenly it releases a steam-like gas and stands up. The sword slides out. Its arm falls off and another takes its place.

"I´m done with this shit. Come down!" says Fel slumping on the ground.

I jump off the helicopter and dampen the fall with Killer Queen´s legs.

The titan roars and throws a punch at me.

I watch the punch near me as I step aside. The punch creates a crater next to me. I touch it´s hand with Killer Queen´s finger and immediately detonate the bomb.

The titan disappears in an explosion and a guy falls down from where the giant´s head was. I thought it was some kind of transformation quirk, but it seems he can summon a fleshy robot to control.

I catch him and gently put the unconscious guy on the ground. He looks around my age with short black hair and gray eyes.

"God fucking dammit! There will be so much paperwork with this kid!" yells Fel, kicking the rubble near him.

The helicopter lands next to us and Skywave says through the earpiece. "Put him to the back there is an emergency bed."

I strap him to the bed and we fly away. The whole way Fel was cursing at the titan guy.

We arrived in the afternoon and sent the kid to the hospital. Right now we are all gathered in Coms´ room with the monitors.

"We now have all the background information. The kid you picked up is called Eren Sandatsusha. His parents moved here from Germany. The police found out by interrogating the other inhabitants that the island was occupied by villains. Eren wasn´t happy with that and so he ran to their hideout and his quirk manifested. All the villains are now dead, but a lot of innocent people died with them."

"Damn, that kid´s hardcore!" said Fel.

"Good job Kira that was your first successful mission." said Skywave while ruffling my hair.

"What will happen to him?"

"Nothing serious, he´ll go through Quirk Counseling and the rest depends on whether or not he can control his quirk." said Coms.

Well, it would be bad to put him into jail for something he wasn´t aware of.