
MHA : Space-time Quirk

An ordinary salary man reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia with a quirk to control space and time.

MerchantofSouls · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 : 10 year training - Learning by standing on the shoulders of giants

My quirk is my greatest weapon to achieve my ambition : absolute freedom.

Space and Time, i don't have two quirks, i only have one. To move through space-time unrestrained. I was in my garden, at the same place i awakened my quirk. My dad was in patrol and my mom at work. Normal people with normal children would hire a nanny or invite grandparents to take care of the kid. My family isn't, the house we live in is more than enough equipped to handle transgressors without or a low-level threat quirk. In case, a more powerful villain attacks houses in the suburbs for some kind of reason, disciples on patrol from my dad's agency/sect will take care of it.

I focused again to see the "Starry Night" and here it was. The blue stars weren't isolated from the river of Time, they were intertwined like every star was connected by the river that flowing every where.

I saw how dad and mom manipulated them, i shoudn't drag them out of their position to come closer but i should be surfing on them.

Teleporting is not just moving through space but also time. I could just levitate from point A to point B but it wouldn't be instant. I need to step on a star and follow the river to reach another one.

I tried again, i stepped on a star close to my feet and navigated the golden river to reach the star close to the tree in the other side of the garden : a distance of 10 meters.

Looking down, i smiled. There was no fear of falling, my feet were stuck to the stars giving me no way to fall. Navigating the river was easy, like a train arriving to a stop. When i stepped on the new node, i felt tired.

Didn't feel like i was passing out but like a good chunk of my stamina was taken away. I was happy at my progress. Although, i knew i was lacking. I wasn't a gym lad in my previous life and i obviously didn't have a quirk.

I knew i wanted to train my quirk, my stamina and my swordmanship. Those were the weapons to achieve my ambition. I asked for the advice of the only people i knew, lucky me i couldn't ask for better people.

My mom was proficient in her quirk "Suspended Domain" and my dad's swordmanship and his quirk "Law of Space" were the goals.

At dinner time, i announced to them my goal in this life.

"Mom, Dad can you help me train to become a hero ?"

Dad looked at my mom with an understanding smile and then asked me :

"Why do you want to become a hero ? You can be like your mom, saving people without risking your life ?"

I knew this question was coming but i wasn't sure how to answer it. I am still 5 years old physically, can't really go full philosophical here, but i can't lie to my parents, so i just said what i felt :

"I feel afraid. You two are so strong but you can't protect me all the time. I saw a villain in the TV the other day, heroes were there but before they stopped him. He had the time to hurt many people, i could be any of them. I don't want that, to rely on someone else. I want to be strong enough, so i don't hope for someone else to save me"

It felt like time was stopped because it was, the spoon i used to hold my soup stopped in the air. I looked at my parents, they were smiling at me. I see , my mom used her quirk and said:

"You know, i saw this scene long ago. I told to people that i could only stopped time around like a domain but i lied. I can do far more than that. You can't understand at your age but a surgeon can't have a perfect running score, some patients are already doomed before i start the operation. Nobody thought about it more deeply. I can save everyone that i operate on because i can see them coming before i lift my knife. I could see through the future since a long time ago but nobody knew about it, only you father knows and now you."

... I didn't know what to say. Mom is strong, stronger than i thought.

"Everything changed when you were born. People who were meant to die, will live. I who could see the future of everyone, couldn't completely see yours, only brief moments like this one. I knew if it was my son then you would awaken a quirk like mine. I saw what you will become and boy, i am so f"ckin proud of you. I will teach everything i know"

"I will do the same" my dad added.

Then my mom took a more serious face, "Although i must warn you, that you will have a power over time that will superseed anything i can do, but never believe everything you see. As the future is never fixed until it becomes the past. What i see is only the most probable outcome but it can change for 99% of the time."

Damn, thats what i call an overpowered family.

"Have a good dream, me and your dad will train every other day until we feel we won't need to keep a hands-on approach. Before actually training your quirks, you can't start without having enough stamina. Your dad will take care of it and both of us will teach you what we learned about space and time"

I felt emotional, my future just got easier. I couldn't keep it to myself.

"I love you both"

"We love you more than you know"

Never had kids but looking at my parents's eyes i feel like i understand why people do it.


Looking at the garden at it from the outside, the following weeks were spent by watching a middle-aged acting like a military instructor and a kid running around, in the brink of complete exhaustion.

While training, i couldn't stop thinking about my favorite retired main character Yami Sukihiro.

I will surpass my limits.

The first day was spent running around and doing push-ups, then more exercices were implemented in the training routine. My dad brought an assistant who could regenerate other people stamina.

In the afternoon, my parents taught me their understanding about space and time from a philosophical standpoint, then slowly bring more of the science aspect.

I was disappointed to learn, that i had to school. I tried to discuss about being homeschooled but they refused. I needed to be in the company of other people, workouts coud be done in the morning before going to school and my mom stopped time to teach me.

I didn't know the name of the school, it didn't matter neither as i couldn't remember which primary school the main characters attended in their youth.