
MHA: Redemption Reverie

After a tragic death, a man awakens in the body of a boy in the world of manga he read recently. Faced with a looming war, he must navigate this new life and decide how to use his second chance. What choices will he make in a world on the brink of chaos? ----- If you enjoyed my story, you can support me on patr?on and get additional chapters. patreon.com/ENRYBB

ENRY · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 9 | Triumph

Kaito sat on the cold bench with one hand on his knee and the other clutching his phone, immersed in the world of the book. His figure, dressed in the appropriate uniform, was ready for the challenge ahead. Nearby lay the mask. Opposite, on another bench, sat a twenty-year-old guy of athletic build, no more than 170-172 centimeters tall. When this newcomer entered the room, his fleeting disdainful gaze slid over Kaito, and then he silently dropped his bag and began to change his clothes, completely ignoring the presence of the others.

Earlier, three life-hardened, middle-aged men had entered the room. One of them, indignant and grumpy, confirmed Kaito's suspicions: his opponent did not show up, which meant an automatic victory. Unlike the first pair, the rest of the participants refrained from insults and remained calm, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect.

The silence was suddenly interrupted by the announcer's murmuring voice: "Couple 12, into the ring." Kaito shifted his gaze to the young boy sitting across from him. The boy tied a black bandana reminiscent of the Ninja Turtles' style and promptly slipped out of the hall. Kaito put on his mask, stashed his phone in the hidden pocket of his bag, and followed him, his footsteps echoing in the hallway.

As he walked down the corridor, he noticed two large men carrying a fighter on a stretcher - a huge belly bulging out of a T-shirt and a bald head covered in blood, with numerous cuts, a broken nose, he was in for a rough ride. The crowd in the arena was buzzing with anticipation and tension. Kaito's gaze caught his friend standing among a group of new faces. They exchanged silent nods and Kaito headed into the octagon, taking his corner. His opponent was already in place, ready to fight.

There was excitement in the arena. Kaito could feel the tension building, but his focus remained unchanged. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the challenge ahead. The opponents exchanged one last glance before the fight, and the arena fell silent.

A commanding voice came from the speakers and introduced the fighters with detached authority. "In the blue corner is the newcomer under the alias 'Invincible'. And in the red corner is a fighter with two wins and no losses, 'Thunder Fist'."

A resounding gong sounded throughout the arena, heralding the start of the bout. Kaito stepped into the ring with a stoic expression on his face and anticipation in his heart. This was the moment to learn the true extent of his power control and test his abilities in battle. Opposite him stood his opponent with his hands held high and a focused gaze. Kaito also adopted a fighting stance, folding his arms at chest level, head held high, his eyes blazing with purple fire - a sign of the activation of his power. The crowd held its breath, anticipation in the air.

His opponent lunged, lunging forward. But Kaito was one step ahead, catching the subtle changes in his opponent's movements. Deliberately tilting his chin, Kaito invited a flurry of punches. His opponent responded with two quick jabs, but Kaito only shook his head slightly and the blows flew past him.

Then, as if in slow motion, Kaito struck back. His left fist swept forward lightning-fast and struck his opponent in the jaw. At the same time, his right sidekick rained down on the target with a ferocity that was hard to anticipate. The opponent staggered, his legs trembled, and he collapsed on his back. The referee rushed to him, forbidding further assault. Victory by knockout.

The crowd exploded with rapturous shouts, surprised and delighted at such a beautiful and quick knockout. But Kaito just stood there looking at his defeated opponent, no chanting, no expression of smugness, just watching.

'What, so easy?' Kaito's thoughts analyzed what had happened. His punch had left his opponent in such a pathetic state, even though he hadn't even put all of his power into that punch. But it was enough for such an easy victory.

However, such an outcome did not bring the boy joy. A duel with an equal opponent, which helps to develop skills and reveal mistakes, meant more to him than just a victory. He needed a real challenge to test his strength.

As he exited the octagon, Kaito kept a calm expression on his face. The crowd erupted in cheers, honoring the winner. But to Kaito, it was nothing. He looked back at his fallen opponent, who was now surrounded by medics trying to revive him. Kaito's eyes reflected disappointment - not at the victory, but at its ease. He had been looking for a challenge, a worthy opponent to test his mettle. But that wasn't happening today.

Kaito walked slowly, making his way through the crowd until he found himself near his friend's new company. Two guys and a girl, all young. Anthony greeted the winner with a happy smile.

"Dude, your punches were incredible, you've never shown that kind of speed before," Anthony exclaimed.

Kaito muttered with a soft smile: "Uh-huh," before looking around at his new acquaintances and adding: "Nice to meet you."

He held out his hand and gave the boys a firm handshake. The first was dressed in his usual teenage clothes: light gray jeans and a bright T-shirt with an anime character on it. On his feet were sneakers with colorful laces, and a brown mask with the logo of a famous brand covered his nose and part of his face below. His black hair was slightly disheveled as if he had just gotten out of bed, and a carefree smile shone on his face, reflecting youthful optimism and energy.

The second guy looked completely different. He was wearing a leather jacket with a spectacular white-and-black urban print covering its entire surface. The jacket fit him perfectly, emphasizing his slender figure and giving him a daring look. The black mask completely hid his face, leaving only his dark brown eyes exposed. His dark jeans were neatly tucked into his heavy boots, completing the look of an unruly rebel. His bright red hair was styled in a stylish mess, and silver earrings glinted in his ears.

The girl with snow-white skin and delicate features was the epitome of beauty as if she had come from the most exquisite paintings. Her golden hair, braided into two lush braids, spread over her shoulders like the rays of the morning sun, giving her charm and grace. The outline of her eyes was hidden behind a thin translucent mask of black fabric that gently encased their rounded shapes. Light pink eyes that looked like rare and delicate flowers lingered on Kaito for a moment. She responded to his greeting with serenity reflected on her face, and then her gaze shifted to the others.

"Alright guys, I'm going to go change," Kaito muttered and left his friends, disappearing into the crowd, leaving a hum of voices behind him.

 Returning to his things, he quickly changed his clothes surrounded by four other people, pulled his phone out of his bag, slung his bag over his shoulder, and left the room. On his phone, he logged into his account to see if his record had been updated - where there had been a dash, there was now a proudly shining line: 1 win, 0 losses, 1 early victory.

With a couple of taps, Kaito immediately registered for his next match, which would take place in four days.

He came back to the guys in casual clothes, but wearing a mask. The boy, dressed in a black baggy jacket, with a short haircut was explaining something to the guys.

"A friend of mine ordered a mask from them, it was expensive, but the quality is incredible, and the material is durable and breathable."

"How much did it cost?" - Anthony asked.

"The mask with the open mouth and hair costs $100-$150, but it's completely customized."

Anthony's eyes widened in surprise, "Wow, that's pricey!"

The boy walked over to the group, and placed two hands on his friend's back, "Hi!" A smile appeared on his face, his friend twitched slightly at the unexpected touch.

"Uh, that's you... Hey, don't you want to upgrade your mask?" asked Anthony Caito.

"Wasn't going to, any suggestions?"

"Yeah," Anthony turned his head to the guy in the leather jacket, "Atomu, tell him about them."

Kaito shifted his gaze to Atomu and listened intently.

 "There is a company that makes quality superhero costumes to order, the costume is sewn completely to the customer, it's a company from America. I can discount their website, but you can see their work live at the festival." He was very clear.

Kaito squinted his eyes slightly, "Festival? Which one?"

"From All Might," the girl replied.

"I haven't heard anything about it."

"All Might and Dreamify will be holding a huge three-week exhibition outside of Tokyo, focusing on superheroes, movie technology, and the like."

"Hmm, when will that be?"

"From the 22nd to... "," replied Atomu.

"Through the 12th," the guy added.

"Ah, if it's on a weekend, why don't we go there?" - Kaito said.

"А?" Anthony looked at Kaito in bewilderment, he didn't expect to hear him say that.

Kaito looked into Anthony's eyes, "What?"


Kaito released his hands from his friend's shoulders. "Alright, if anyone wants to go to this festival together, I'll contact you." Kaito turned to leave.

"You're going?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, if anything, you can give them my contacts."

"Okay, bye," Anthony said as he held out his fist-shaped hand and Kaito punched him with his fist, performing a farewell ritual.

After waving goodbye to the others, Kaito left the arena, leaving behind an enthusiastic crowd that was buzzing with energy and shouting.

As Kaito walked out of the bustling mall, the midday sun illuminated his face with a warm glow, filling his soul with a quiet peace. He caught a cab and sat in the back seat, looking out the window at the familiar cityscape.

Pulling up to the house, Kaito went up to his floor. A cozy silence enveloped him as he stepped inside, giving him a sense of calm and privacy. Dropping his clothes, he made his way to the bathroom. The jets of hot water washed the fatigue from his body and he felt himself becoming lighter and freer with each passing moment. The water washed over him, bringing not only physical relief but also cleansing his thoughts.

In the kitchen, he preferred simplicity, a bowl of crunchy cereal waiting for him on the table. He sat down in a chair and let himself enjoy this simple meal. A sense of home and tranquility gradually filled him. He then put on his unassuming augmented reality goggles, which transported him to another world. A few clicks and he was immersed in a fascinating movie that took his mind off his worries and allowed him to relax.


12 days later.


In the heart of the underground arena, where every step echoes in the stone walls, is the hum of the crowd. The sounds of their shouts and cheers fill the space, creating a vibration that can be felt in every corner of this dark but enchanting place. Spotlights glide across the ring, picking out the fight scenes from the darkness.

In the very center of the arena, a woman lies motionless, towering two meters tall. Blood drips from her nose and lips, creating a stark contrast to her pale skin. Despite her formidable appearance, she has been defeated in battle.

The silhouette of a young man stands beside her, black hair hiding his face. His gaze, barely perceptible but full of calm and unwavering confidence, sweeps over the shadows watching him intently. The scene unfolding before the audience seems almost surreal - the majestic presence of a young lad in a harsh arena, towering over the body of a defeated formidable opponent.

Suddenly, the commentator's voice - a ringing female timbre - pierces the air: "The winner of this match is Invincible! His knee strike secured the victory by knockout. Three wins, three knockouts, and no losses - this young fighter promises a brilliant future!" Her words dissolve into the thunderous applause of the enthusiastic crowd, while the boy's face remains as calm as the surface of a serene lake.