
MHA: Redemption Reverie

After a tragic death, a man awakens in the body of a boy in the world of manga he read recently. Faced with a looming war, he must navigate this new life and decide how to use his second chance. What choices will he make in a world on the brink of chaos? ----- If you enjoyed my story, you can support me on patr?on and get additional chapters. patreon.com/ENRYBB

ENRY · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10 | Festival

 The sun hung high in the clear azure sky, casting Tokyo in a warm golden light. The city's heart pulsed to the rhythm of the bright sunny day, filled with the distant hum of conversations, laughter, and the light rumble of passing cars. Among them, a large family car was going through the maze of gray high-rises. On the driver's seat sat a heavy cab driver. Next to him, a girl with golden hair braided into two thick braids was dressed in loose, light-milk pants and a muted purple sweater. A thin leather strap crossed her shoulder, holding a small bag that rested in her lap.

In the back seats sat Atomu and Anthony. Atomu wore a black hoodie with an aggressive print and the same black pants, while Anthony wore a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Natsumi, do you have a wet wipe?" asked Atomu to the girl in front.

"Yes," she replied, opening her purse and rummaging through it. "What do you need it for?"

"I stained my shoes in something. Some black stuff."

She pulled a damp washcloth out of the bag and held it out to him. "Here."

He took it, nodding his thanks, and immediately leaned forward to clean the dirt off his boots.

Anthony thrust his hand forward, pointing at something to the driver "Right here, by the yellow car, stop."

"Huh? Why here?" Asked Atomu

"You won't find a decent place to park any farther, it's all taken, and it's a couple minutes walk."


After parking the car behind the said car, the passengers left the transportation, Natsumi thanked the driver for his work, and with her friends, they headed towards the festival.

 "Is Kaito still coming or is he already waiting for us there?" The girl asked the guys.

Anthony looked at her "He's already there, he texted about ten minutes ago that he arrived"

"Ask where he is exactly, we're getting close," asked Atomu.

"Sure" Anthony pulled out his phone and, in a message, asked Kaito exactly where he would be waiting for them. After a few seconds, he discounted the geolocation.

"Uh, he's already there, somewhere inside."

A few minutes later, they arrived at the entrance to a fenced-in area brimming with cars, each parking space occupied. Once inside, they found themselves amidst a bustling crowd, people weaving in all directions. A beautiful fountain graced the center, its water shimmering in the sunlight. Along the paths, beds of vividly colored flowers, lush trees, and neatly trimmed plants created a lively, vibrant atmosphere. Ahead, a wide, impressive building towered over the scene.

Entering the building, they were greeted by a kaleidoscope of colors and tasteful decorations designed to captivate children while offering comfort to adults. The room buzzed with activity, and around them, various stores showcased themed merchandise: superhero print clothing, action figures from popular movies, mugs, and more.

"So, where exactly are we supposed to go?" Atomu asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Let me see," Anthony replied, pulling out his phone and checking the map to locate Kaito.

Kaito was somewhere behind the building that led to the main square. Three roads diverged from there, each leading to different themed complexes. Kaito was behind a booth in the superhero complex, while the other roads led to areas dedicated to cartoons, mostly anime, and movies.

Anthony looked up, taking in his surroundings to orient himself. "This way," he said, leading his friends down one of the roads. They passed many unique houses and kiosks, each one brimming with the themes of various heroes. Finally, they spotted Kaito, standing confidently in a clean white shirt with a light brown cardigan draped over it, black pants, and white sneakers.

In his gloved hand, Kaito held a slender throwing weapon modeled after one used by a famous hero. Crafted from dark gray metal, it was oblong and resembled an eye or a small boat. The hero had many varieties, but this was the most basic model. Kaito took a calculated swing, raising the weapon and aiming it at the target.

The stand offered four levels of difficulty, ranging from easy to impossible. The first level required hitting a red mark on a pole seven meters away. The second level involved hitting a target ten meters away, blocked by five poles. In the third level, one had to make a curved throw to bypass obstructions. The impossible level demanded hitting a marker hidden behind numerous pillars, requiring an unrealistic trajectory that only the hero's quirk of controlling the flight path of thrown objects could achieve.

Kaito attempted the penultimate level. The weapon he launched veered left, then right, skillfully avoiding obstacles before striking the target. The man in charge of the booth congratulated Kaito and handed him a badge signifying his success. Kaito accepted it with a satisfied smile.

"Sup, dude?" greeted Anthony.

"Hi," Kaito responded, nodding to the guys.

"Show me what you've got."

"It's just a badge," Kaito replied, showing it briefly before looking at his friends. "So, where does anyone want to go? My booth closes in about seven hours. So, we can visit your first"

"Uh, I'd like to visit the building with the simulators and holograms of villains and heroes," suggested Anthony.

"What kind of simulators?" asked Atomu, curious.

"All sorts," Natsumi explained. "There's this revenge sphere you go into. They hook something to your back that lifts you up, and it simulates flying."

"Oh, I saw a video about that," said Anthony.

"Then let's go there," Atomu suggested.

The group navigated towards the building, using a detailed map that marked all the important spots. On the way, Natsumi and Anthony grabbed some cotton candy, while Atomu, not feeling hungry, watched as Kaito ordered a hot dog and devoured it immediately.

"Hey Mom, let's go to the quirk zone," a boy of about nine turned to his mother.

"Um, I'm sorry, but we can't. They only let you in when you're eleven, but I promise I'll take you there," she replied gently.

"Ahhhh..." the boy muttered, a bit upset.

"What's a quirk zone?" Anthony asked the group.

"It's an area where people can use their quirks under the vision of pro heroes," Atomu explained.

"What's the point? Kids already play using their quirks," Anthony questioned.

"Well, they have professional heroes watching them. They help them use the quirks properly, and the arena is huge, and there are lots of corners for different quirks."

"Does anyone want to go there?" Kaito asked.

Each in their way declined.

After passing through numerous buildings, they finally reached their destination. It was a two-story structure with a sleek, futuristic design. Huge windows replaced the walls, emitting a bright, warm light. Between the floors was a massive arc extending out about five meters, with graceful curves. The roof mirrored this design with more pronounced waves.

The group entered through the main entrance, where a large screen to their right displayed a map of the building.

The interior was a pristine white, illuminated by numerous light sources that bathed the room in a soft, even glow. Dominating the center was a giant hologram, cycling through images of top pro heroes from Japan and the US. The first figure was unfamiliar to Kaito: a man with striking red skin, a towering stature, and a chiseled face adorned with small, sharp spikes sprouting from his chin. His piercing yellow eyes contrasted sharply with his black long coat and brown boots, and Kaito marked him unmistakably as an American Hero.

As the group examined the map, marking the places they wanted to visit, the hologram transitioned to show the Almighty. They moved into a room that housed the flight simulator, which adhered to the same bright white aesthetic. In the center stood a sleek sphere, with an attendant nearby.

Atomu approached the attendant first. "We'd like to try the simulation."

The attendant glanced up, surveying the group before asking, "Are you all together?"

"Yes," Atomu confirmed.

"One person at a time, ten minutes each. Four thousand five hundred yen," the attendant stated.

"Who wants to go first?" Kaito asked the group.

"Me," Natsumi volunteered. She walked over to the attendant, pulling bills from her bag and handing them over.

"Have you eaten anything recently?" the attendant inquired.

"I did, about like ten minutes ago," Natsumi replied.

"Be careful, you might throw up," he cautioned, accepting the money and opening the pod door. Natsumi stepped inside, and the attendant followed, securing a vest on her and attaching it to a crane.

"The crane will lift you off the ground and rotate your body based on your movements. The pod will provide you with a helmet. There will be a minute of training before you're free to fly around a model of Tokyo," he explained calmly before closing the capsule and pressing a button on his phone.

As they waited, the group chatted about various topics. After ten minutes, the capsule opened. The attendant re-entered, helped Natsumi remove the vest, and they both exited. Her face was alight with excitement as she rejoined the group, eager to share her thrilling experience.

"At the beginning, you're shown how to move by some woman, you're shown the moves and you show up in the city. There are many modes, flying after the bad guy and stuff like that, but I chose free flight. It's so cool, it feels like you're flying, it blows with the wind which makes it feel so real."

"Who's next?" inquired the attendant, his voice a beacon amidst the bustling activity.

With a confident stride, Kaito approached the capsule, intrigue etched into the lines of his youthful face. Natsuki's account had piqued his curiosity, prompting him to exchange currency for experience. As the capsule sealed shut, a mechanical crane hoisted him aloft. Many cameras from all sides recorded his every move.

Within the confines of virtual reality, Kaito found himself enveloped in a pristine white expanse, a lone figure standing before him, her form a symphony of wires and circuits. She guided him through the basics with grace and precision: takeoff, landing, and the sensation of flight itself.

Emerging from his training, Kaito navigated the streets of Tokyo with newfound confidence, his arms outstretched as if to embrace the very air around him. With each graceful arc and ascent, he felt the exhilaration of flight course through his veins, a sensation both thrilling and intoxicating. Amidst the towering skyscrapers, he soared, his spirit unbound by the constraints of gravity.

A smile played on his lips as he contemplated the possibility of flying in the real world, a fleeting dream. Although he had a quirk that in theory could give him that possibility, with his current level of control, and the power of his telekinesis, it was an unattainable goal. 

Once out of the capsule, Kaito joined his companions, each eager to experience the wonders that awaited them within the walls of the building. Together they traversed a landscape of holographic villains and prototypes of the gadgets the heroes used.

Kaito approached the man standing behind the fence.

"Hello, do you sew custom suits?"

The man muttered with a friendly smile: "Yes, what exactly are you interested in?"

"A suit should cover the entire body except for the eyes and mouth. Not just a cloth one, but one with strong plates covering all the important places."

"Uh-huh, that's good. Do you have any ideas for a design?"

"Yes, but I don't have the exact design with me."

"How about this, I can give you contacts of artists who will design to your liking, and you can then message us on social media and we'll discuss the details. But for now, we can take body measurements so you don't have to do it later."

"Yeah, that's fine."

The man led Kaito inside, the boy took off his outer clothing, and the salesman took body measurements. After he sat down at the computer, Kaito put his clothes back on.

The man entered the data into the program.

"Okay, what's your name?"


"And how old are you?"


"Great, I saved your data, when you contact us you will tell us your name and age and they will have your measurements."

Kaito nodded.

"And how long approximately will it take for the suit to be made?"

"Pretty fast if you don't use sophisticated technology, but yours is a week or two, if you're lucky it could be sooner, but count on that time."

"Thank you, goodbye."


After saying goodbye to the man, Kaito headed towards the main square. His gaze wandered over the buildings and people until he caught sight of a boy with green hair. He was standing at one of the many stands dedicated to All Might, his face radiating incredible joy as he held a box containing a statue of Japan's best hero. The cardboard box was labeled "48 out of 1000 - Limited Edition." When Kaito looked away, his eyes returned to their usual purple color.

'Hmm, I didn't expect to encounter any characters before entering...'

After reaching the plaza, he met up with his friends, they grabbed a bite to eat at a restaurant and headed home.