
MHA: Reborn as Denki Kaminari

follows the path of our mc as he tries to get to the apex of power as Kaminari Denki This is my first series so please don't complain if it's not to your liking. I would gladly accept helpful criticism to help me improve the writing quality I own nothing and the image is not mine

VIP2001 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter #8

In an auditorium inside one of the training centers of the U.A,

where you can see all the seats occupied with young teenagers, two of the seats are occupied by me and tetsutetsu, and in front of all of them is a man in a hero costume and behind him three large screens

He is ready to start talking

"welcome to my live show today,

Everybody say HEY"


The room remained silent ignoring the man's encouragement


I had to bring my hands to my mouth not to burst out laughing at one of the heroes responsible for guiding the A.U. entrance exam as well as one of the teachers at the school

the voice hero, PresentMic

"I see, difficult audience "

he said shrugging his shoulders and raising his arms

"Moving on, I'm going to start explaining the exam are you ready? yaaayyyy"


once again silence remained in the room and he finally began to explain the practical exam, it will be urban battles in one of the 7 battle centers prepared by the school where we will have to fight false villains, each of them worth points of 1p 2p 3p and 0p, the latter not worth any points being done on purpose so that students avoid it

It will be a race for points, knowing that only those with the most points will pass the exam, thus occupying the vacancies and getting into the school.

Some decided to clarify their doubts and let him continue the explanation

In the middle of the explanation, the hero decided to have another one of his awkward moments that left the audience speechless, causing silence once again in the room, until a voice called everyone's attention


This time I couldn't hold it in, that guy is really funny, he keeps asking questions even if he knows he's going to be ignored

everyone in the auditorium starts looking at me

Wiping the tear that was about to fall in the corner of my eye from laughing so hard I looked around and after a few seconds I noticed that they didn't look away from me so I said

"what are you looking at, want an autograph?"

Some looked away others were annoyed, I think puberty has made me more arrogant and a bit of a joker

As I developed my quirk I already confirmed what I knew, that I was strong compared to others and that I could become much more and that was one of the factors that made my personality change

In the middle of the crowd you could see a vein on the forehead of a boy with blue hair and glasses who stood up to suppress me

If I am not mistaken it is the same guy who stood up to question me about the 0p

I simply ignored him, making him more angry, and waited for PresentMic to continue what he was saying

In the crowd I could recognize two faces I know from the manga, the green haired mc and his childhood friend with the super cool exploding quirk

Although I can't remember their names I know a few things about them, especially the mc who was supposed to be quirkless but somehow managed to inherit the powers of the hero number 1

After a while of thinking about this I quickly lost interest and focused again on the test I will be taking

I don't know what is the highest record a student has made in the practical exam but I want to get my name stamped to show how far above the others I am


In the battle center many students are waiting for the exam to start, some are talking and others are nervous and trying to concentrate

Tetsutetsu is not in the same group as me apparently they put the students in such a way that they don't form teams and help each other

After a few minutes the exam began

Everyone started running around looking for the robots, including me

I reinforced my body with electricity and overtook the other competitors

They cannot keep up with me at this speed especially after changing direction for several blocks and finally I found the first robot

It didn't take much to defeat it, I dodged its attack and put my hand against its metal body and fried it from the inside with electricity, burning its circuits and making it stop working.

Time went by and after destroying a few more robots, I realized that running around the mini city looking for them is not very efficient so I thought of a better way to deal with the situation

I looked for the tallest building and decided to climb it using electromagnetism one of the many ways I developed my quirk,

I ran to the building at high speed and when I got within a few feet of the wall I didn't slow down and started running on the wall as my feet are glued to the wall duo to the magnetic force

From up here I can see almost the entire field, especially my targets

I threw my hands into my pockets and took out ¥1 coins

With my targets in my sights and the coin in my hand, I extended my arm concentrating with electricity and fired


This is a technique I have been developing since I was a child

The coin fired at a speed of 1500km/h greater than Mach 1

Like a real sniper the coin shot went through the robot in the blink of an eye leaving a hole right in the center

I continued to shoot coins destroying several robots that got in my way trying to focus on the 3p robots, even if I had to steal the kill from others.

This is to see who has more points so don't judge me

"Hahahaha" I laughed out loud

This exam is in easy mode I thought

I've destroyed a lot of them, I'm at 91 points right now and it's not over yet

Although I'm running out of coins, probably I'll have to go back to searching and running after them like the others are doing

But these thoughts were gone when I felt the ground begin to shake

Without realizing what was happening I looked for the source of the vibrations

My mouth curved into a smile as I saw what it was

A giant robot bigger than the buildings,

the 0 point