
MHA: Reborn as Denki Kaminari

follows the path of our mc as he tries to get to the apex of power as Kaminari Denki This is my first series so please don't complain if it's not to your liking. I would gladly accept helpful criticism to help me improve the writing quality I own nothing and the image is not mine

VIP2001 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter #15

We have arrived at the place where we will participate in the battle ttrials

All students are present and equipped with their hero custom

Before entering the academy, one is asked to send in a report on their quirk and body specs. And an affiliated company makes them according to all the information we give them.

To tell you the truth I was looking forward to trying on my hero costume

black combat suit with a white belt with a special space for storing coins, in the head area a mask to facilitate breathing when at high speeds and a communication earpiece

All migth walked us 2 steps ahead of the urban battles we participated during the entrace exams, The ground beta, where the class will take place

Acording to statistics most run-ins with villains occur indoors, so the exercise is practically based on such a situation

We were paired up by drawing lots and split into teams of heroes and villains, apparently this is to replicate situations where real heroes are paired up in place.

It will be a 2 on 2 fight and the goal is for the heroes to secure the nuclear bomb or defeat the villains within the time limit

The first fight will be Midorya and Uraraka against bakudo and ilda

Is this a coincidence or on purpose?

I can't stop thinking about the veracity of this pairing, after all I can see that those two have known each other for a long time and they don't get along and in the end they will have to fight each other.

With bakugo's personality he might really kill him

We have been separated with those who are going to fight, we are now in the monitoring room, where we can see the battle that is about to begin

The battle started intense and interesting, the midorya without using his quirk managed to send him to the ground and almost caught him with the tape

But anything with his movements doesn't look like what it is

" it doesn't look like he is reacting to the blows, it's like ... if he already knows how bakugo is going to act ..."

I said, gaining the interest of the rest of the class

"you are completly rigth young Kaminari, it is as you say besides young Midorya being quick on his feet is due to practically he already knows how young bakugo is going to act after all they have known each other since they were little by the looks of it"'

All Migth replied

"Damm that guy is smart"

Someone said

A dialogue has formed in the monitoring room, although we can see what's going on but we can't hear, so we're just left with our eyes can catch.

It seems that Bakugou went rogue, is not working with his colleague and is simply focused on attacking Midorya, and even without using his quirk he has managed to dodge it

That is for now, after all if he gets caught by one of the attacks it's the end for him

Basically he's running away from him but with a purpose, leaving him further away from his partner with every step he takes, and the hot-headed Bakugo doesn't see it.

is anger is blinding him, he looks like a mindless beast

he lets himself be fooled like that, after all he is the most dangerous one and pushing him away like that means that Uraraka comes face to face with Ilda

That is, if he can handle it like he's been doing

But still I don't get it, I don't believe all this is for that purpose, after all there is no guarantee she can beat Ilda

Like he jinxed brocolli mc for his positive comments about his performance, Bakugo seems more and more irritated even All Migth warned him a few times already

Right now the fight is only one sided, Midoryia can't keep up with Bakugo and is getting beet up ugly


What the hell was in his head to use an attack of that scale, if Midoryia didn't dodge, he would be probably dead and buried alive in the worst case

The attack damaged that floor of the building completely, A.U. buildings are tough how come it didn't collapse with how much damage it took

Finally the dust is settling and it can be seen that the Midoryia ... is ... alive

At least he didn't aim at midoryia

He is still sane

I think

The fight continued with the one side beeting

"this is not a figth anymore if you rewinded its completly clear bullying"

"Thats not a behaviour of a hero

Well he is not a hero in this exercise thougth

And he probably knows that, if not he really needs help

"Bakugo wont let it go huh?"

Bakugo cornered Midoryia, or so he thought.

But seconds later he finally used his quirk

Sacrificing his arm to give Uraraka a chance to win, and that's what happened.

"the hero team won but they are crippled while the villain team is untouched but lost"

"in other words they lost the scufle but won the match"

After the two teams returned to the monitoring room, an analysis of the battle was conducted with momo having spotligth then explain his opinion

And the next battle will begin

It's my turn now

I know it's basically reporting what happens in the manga but it's a kind of experiment for me on how to write fights, tell me what you think

VIP2001creators' thoughts