
MHA:Reborn As Deku, But...

MHA FanFic. Many things will be changed from cannon. (PS:Im bad at remembering shid so I cant do everything exactly as the cannon so there is no point in trying) *I DO NOT OWN SHID* *PS:ALL OPINIONS OF BOTH MC AND NARRATOR ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT MINE!* MC reincarnated as Midoriya Izuku, but he aint dumb like the OG deku. All Might his "favorite" Hero seems to be missing or something cuz he hasn't seen him and so on IDK im to lazy to write a synopsis rn.

Rotten_Sarcophagus · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Sports Festival P:5 [22]

The matches continued, next match was Tanjiro Kamado VS Tenya Iida


Mach started with Tenya going full out from the start, by activating Recipro Burst and rushing at Tanjiro at full speed.

But Tanjiro stayed calm, he stood tall and closed his eyes, he spoke to himself-

Tanjiro-"Breath of Water, Eleventh Form: Dead Calm"

Tenya rushed to him at incredible speeds, with his leg kicking but all of his attacks seemed to pass through him or meet an invisible wall.

But in reality, Tanjiro was blocking and parrying all of Tenya's attacks at super speeds. The Eleventh form of water breathing allows the user to enter a state of complete defence, deflecting and blocking any incoming attacks with imperceptible speed.

Soon Tenya's speed dropped and his engines stalled, resulting in him being stuck and then knocked off the ring.


Next came the match between Mina Ashido and Momo Yaoyorozu.

Which was won by Momo, by using acid proof rubber as a shield, lots of flashbangs and a tazer.


The last battle in the quarter-finals was between Katsuki Bakugo and Eijiro Kirishima.

the battle went similar to the canon, where Katsuki made Eijiro run out of stamina and then blast him and his hardened skin to oblivion.


after a short brake, the semi-finals started

The first match was Momo vs Katsuki

Momo tried hard to knock out Katsuki with flashbangs and tazers, but Katsuki could create his own flashbangs and his were way more powerful than anything Momo could create. Momo was blocking most of Katsuki's attacks with a shield she created but it didn't last long, as the metal shield buckled and burned from Katsuki's assault letting him get another win.


The second match started shortly after.

Izuku vs Tanjiro

Both contestants stood face to face, Mic was asking the two students if they were ready, when Izuku asked to check his equipment.

This caused the viewers to wander what equipment he was checking, because he didn't look like he was using anything.

that's when Izuku raised one hand into the sky and spoke with a deep voice-

Izuku-" I am the bone of my sword.

Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

I have created one blade.

Painfully aware of beginning,

Not aware of the end.

Withstood pain with a crappy weapon, my hands will hold everything.

My flame never ends.

My whole body is Limited Blade Works."

Suddenly his raised hand turned to flames, but kept the hand shape. then slowly it started to swirl and turn, extending and gaining edges, it was almost... no not almost , no. It WAS a blade made from fire and plasma.

He put his hand down, and positioned it on his hip, as if he was about to draw a sword. with a quick nod he confirmed to Present Mic that he was ready.


Everyone watching was astonished, their jaws dragging on the ground, no words could come out of their mouths. but they all thought the same thing.

'What the fu** is this kid?!'


Tanjiro was at first confused by Izuku's speech, chant, spell? whatever it was, it confused Tanjiro, and then Midoriya's hand turned into a blade made of fire... that upped his confusion to another level, but he steeled his resolve, he will finish this mach in a single strike and from the look of Izuku's stance, he seemed to be planning the same thing.


Mic announced the start of the match, but both contestants stood still, they were fighting with their minds, seeing which one would make the first move...

And then both spoke at the same time-

Izuku/Tanjiro-"ITTOU SHURA!/First Form: Thunderclap and Flash:Eight Fold!"

suddenly color seemed to disappear from their surroundings, they both moved at the same time, Izuku's legs turning to lightning almost tearing the leg muscles apart from the force of the steps, his mouth, ears and eyes started to bleed and tear but regenerate at the same time with sparks and embers, whilst Tanjiro released blue and yellow lightning from his body, his eyes white with lightning, his legs turning blue and red from the force and uncontrolled power.

They rushed at eachother, both blades* ready to be drawn at any moment... and that moment came not even a nanosecond later.

blade met blade*, almost as if they passed through each other, then an impact happened and it was all done.


The match started and the contestants spoke at the same time, and with it both students released lighting from their bodies, then multiple sonic booms were heard, kicking up dust and dirt.

The children disappeared to the viewers eyes, and the next thing they knew was a gale of wind crashing at the walls of the stadium with a dust could in the middle.

One side of the stage was a pool of molten rock and on the other side was a crater.

then the dust settled and the students appeared, one was missing half of his arm, and the other was on the ground unconscious.

The student with the missing arm had his head on fire only his skull visible, whilst small sparks and embers came from his missing hand, slowly returning back to its original shape.

The kid on the ground held onto half of his blade, the other half stuck to the walls of the stadium, deeply embedded into the wall with the exposed end looking like it was cut with a plasma cutter or a laser.


The winner of this match was Izuku Midoriya, he would not have won if he had used a normal sword, Tanjiro was too focused on his blade*arm to remember his other hand, which punched him right in his guts, knocking him out cold... that was what coused the Impact.



am making a Marvel fanic with mc having speedforce

if any of yall interested you can check it out after it gets uploaded.

P.S.-im writing it for my own enjoyment reasons and to finnaly get it out of my head, so a fare warning to all who are looking for something serious and high quality, it aint gonna be one.

P.P.S.- i don't know/remember much about marvel and if i get shid wrong and yall start getting heated about it, i wont fix it and if yall get even more angry, ill make sure to make the same mistake throughout the whole story

if you like or even dislike my work, please support me on Ko Fi (slash rottensarcophagus) or Pay Pal (at: RottenSarcophagus)

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