
MHA:Reborn As Deku, But...

MHA FanFic. Many things will be changed from cannon. (PS:Im bad at remembering shid so I cant do everything exactly as the cannon so there is no point in trying) *I DO NOT OWN SHID* *PS:ALL OPINIONS OF BOTH MC AND NARRATOR ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT MINE!* MC reincarnated as Midoriya Izuku, but he aint dumb like the OG deku. All Might his "favorite" Hero seems to be missing or something cuz he hasn't seen him and so on IDK im to lazy to write a synopsis rn.

Rotten_Sarcophagus · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Exam P2 [11]

Before the others realized what was happening, Izuku dashed towards the testing grounds, blasting fire from hes elbows and heels.(he can't use it to fly, just glide cuz flying needs more power and control)

In his way were few 2 and 3 pointers, which he glided near and cut apart whilst dragging his hand across their bodies. Izuku was planning to gather as much points as he could, so Bakugo would have to buy him ice cream for a week, ... oh and to show off.

Izuku went dashing around, cutting and melting every bot he came across, only leaving the solo ones for others, why? because he was planning to become a hero and what type of a hero would ignore his future classmates.

while running and dashing around, Izuku spotted a large group of 1-pointers with a few 3-pointers mixed in. They were all bunched up, hiding the 3-pointers in their masses so they could ambush unsuspecting examinees.

But Izuku had other ideas, he rushed towards the large group, jumped over them and when he was around the middle, he unleashed a torrent of blue flames from his mouth, whilst spinning to melt and destroy the whole group in one fell swoop.

The teachers who were monitoring the exam, suddenly turned their attention to Izuku as he annihilated around 14 bots at the same time, but quickly focused on another monitor that showed another testing area, showing a sword wielding kid with a scar on his forehead, unleashing scary wind with almost every swing of his sword. (read AT below IMPORTANT).

With every swing energy was released that looked like a wave of water, but soon the sword couldn't handle all the power and started cracking.

***back to Izuku***

Izuku was mainly done with defeating villain bots and was now running around helping others who looked like were having trouble. He also was waiting for that sadistic chimera AKA: Principal Nezu to unleash the 0-Pointer.

Ask and you shall receive, The sadistic rodent, unleashed The 0-pointer in the last 3 minutes of the exam, whilst laughing like a crazy maniac.

The kids started running away from the gigantic 70m robot (couldn't find the exact number but whereever I looked it said around 50m-90m so i chose 70)

This was the moment where the *future Heroes* real side was shown. almost everyone ran away whilst the others were frozen in fear.

suddenly Izuku heard a cry for help, and he knew exactly who it was from, Ochako Uraraka aka: Uravity.

She was trapped under some rubble that was thrown by the 0-pointer. Izuku ran with all his might, why wouldn't he? he needed to show off!

arriving near Uraraka, Izuku quickly and easily lifted the rubble and freed her. then without stopping he crouched down, putting a lot of heat into his legs, and detonating them to achieve his current max speed.

Arriving to the robot's head in a split second, Izuku heated up his fist as much as he could and slid it into the robot's face, lifting the giant few feet off of the ground with the speed and power his jump had.

His fist easily slid into the metal face because of the heat, that made a portion of the fist turn to hot plasma.

Getting a good distance away from everything, Izuku used his new move:

Izuku-"Point Burst"

Two words were said in a low and deep voice, yet everyone nearby heard it, even the teachers watching it from a screen... and everyone felt their spines getting colder.

All the concentrated heat, exploded out of Izuku's fist, leaving the 0-pointer with it top half turned to molten slag and ash.

Everyone watched as the giant that stood above buildings was now reduced to half its height, but then they watched as the kid responsible of all this was free falling, missing both his legs and a fist.

But Izuku had no plans to let fate guide his story, by letting Ochako save him. No he had the power to cut the lines of fate and he did so.

Using his stumps, Izuku used a portion of his remaining energy to release small bursts of flames to slow done his fall, until he reached the ground and started gliding, slowly laying himself down.

Whilst Izuku was falling, Present Mic had already called an end to the exam and Recovery Girl was going around helping the injured, now she was going towards Izuku to heal his lost limbs.

But Izuku had other plans... He didn't want to be kissed by the walking corpse, thus before the corpse went near him, he used his remaining energy to quickly heal his legs as fast as possible and then ran away from Recovery girl as fast as he could.


[Point Burst: Izuku can concentrate heat in a single point, achieving extremely high temperatures, even turning that point to lightning(plasma) and then releasing it all at the same time whenever he wants to, or when he loses focus]


Yes I am going to use Tanjiro Kamado as allmight's successor

Reason 1: I dont got enough brain power to come up with an OC for a side character.

Reason 2: already made a backstory and no he didn't reincarnate, its just a kid who looks the same and has the same name.

Reason 3: NO im not giving Izuku OFA

Also give me good hero names for Izuku, Katsuki and Tanjiro (plz)

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