
MHA: Reboot

Summary: He was just a normal teen! Who would've thought that he'd reincarnate in the world of My Hero Academia!? Now, with a newfound power called Quirk, Read on, as you follow his journey in this New Life! ***** Previous Title: Journey to Number One ***** My Hero Academia is not owned by me.

FleemusDesirus · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

11: USJ (2)


Finally reaching the bottom of the Landslide Site, I snap my fingers, and the disc reverts back to its original size.

Running towards the center of the stadium, I see Aizawa-sensei fighting the goons. I clench my staff as the Villains and Aizawa-sensei finally take notice of me.

"Takumi, what are you doing here?" he asks

"I'm going to help." I reply.

"You don't understand. They're not robots like the ones from the Entrance Exam. They are going to kill you once they get a hold of you." he says as he knocks out a Villain.

"I already know that, Sensei. But I want to do this. Please?" I reply as I hit a Villain's knee, solar plexus, and neck, consecutively.

"I-, Fine. Stubborn brat." with a sigh, he finally consents.

He adds, "What about your classmates?"

I reply, "A Villain surrounded us with his fog, the next moment, I got teleported with Todoroki on the Landslide Site. If I assume correctly, the others are also scattered around the other sites. I also told Iida to call backup."

"Okay, that's good. Now focus up" he replies as he blocks a punch from a Villain, but he gets wrapped by a Villain on his blind spot and thrown away.

"Hehe, looks like you're all alone, kid..." a Villain says with a massive grin as he looks me up and down.

Is he a damn p*do?...

With my staff in hand, I rush towards him and hit him on the balls. He kneels down due to the pain, and I hit his arms extremely hard. He screams as I hear bones breaking. After that, I hit him on his nape which causes him to pass out.

"Now, who's next?"


Two Villains dash towards me and another is throwing debris at me.

I contemplate using my new technique but decided against it, as it is still too early.

I catch some of the debris the Villain was throwing at me and throw my staff towards her.

"Liquify" I throw the mud-like liquid towards the two villains that were rushing me. One of them gets hit on the eye. The other one proceeds as his hand turns into a blade. I take another debris and once the Villain's face gets close enough to my hand,

"Explode". His face and my palm gets burns but I ignore the pain and dash towards the bladed-hand Villain, hold his face and,

"Paralyze". Phew... Once I sighed, I don't notice the huge hammer coming towards my face.

But it doesn't hit me as bandages are wrapped around it. I turn towards the Villain and I recognize him as the one who got hit on his eye with the mud.

"A tip kid, never let your guard down. Especially when in a huge fight, such as this." Aizawa tells me when he walks towards me, face full of scratches.

I reply, "Noted".


On the Flashflood Site...

As Midoriya and Asui were coming up the shore, what greeted them would forever be carved in their minds.

They were greeted by Aizawa being held down, limbs twisted the other way, face bloodied.

"A-A-Aizawa-sensei!" exclaimed Midoriya.

({Moments Earlier)}

"Noted" replied Akira.

But suddenly, Shigaraki dashes towards the two and says to the other villains,

"Attack the kid. I'm going to engage Eraserhead."

The duo was surrounded by Villains, Aizawa and Akira tried to fend them off but it wasn't enough with Aizawa getting exhausted.

Once the Villains found an opening, they immediately attacked Akira and left Aizawa to Shigaraki.

When Aizawa fights Shigaraki,

"It's hard to see since you aren't still, but your hair falls whenever you finish a move... And those intervals are getting shorter... You shouldn't push yourself, Eraserhead..." says the Villain as he crumbles Aizawa's elbow.

Aizawa pushes him back and dodges an attack from another villain.

The Villain adds, "That Quirk isn't made for fighting for a long time, is it? What you're used to is a short fight after a surprise attack..."


{Akira POV}

Okay... This is bad... I'm surrounded by 8 Villains. I'm starting to get exhausted...

'I need to finish this quickly' I thought as I dodge an incoming energy blast from a Villain.

I get close to a Villain with the cannon as his hand. "Sleep"

And I hold his hand while using his body as a shield for the incoming attacks. But... I feel an energy from him... More specifically, his hand.

I try something that would change everything going onwards.

Still holding his hand I point it towards the other Villains, I focus on the energy I felt and say, "Activate".

After that, a cannonball is fired out of his hand and it hits a Villain on the head...

I just made him forcefully use his quirk...

Putting the amazing revelation aside, I use the Villains body as a shield, again. Six Villains remain. Grabbing the body, I rush a Villain with grasshopper legs, and as he kicks me, it doesn't connect since the body covered me.

I point the body's hand towards Bug Legs and "Activate", with that, the Villain passes out.

I see an attack coming towards my body, as it is too late to dodge, I block it. But I am sent back a few meters. I stumble but soon regain my balance. I touch the ground and say,

"Grow" "Expand" An earth wall comes out from the ground and it blocks me from their sight.

I enlarge my muscles, but this time, I "Compress" my muscles, and it reverts back to its original size, stronger.

*Snap* and the wall goes back down.

With a grin, I say "Now, who's ready for round two?"


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