
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Tomoko's Work Study under Nameless

Bullet was staring at a GPS before finding Tomoko's house again.

Bullet walked in and Tomoko jumped in shock, covering her chest. Bullet ignored her, saying "Ahaha! Intern! Bullet come back with gift! Why cover chest? Nothing there!" Tomoko froze and clawed at him angrily, shouting "Bad Bullet! No say to lady!" Bullet swayed on the spot, dodging, as he asked in confusion "So silly? Why no say? Bullet just tell truth! This good! Small boobs good! Tomoko nice figure, very lithe and agile. Good for flexibility to dodge."

He nodded to himself as Tomoko blushed angrily, clawing at him. Bullet grabbed her face and said "Okay! You open gift."

Tomoko stopped and opened the box Bullet brought.

She pulled out a skintight black leather suit and looked at it, blushing. What would she look like in this… This didn't fit her cute aesthetic… This was…

TOO Sexy!

She pulled out black cat paw gauntlets made of metal, as well as a utility belt and the same sort of styled metal boots.

Bullet waved at her saying "Okay! You change! Hurry. Bullet change too." Tomoko was stunned as Bullet stripped on the spot. Bullet looked at her strangely, saying "Bullet see Tomoko naked before! No fuss, hurry." as he looked at her with his hands on his hips in his underwear with an admonishing look in his eyes.

Tomoko was dumbfounded and laughed helplessly, changing on the spot.

Bullet put on his costume and put his mask on his head, covering his hair as he looked Tomoko up and down, nodding "Very nice!"

Interestingly, on his left arm was all binding cloth and on his left fist was Knuckleduster's knuckleduster covered in cloth, only the raised parts showing.

His right arm was the MK IV and he was decked with weapons but also a black box on his back above his weapons pouch.

Bullet smiled happily "Good! Much better! Look very good, like real hero! Bullet get chills!" he pointed at the metal additions, explaining "You spread fingers." Tomoko looked at the metal gauntlets curiously and spread her fingers, sharp metal claws shot out, shining dangerously.

Bullet clapped and explained "Boots same! Bullet teach you quick movement in costume today. Come on." Tomoko was startled and followed him, reading the instructions for her new suit.

She was shocked by the level of support gear, asking "Who made these?" Bullet smiled happily, "Bullet girlfriend! Super genius! Very smart! Bullet love very much!" Before pausing and saying in shock "You like?! Bullet give number later! Tomoko call say Bullet give you number, Mei give you discount! Ahaha! Even Pussycats new suits, no problem! Mei best Support Hero in Universe! Whatever universe is! But Bullet say in Japan, better than Mei, no exist!"

He patted his chest proudly, making a metal ringing noise, "Bullet guarantee!" Tomoko looked at him in amusement, but she was really shocked by the quality of the Support Equipment… Maybe she should really give her a call! You know, if she was Bullet's girlfriend, then she was at most a First Year!

In the future… Tomoko couldn't even imagine the level of progress! It was better to build relations early for a long term lasting business relationship. Not to mention, providing her with a contract at this time would be a huge thing for her at the moment, being so young. Tomoko was sure that in the future, she would get so many, maybe she wouldn't even look at the Pussycat's application…

Tomoko smiled at Bullet sweetly, he was really her lucky star! She really liked this happy go lucky little boy!

Bullet brought Tomoko to an alley and said "You watch, then you follow Bullet." Bullet jumped and dug his metal fingers into the wall, jumping to the other side quickly and climbing to the roof!

He looked down and shouted "Tomoko like cat! Climb like this! Use claws! Meow!" Tomoko pursed her lips and jumped up, slamming face first into the wall, sliding down…

Bullet laughed but shouted happily, "Go Tomoko Go! Bullet believe! Bullet can do why no Tomoko too?! Boots make jump, charge, kick, etc. More power! Get used to quick! We move fast!"

Tomoko pouted, saying "But…" Bullet shouted seriously "NO BUTS! Tomoko, you hero. Great person tell Bullet 'Villains complain, Heroes handle problems!' You do because you hero! Quirkless don't matter! Come on! You can do it!"

Tomoko looked up at Bullet and smiled gently, nodding firmly, "Okay!" she jumped up and clawed the wall but still slipped!

Bullet gave her advice, "Tomoko take too long! Jump, claw, land, jump again! No wait! You wait for what? Coffee? Bullet no money!" Tomoko giggled and shouted "I GOT IT, MEOW!" as she jumped up, clawing into the wall before jumping across the alley to the other wall quickly.

She darted back and forth before landing on the roof, crouching like a cat. The only thing she was missing was a tail and cat ears.

But Bullet thought that the tail was stupid, leaving something like that behind you for cosmetics, what's the point? The enemy grabs it and takes advantage? Please!

There was no cosmetics on his costume, everything had a purpose. The tattered cloak hood was fireproof!

Bullet smiled happily and pulled down his Mask, saying "Let's go. We practice quick movement, Tomoko keep up… We're real fast!" Bullet ran off the building and jumped to another building, throwing out his cloth and pulling himself through the air, shooting away.

Tomoko smiled cutely, licking her lips as she chased him, digging into the ground with her claws, shooting off.

Bullet flew through the air upside down, looking behind him, shouting "Good! Like this! Bullet also fight like this before! All fours like wolf!" they shot across buildings and came to a street.

Bullet looked at the rooftops across the busy street and said to Tomoko, "This big test! Pass or die! You watch!" Tomoko was shocked and grabbed him quickly, shouting "Are you crazy!?" Bullet shook her off, saying seriously "Tomoko still think same as before. Bullet show you, not same anymore! Bullet and Tomoko need to work 100, 1000, 10000 time harder than everyone else! This is how Bullet is hero!"

He backed up and charged at the edge of the roof, he jumped off the edge and flew through the air, tucking his legs as he shot across the street in the sky, landing on a streetlamp and jumping off to the building, vaulting to the roof and shooting a thumbs up with his back to Tomoko, shouting "No Fear, Tomoko! This how become Hero!"

Tomoko was speechless, looking at his strong back. She felt warm all over!

She can't believe herself!

Crushing over a 16 year old! She was 31!

She backed up and charged at the edge, jumping off! She flew through the sky and mimicked Bullet, landing next to him!

Bullet slapped her back and laughed "AWESOME!" Tomoko blushed in excitement, feeling the adrenaline pumping through her veins. She looked at Bullet with stars in her eyes. Bullet grinned and said "Come on! Still lot of time today! Maybe find few Villains!" as he ran off, shooting through the sky as Tomoko followed him with a sweet smile.