
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Shinso and Bullet

A while later

Bullet went inside and made some breakfast, Izuku ran over and said quickly "How about I do it!" Bullet froze and rubbed the back of his head, "Hah… Let me help though…" Izuku smiled, "Alright!"

Katsuki yawned and walked over, sneering "What are you losers doing up so early?" Bullet smiled and said "Training before school." Katsuki frowned and said "What time?" Izuku looked at Bullet, who smiled happily "Wake up at 6."

Katsuki snorted smoke from his nose and scratched his chin, "Heh… I'll kill you tomorrow morning." Bullet nodded happily and Izuku told him to chop some vegetables. Katsuki walked over and started helping.

A bit later

Bullet carried an omelet with meat and vegetables to his room, humming to himself.

Momo walked out of the bathroom with a towel, humming. She smiled at Bullet "Hey! Up early, no?" Bullet nodded, smiling "Training before school." Momo raised a brow, "Oh yeah? What time?" Bullet smiled happily "Wake up at 6." Momo smiled happily "I'll be there tomorrow~!" Bullet nodded happily and Shoto walked out of his room, nodding "Me too."

Bullet nodded again and opened the door to his room, humming to himself.

He came to see Mei coughing in her sleep. He put the Omelet down before walking over and rubbing her back, she smiled comfortably and opened her eyes, "Mmm… You're back." Bullet smiled and sat down, stroking her cheek, "Went to train early."

She turned to her back and yawned, "I know. These past few days you've been going." Bullet smiled sweetly, "Brought you breakfast…" he touched his nose in embarrassment "Izuku make. Bullet not good at cooking." Mei giggled "We'll get a maid! HAHAH!" before scrunching her nose cutely and grinning.

Bullet nodded with a smile as he sat her up, bringing the plate over. She giggled and opened her mouth saying "Ahhhh~" Bullet fed her happily, chuckling "Cute!" Mei giggled and took the fork, feeding him instead as she said knowingly "You didn't eat yet, right?"

Bullet was stunned, "You know?! How!" Mei rolled her eyes and kissed his cute face, "I know everything!" Bullet sighed in admiration, "Awesome!" Mei laughed and ate happily as Bullet bragged "You know! Bullet chop ingredients!" Mei laughed, "I can taste it! So much better! If only Izuku make then not as good!"

Bullet was filled with pride, snorting steam from his nose!

Mei giggled happily and Bullet got up, saying "Bullet shower." Mei said "Mei come?!" Bullet scratched his head, "Maybe someone else inside…" Mei pouted and Bullet looked shifty, "Bullet check, see if coast clear!" he left as Mei laughed happily, looking at his back sweetly while eating the omelet.

A while later

Bullet was rubbing his neck in his school uniform as he walked down the halls. He sighed to himself, why was English so hard!?

He bumped into Aizawa and Shinso!

Shinso smirked at him and Bullet glared at him slightly, turning to Aizawa, saying happily "Dad! How your day today?" Shinso furrowed his brows, huh? What's this guy's deal? What do you mean by that.

Aizawa's lips twitched and he said "Good thing I found you before you ended up in the girl's locker room again. Get suited up, we've got a busy day today." Bullet forgot about flashing his closeness with Aizawa for a moment, saying curiously "Ah? What do?"

Aizawa pulled on his cheek, lifting him in the air, saying "What do? What do? Stop asking and listen. Jeez! Come on." as he walked away, Shinso clicked his tongue, saying "Better stay close, don't want to end up in the girl's locker room, right?"

Bullet walked on the other side of Aizawa, huffing as he replied "At least see girls, Shinso… probably not ever, right?" Shinso snorted smoke from his nose, "I have a girlfriend, I'll have you know." Bullet rolled his eyes and smirked "Better than Bullet? I don't think so…"

Then he snorted, nudging Aizawa, adding "Right, DAD?" Shinso frowned grimly, this guy was a tough cookie. He turned and said "I've been working on my Binding Cloth technique, Master. I won't let you down today." Bullet frowned with narrowed eyes, what's this guy's deal!?

He pulled on Aizawa's sleeve, sighing "Must be hard for Dad, teach this guy so hard still has to prove himself… Bullet remember only take a few weeks. So easy~" Shinso snorted, saying "Heh! Weeks? Sorry, looks like you're lacking a bit, Bullet. Only took me a week." Bullet laughed twice, "Did Bullet say weeks? Meant days!" Shinso chuckled "Did I say week? I meant day!" Bullet slapped his forehead, "Sorry! Meant hours!" Shinso coughed, "Sorry too… I meant minutes." Bullet shouted with a glare "SECONDS!" Shinso glared "I looked at it and mastered it completely!"

Bullet laughed at the ceiling, "Bullet mastered before even knowing about it!" Shinso shivered in anger, saying "Come here, bastard!" Aizawa held their faces and sighed, "Enough." they said in unison "He started it!" before glaring "Stop copying me!" and again "Damn you!"

Aizawa was starting to get a headache…

They went to get their costumes before going to the training area.

Bullet was wearing a skintight black sleeveless jumpsuit with his black chest plate on and his mask over his hair, rubbing his wrists as he grumbled, walking over to Class-1A. His arms were covered in binding cloth but he wasn't wearing his knuckleduster, nor the one Mei made for him.

The one she made looked entirely different to present her unique touches. But she did make him one. He naturally wouldn't use it during training.

The raised portions on the silver one Knuckleduster gave him were just normal circles, but Mei's was all black and the raised bits were hearts. It was cute. Bullet liked it a lot.

He walked over and Tsuyu touched her chin asking "What happened to you?" Bullet waved "Met an annoying guy!"

Shinso walked over, "Heh? Speak for yourself!" Bullet turned to him saying "Heh! Take words out of Bullet's mouth! Damn guy! Bullet want to beat you up just looking at you!" Shinso curled his fingers, "Come on, who's afraid of you?"

Bullet threw out the cloth but Shinso did the same and the cloth slapped in the middle, Bullet and Shinso said angrily "You!" before lunging at each other. Aizawa wrapped them up and dragged them to the ground, looking at the rest, explaining "Shinso is hoping to get into the Hero course. Today we'll be joint training with Class-1B."

Monoma walked over, holding his face and laughing at the sky, "HAHAH! YOUR TIME IS UP, 1A! WE'RE HERE TO DETHRONE YOU! AHAHAHAH! TREMBLE BEFORE OUR AWESOME POW-Ack!"

Aizawa wrapped his cloth around his neck and said "That's enough outta you!"

Vlad King walked over, nodding "Mhm. We'll be Joint Training together today, so make sure to do your best."

Aizawa pulled Shinso up and said "Introduce yourself." Shinso hung from the cloth, looking at everyone "I'm Shinso. I know you all from the Sports Festival… We're not friends, Aizawa is my Master and I hope to be a hero with my Quirk, using it to help people. You're all obstacles in my way and I will surpass all of you."

The classes clapped stiffly as Aizawa put him back down on the ground, Bullet rolled around angrily and Aizawa stepped on him, saying "We'll be fighting with 4v4 teams. Of course, Shinso will be a fifth member on each team." Toru huffed, "That's not fair!"

Vlad King corrected, "The 5 man team will be handicapped since Shinso is relatively new. Since Shinso is inexperienced and you're all not, you'll need to have him keep up with your pace. So, essentially, the 5 man teams will be at a disadvantage with him on them. The Battle matches will be Class A vs Class B. The goal is to capture the other team and lock them in a Cutesy Wutesy Lock 'em up prison. So think of the opposing team as villains in this scenario."

Aizawa held up a box with Vlad King saying "Time to draw lots." as he released Bullet, who immediately smirked at Shinso, displaying his freedom. Shinso's lips twitched angrily and Bullet chuckled to himself, strutting to the box, pulling a lot, saying "Watch Shinso, Bullet teach you to draw Lots, okay? Hard for small brain to do but you figure out."

Shinso glared at him and struggled on the ground.

Mina covered her mouth, muttering "Wha…" Toru giggled "This side of Bullet is so cute!" Izuku's eyebrows twitched and he muttered "He really wasn't kidding…" Bullet walked away with his lot, joining Mina, Ochako, and Izuku.

They all cheered and hugged.

The teams were set and Shinso was released, grabbing two lots as Bullet cheered "You did it!" Shinso threw a ball at him, "Bastard!"

Bullet caught the ball and looked at it, chuckling evilly. He turned the ball around and grinned, "This fate!" Shinso suddenly grinned and they both chuckled evilly.

Aizawa's entire face was twitching as Vlad King cleared his throat, patting his shoulder, "Good luck…?" Aizawa sighed angrily "Enough outta you two!"

The duo shut up and everyone else chuckled.