
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
162 Chs

Mei's tears

Not even an hour later

Bullet's door was opened.

Bullet shot awake and covered Mei, while holding a knife from the walls.

He looked up like feral eyes before noticing it was All-Might. He sighed to himself as All-Might looked at him silently. Bullet put the knife away and asked "What are you going here, All-Might?" All-Might looked at him and said "We need to talk."

Bullet fell silent and got out of bed, walking out with his armor still on.

He passed All-Might and walked away as All-Might closed the door, sighing to himself while following him.

They came to another room and All-Might sat down, Bullet sat down and looked at All-Might. He smiled and said "Go ahead." All-Might looked at him and hesitated before saying "Kid, I can see it in your eyes… I know you're exhausted. I'm sorry. Partly this is my fault but…"

He looked at Bullet and continued with a sigh, "What happened to you? Before you were trying to do better and for a long time you did. So deaths, nothing, now you just…" All-Might sighed and Bullet smiled slightly, as he went on, "I know you, so I know you mean well… But how many is it now? How many lives have been ended in your hands, aren't you tired? Do you even know the number?"

Bullet shook his head and All-Might continued "So then I don't get it. Before you were just this cute guy who couldn't speak, crying about how his classmates didn't like him, not you go on a rampage and broadcast this… I just- I just don't understand anymore. I can't dust my hands and agree that it's okay. I just can't, Bullet. I'm sorry."

Bullet smiled happily and looked at him, saying "That's why you're the Number 1 Hero, All-Might." All-Might was startled as Bullet leaned back in the chair, letting out a breath as he smiled, "In the beginning, I never liked killing people. Mask did all the dirty work, then our personalities came back together, leaving only the original split…"

He sighed and continued after a pause, "I won't talk about that one, but… He was very dangerous. During the war I lost control and killed a lot of people because of him, I was never going to escape the punishment that's coming to me."

Bullet seemed to be relieved, as he continued with a smile, "There are still times where I get angry out of nowhere since I became whole again, I guess you could say. I cover it up by being loud and laughing but I'm really burning from the inside out… So what changed? Nothing changed. I was always like this."

He sighed and shook his head, "Leave those big dreams to someone who can actually achieve them without descending into a homicidal maniac like me. How many have I killed? I don't know. I don't count. It's not even a thought. I just do. All those people I feel deserve death, I don't-..."

He closed his eyes and sighed, "I don't feel like I did anything wrong, do you see the problem, All-Might?" he laughed and tears escaped his eyes, "I know it's wrong, I can see that it's bad, but I don't feel anything when I do it. I just do it. And I want to be a hero, can you imagine? HAHAHAHA!"

All-Might looked at him sadly and Bullet shook his head, "This entire thing, coming to UA… It was all a big fantasy dream. I'm trying to smile everyday and it's getting harder and harder… I don't want anyone to come save me, that's the problem. Every thought I have is conflicted by another one. I felt relieved and extreme dread when I saw you all in that Alley. I was happy and angry, I felt like laughing and crying. Do you get it?"

He rubbed his head and sighed, "I am literally out of control. And I'm terrified. I don't want to kill all these villains but I have to. See? There it goes again! I just want to be a hero, is it so hard?"

He even started crying asking "What's wrong with me?!" All-Might sighed and pulled him in, rubbing his head, "We'll find out. But you gotta stop this. You have to put an end to everything. I can't let you go out like this, not anymore. I wouldn't be a hero if I did." Bullet laughed, "How? I don't even know what to do anymore… I just want to kill All For One and Shigaraki… What am I supposed to do? I'm so confused."

All-Might sighed and said "We'll figure it out, Bullet. When everything is over we'll figure everything out, okay?" Bullet nodded and All-Might sighed, "Go clean up…"

Bullet got up and left, wiping his eyes with his tattered metal arm, looking sad. All-Might sighed and rubbed his eyes.

Bullet took off his armor and left it in his room, dropping his metal arms as he walked out.

He came to the bathroom and sat in the bath, staring at the water in a daze. He smiled at his reflection, asking softly "Who the hell are you?" The reflection just smiled back as Bullet laughed to himself.

A bit later

A soft body pressed against his back.

Bullet smiled to himself and said "Mei." Mei wrapped her arms around him and said happily, "I'm so glad you're back." Bullet smiled wryly, asking "Am I? I don't even know." Mei moved to his front and rubbed his body with a sponge, giggling "Of course you are. You're my baby, you think I wouldn't recognize you? I recognize all the babies I make."

Bullet laughed and asked, "You made me? So what am I, Mei? Am I a mass murderer or am I a hero? Why do I not know?" he even started crying, "What happened to being a big Hero? I don't get it."

Mei rubbed his chest with a sponge asking "Where did you get these scars? These ones are new." Bullet replied in frustration "Are you listening?!" Mei ignored him, asking "Are they from killing villains or are they from saving your friends who went out to be heroes to the people who are being terrorized by animals outside!"

Bullet was startled and she slapped him hard, shouting "You might as well be a joke if you don't even know who you are! I saw you in the alley, I looked into your eyes! What changed? You want to know? Since you met Himiko, you've been confused! Look at everything you've done!"

Bullet winced as she pushed him against the back of the bath, poking on his chest and glaring at him, "Listen to me, very carefully, you stupid asshole! You can't just throw everything away because you're a little confused. You know who does that? The same scum that's running rampant outside these damn shelters! Who gives a fuck about what people say about you!? The old Bullet didn't!"

She laughed and cried, "One lunatic tells you that she is a villain and you can't save her, and you lose your entire life?! You overcome all your personalities and lose your mind?! Are you kidding?!" she grabbed his hair and cried, "You bastard, I really care about you! Did you forget that?! Are you really crumbling so bad on the inside that you can't see me anymore?!"

She pointed out the door and shouted "You know! Everyone's worried about you! Everyone hopes you can get better because we all know that you're struggling to do the right thing! Scared?! Yeah! We're all scared! Not only of everything going on, but you! They are scared of you! Not because you kill people, but because you're becoming more like a villain by the fucking day!"

Mei cried and laughed, "When I saw that video, I cried myself to sleep! Did you know?! The others were worried, I knew the truth! You want to push everyone away! You want to make a big event to force people to look at you! What happened to the guy who didn't like fame? What happened to the guy who didn't care if he was beaten up in the cafeteria? Do you even remember him?!"

She shook him and cried, "What happened to the guy I fell in love with?! Where is he!? He was super strong! He was my hero! He wasn't confused about who he was! Bring him back!" she punched him in the face and cried, shouting "GIVE HIM BACK TO ME! AHAHAHA-Ack!"

Before coughing violently, even bits of blood coming out.

Bullet's eyes trembled and he tried to hold her, but he didn't have any arms… Bullet cried and said "Please stop." she wiped her lips and grit her teeth, punching him again, "NO! Not until you give him back! He was everything to me! You're ruining his image, you spineless nobody!"

She coughed up blood and continued punching him, crying "Please… Just come back to me… I need you…" before grabbing onto his shoulders and crying loudly in his chest…