
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Mei's anger!

Mei dragged him along before slapping him awake!

Bullet woke up and was in a daze, Mei shoved her face in his vision, smiling as she was upside down in his view. Bullet was stunned, "Dream?" Mei laughed, "I BET YOU DO DREAM ABOUT ME! AHAHAH!" he lifted him up and dusted him off, smiling happily, looking at him, asking "Okay?"

Bullet touched his arm and smiled "Ah." Mei let out a breath and smiled happily, "Good! Next match. Denki Kaminari. Bird lose! Electricity bad!" Bullet rubbed his chin and nodded, Mei noticed something was wrong and tilted her head, asking "Hm?! Sad?"

Bullet frowned slightly, a trace of sadness on his lips, "Card. Ashes." Mei was stunned, asking "Card ashes? Why? Who?" Bullet shook his head and Mei poked his cheek, "Who! You tell! Or Mei leave."

Bullet looked troubled, saying "Strong! Maybe hurt Mei. No tell." Mei frowned deeply, stretching out his cheeks, saying "Ahhh! Who?! I need to know! Damn! Burn… Ashes… Was it… Todoroki?!"

She huffed and rolled up her sleeves, walking away, but going nowhere. Bullet held her up by the back of her collar as she continued walking on air. He sighed and shook his head, saying "Forget. Not important. No problems. Mei hurt, Bullet blame self."

Mei turned to him while hanging in the air, gesturing "Mei angry, Bullet sad! What do?" Bullet looked worried, saying "No angry! Make problem! No problem, all ok." Mei glared at him, swinging her fists, shouting "IT'S GONNA BE A PROBLEM IF YOU KEEP BEING SAD! THAT STUPID HOT AND COLD ASSHOLE! I'LL KILL HIM!"

Speak of the devil, Shoto happened to walk by.

He was stunned, pointing at himself in confusion. Mei tore the back of her shirt, walking up to Shoto and pointing at his nose, saying "Did you burn Bullet's card?! Don't lie to me! I'll blow your house up!"

Shoto was dumbfounded, saying in shock "BLOW MY HOUSE UP!?" Mei poked his face angrily, "YES!" Shoto shook his head in confusion "I didn't burn any cards. What card by the way?" he was curious now, this girl was threatening to blow his house up!

Mei explained angrily "Bullet has a card that explains how he can't speak very well, it's for new people to understand him better! Now it's ashes! So you tell me! What did you do?!" Shoto was shocked and waved his hands, saying "It really wasn't me… Why would I even burn a card like that, seems important…"

He added, "Plus I don't even use my flames. So-" before he froze and got angry "That bastard!" Mei frowned and tilted her head, poking him harder! Shoto moved her hand, saying "Endeavor."

Bullet sighed and said "No problem! Bullet fine…" Mei snorted at Shoto and dragged Bullet off, saying "Consider yourself in this God's mercy!" Bullet looked at Shoto before smiling kindly, "Goodluck, Shoto. You win, we fight, okay?"

Shoto watched them go and smiled slightly, nodding. Bullet grinned and gave him a thumbs up, "Good Fight!" as Mei dragged him around a corner. Shoto clenched his fists, his first opponent was a doozy… Izuku was an extremely tough matchup!

You know, that guy's not afraid to break all his limbs!

Mei dragged Bullet out and she scanned the crowd before frowning, muttering "Where did that campfire go?" Bullet looked behind him and saw Endeavor walking by, he bit his lips and teared up, turning away in shame, not saying anything.

Mei snorted and grinned, "Must be scared of me! Right?" as she turned to see Bullet smiling at her, nodding. She zoomed in on his face, seeing his lips and closed eyes trembling slightly. She turned back and laughed, "Yeah…"

Her fists were clenched and her eyes were very angry!

He must've passed behind them and Bullet saw him but won't say it!

She walked to the stands and said "AHAH! Popcorn?!" Bullet blinked at her, asking "Hungry?" Mei nodded, "Hungry! Popcorn!" Bullet looked troubled and touched his lips, "N-No money…" Mei burst out laughing, squeezing his face, shouting "IT'S FREE FOR PARTICIPANTS! THAT FACE! TOO CUTE! AHAHAHA!" before kissing her hand, touching her forehead and headbutting him, saying seriously, "You Popcorn. Mei hungry. Good boy. Okay?"

Bullet was dazed and gave a thumbs up with swirling eyes, "King of the Pirates!" as he swayed from side to side, walking away, seeing stars.

Mei smiled cutely at his back before turning around, her eyes blazing with anger as she hopped down to the stadium halls, disappearing.

She walked around and searched before finding him!

She stomped over and pointed at his nose with gritted teeth, "You! Campfire! You hear me?!" Endeavor looked down and frowned, "Who are you?" Mei laughed in anger "The one who's gonna blow up your house! Listen, asshole! You burned a card that belonged to someone I care about! You better apologize! He's real sad about it!"

Endeavor frowned angrily, "Oh yeah? Why should I care?" Mei clenched her fists and grinned, "Oho! Keep acting high and mighty, second place! Maybe when All-Might dies you'll have a new target to chase! HAHAHAH! You're disgusting! You're not a real hero! You're just a scum with a powerful Quirk! Look at all that shit equipment! Hahaha! Don't worry, even if you die in the future, I will make sure your Hero agency goes bankrupt!"

Endeavor's flames blazed and he glared at her, "Yeah? So you and that Quirkless freak are friends? Makes sense since all the Support Agencies I know crawl and beg for clients." he grinned, "Bankrupt me? You're a tough little girl aren't you? Maybe you want a job, if you beg me I'll consider it."

Mei glared at him and laughed, "Keep going! I guarantee your sidekicks will come and beg for me to stop! I will destroy you! Your agency, your reputation, your sidekicks, everything! Money can't buy happiness, but ahaha! I'LL BE SMILING WHEN I WATCH THEM BULLDOSE YOUR FUCKING BUILDING! AHAHAHAHAH!"

Endeavor grabbed her neck and glared at her with intense anger, Mei burst out laughing "YEAH! AHAHAH! KILL ME! GO AHEAD! HAHAHAHAHAH!" though her eyes were very afraid, her arrogance was deep in her bones, just fear couldn't extinguish it!


Endeavor tossed her into a wall and sneered, "Trying to rile me up, kid? You got guts, not afraid to die, that's good. Have fun finding investors." Mei wiped the blood from her lips and grinned crazily "Yeah! Haha! Target a kid! Hahah! You're scared, it's okay to say it! I'm scared that you'll kill me, but I know that if I die someone will kill you at all costs! Hahahah! Maybe it'll fuck his life up… but he'll try and kill you until he succeeds! At any cost! That's just the kinda guy he is! I'm just a selfish leech on his dreams, let me be more selfish, it doesn't matter!"

She laughed, "Come on! KILL ME! AHAHHA! The guy that I like will avenge me." Endeavor snorted flames and glared at her before walking away, "Insane. Watch your back, kid." Mei laughed and rubbed her neck, "HAHAHAH! GOODBYE ENDEAVOR! AHAHAHAHAH! REMEMBER! THIS WAS OVER A SINGLE CARD! THAT'S WHY YOUR LIFE WENT TO SHIT! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

She coughed and sat up, wincing. She let out a breath, leaning on the walls, sighing as she muttered to herself, "Sorry, Bullet. I can't swallow this anger. Hehe… Ouch…"

Bullet came back to the seat with popcorn and looked around in confusion. Hm? Where did she go?

Mei walked over from the stadium exit, yawning. Bullet looked at her while tilting his head. Mei saw him and ran over, smiling "I went to the bathroom! hHAHA! IS THAT POPCORN!? DID YOU GET BUTTER?!" Bullet was stunned and blinked at her, she burst out laughing "THAT FACE! I FEEL BETTER ALREADY! AHAHAHA!"

Bullet snorted and smiled helplessly, he didn't understand but she seemed alright.

And that made him happy.