
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Just one more!

A bit later

Bullet opened his eyes, he rolled over to the ground and Eijiro was startled! He picked Bullet up and said "Hold on a sec, Bul-Nameless! Just rest, man!" Fat Gum was shocked, "You can move?!"

Bullet dug his metal fingers into the ground, dragging himself away with his teeth clenched, "Rest? People in danger! Rest when I'm dead!" Fat Gum froze and Eijiro clenched his fists, picking up Bullet and grinning, "Then let's go, man! I'm with ya!"

Fat Gum shouted "Red Riot!" Eijiro gave him a thumbs up, saying "Fat, don't worry about me… Red Riot's Unbreakable!" as he ran off, carrying Bullet.

Fat Gum clenched his fists, smashing the wall, "Damn!" he couldn't stop these hardboiled kids!

Eijiro and Bullet heard a loud bang, running towards it, coming to a wide open room! Eijiro shouted "Uravity! Froppy!" Ochako and Tsuyu looked over before being shocked!

They ran over and said "Red Riot! Is Nameless alright!?" Eijiro grit his teeth and said "YEAH! He's a real man!" Bullet grabbed Ochako and said "Fly… Up… Save people…" He was really barely alive right now, but even if he could save just one more person…

Just one more!

Ochako instinctively shook her head but Eijiro slapped her hand, floating up!

There was a giant monster outside but the Monster flew up and was smashed down as Izuku destroyed him at 100% with a little girl strapped to his back. Bullet and Eijiro landed on the ground and Bullet let out a breath, looking forward vaguely…

He saw the little girl tear the monster into two people and Izuku falling to his knees in pain. He broke from Eijiro and ran over, tearing the little girl off of Izuku, vaguely understanding what happened.

Not for sure, but this little girl was blazing with energy and Izuku was in pain, it could only be her.

He pulled the little girl off with his metal arm as she screamed loudly.

Bullet's body froze and his metal arm fell to the ground. A new arm sprouted from the stump and returned to normal in an instant as the little girl fell to the ground, her Quirk stopping abruptly!

Bullet stood there dumbfounded.

He looked over at Aizawa, who looked at him in shock before letting out a breath of relief.

Bullet's vision returned and he looked at himself with shock… he… he was perfectly healthy!

He swallowed and looked over to see Ochako pinning down the bad guy, Bullet assumed he was the boss and walked over. He picked up a black box and looked at the bullets inside.

Ochako locked the guy in handcuffs and smiled at Bullet.

Izuku looked over and said "Bullet! Those bullets…" Bullet looked at the bullets in the box and the guy looked up, glaring "Give them back to me! Damn it! Those Quirk Erasers will change the world!"

Bullet looked at the bullets and asked "Erase Quirks?" The guy glared at him and Izuku filled him in, "He was using that little girl's flesh and blood to make them!" Bullet held the box and suddenly laughed.

Ochako and Izuku was startled, Aizawa had a bad feeling and shouted "Get away from him! Now! Leave Chisaki!" Izuku grabbed Ochako and Eri in an instant, looking at Bullet worriedly as Bullet laughed at the sky, pulling out a gun from his back waistband.

He looked at Chisaki and unloaded the clip, removed the chambered bullet, grinning sadistically, "Well well well… I bet you think your Quirk is god-like? Do you know? I'd love to have it…" He loaded a Quirk Eraser and Aizawa shot forward, using the stealth technique as Bullet looked down at Chisaki, who's eyes were widening in realization, shaking as he shouted "No! Stop!"

Bullet laughed wildly and fired a shot at Chisaki, hitting him in the back as Aizawa, slammed his foot down on Bullet's neck.

Bullet raised his arm and blocked the leg, sneering "Simple trash, he taught you the technique and you use it on him?" Aizawa glared angrily "Put down the bullets and return Bullet. Now."

Bullet shoved Aizawa away and laughed, "Oho? But I struggled so hard to come out in the light! The poor baby is scared witless~ Hahahaha!" He stepped on Chisaki's dull face, laughing "Come on, Maskless versus all the Heroes here! This pile of sewer waste had such an amazing Quirk and still managed to achieve absolutely nothing!"

He licked his lips and grinned "What a joke!" stomping on Chisaki's face lightly, "Hello~ Mr. Trash~ Oh, I guess I should call you 'freak' from now on, right? HAHAHAHAH! Don't worry, my Quirkless friend, you don't need a Quirk. I don't have one either… These bullets, however…"

Bullet clicked his tongue, "Tsk Tsk~ Are you a man or a gutless loser~?" Chisaki's eyes condensed as Bullet crushed the box and all the bullets, liquid slipping out of his hand. Maskless laughed, saying "Say ahhh~ HAHAHAHA~!" as he forced Chisaki's mouth open, dripping the liquid into it, laughing "Yum yum, right buddy? Should I have some too? Does it taste good? How about a review~ Hee hee hee~!"

Everyone watching felt their spines tingle.

What the hell was this monster!?

Aizawa frowned deeply and pulled on his binding cloth, he didn't care about Chisaki. He was worried about Bullet! Maskless turned to him, nudging Chisaki's pale and dull face, saying "Look! Look! A hero to save the day! Ah! Sorry! Not you~ Hahahaha!"

Maskless held his head and laughed wildly before spreading his arms "Come on! I'll kill every last one of ya! Callin' me a freak! It was a shame at the hospital… I wasn't fully awake then. The kid nearly died and the girl restored him but he lost control hearing what this little gutter trash did~"

Maskless bowed, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, soon-to-be corpses…" he looked up and an eerily wide toothy grin revealed itself from the rolled up mask, "I'm the Nightmare." as he disappeared.

Maskless appeared above Izuku, licking his lips with a knife in his hands, "Come on, little Deku tree. Last time I was sleepin'! Hahahah!" Izuku was stunned and kicked out at 20%!

Maskless grabbed his foot and flipped over, saying "Ah ah ah~ Little Deku Tree, didn't you see Himiko's movements? Who on Earth did you think taught her~? The poor baby never uses his strengths. Tsk Tsk~!"

He slashed out at Izuku's face, laughing "Would you like a heart shape in your eyeball or do you prefer a simpler one?" Before he could do anything, the arm in Izuku's arms spoke [Bullet! Stop!]

Maskless froze and held Izuku's head, crouching on his back, the knife frozen in front of Izuku's eyeball. He grit his teeth in anger, "Damn slut! Shut up for me!"

Mei laughed [FUCK YOU! AHAHAHA! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CUTE DOWN, YOU FUCKING CLOWN! I WILL EVISCERATE YOU! AHAHAHA! Bullet, Mei knows you're stronger than him! Come on!]

Maskless cracked his neck unnaturally, growling "It's only a matter of time! Next time I come out you'll all breathe your last breath! I promise you… You… You die… Die by Maskless hehehahahAHAHAHA!" as Bullet cracked his neck loudly, getting off Izuku and looking at the ground in shame.

Izuku let out a breath and said excitedly "Wow! That was awesome! Can you teach me that move?!" Ochako was speechless and Izuku glanced at her, she blinked and laughed, "Hahaha! How did you move like that, Bullet? That was so cool!"

Bullet looked at them in confusion, asking in shock "Not scared?!" Eijiro walked over and laughed, "Scared?! Of you?! Are you joking!? You're a real man! Let's brawl tomorrow!"

Bullet was speechless and took his mask off, his eyes watery as he smiled happily, nodding, "Okay!" Izuku, Ochako, and Eijiro smiled as they patted Bullet while laughing.

Izuku was serious though… he asked if Bullet could teach him 4 more times.

Aizawa looked at them all talking and laughing, he let out a breath and smiled, he was proud of these little brats. Not only did they save the day, but they even washed away Bullet's fear like it was nothing… Helping out a friend can also be heroic.

Bullet held the Mk V arm and Mei's voice came through [AHH! I can't see! What happened?!]

Eijiro, Ochako, Izuku, and Tsuyu, who just got here, all surrounded the arm, saying in shock "That's Mei?! She can talk through this?! Awesome! It's like a radio robot arm?!" Mei laughed [OF COURSE! WHO DO YOU TAKE ME FOR!? SOME TRASH?! AHAHA! I AM GOD AROUND HERE~! AHAHAHA! ANY INTEREST IN IMMORTALITY, I'M YOUR MISTRESS! AHAHAHA!]

Everyone smiled happily and started telling Mei what happened. Eijiro was extremely animated going into great detail about Bullet and Rappa's fight, the others thought it lasted for days and nights!

They were dumbfounded for real!

What the hell?!

There was such an epic battle between real men?!