
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Himiko's Big Joke

All For One looked up and sighed, "There was a reason I gave Himiko so much blood."

Everyone looked up and Kurogiri appeared, dropping heroes and Nomu everywhere. Bullet was stunned and sighed, "Can't this stupid girl just get arrested in peace!?" he turned to All For One and smiled, "She doesn't have Twice's blood, how will you win? Maybe you have more blood up your sleeves? Maybe a vial or two stashed for a rainy day?"

All For One snorted and sneered "Not quite. I anticipated you would be here actually." he held his palm out at Himiko-giri, grinning "Well? How fast are you, 'Hero'?" Himiko was startled and Bullet froze before shooting out as a massive energy pillar shot towards Himiko in an instant.

Bullet appeared in front of her and stood with his back facing her. She looked up at his back as he laughed, "Jeez… Why am I always protecting you, Himiko… Can't you share the load? Hahaha…" before he was drowned in a sparkling blue light, kicking Himiko aside at the same moment.

Himiko landed on the ground and looked up in a daze as All For One laughed. She turned to him and grinded her teeth with extreme hatred.

Portals opened up everywhere and sucked up Nomu one by one.

Shoto's group was sucked to the battlefield and Himiko grit her teeth, laughing "Is it funny!? Are you still fucking laughing?!" All For One turned and looked at a portal as Himiko laughed, "I'll show you something REALLY funny, 'kay?!"

A portal appeared and Toya appeared from it, looking like a demon.

Another portal appeared and then shut on half his body, slicing him in two!

Everyone froze as Himiko reverted to normal, opening her mouth as the blood poured down all over her.

She changed into Toya and grinned, "How's this? Laughing yet, All For One?!" as she shot towards him, exploding into flames, blue fire all over her body!

Endeavor and Shoto were dumbfounded.

Himiko roared and blasted out a pillar of flames, drowning All For One in it before her body exploded into black smoke at the same time!

She was using both Toya and Kurogiri's blood!

All For One waved and frowned, "Himiko… You've disappointed me." Himiko sneered and a flaming portal appeared, blasting out flames as everyone started fighting again.

Portals opening up everywhere, severing Nomu to pieces and taking care of them all as the Heroes jumped through them, attacking All For One in a flurry, not really caring about who's on who's side anymore.

Anything to kill All For One!

On the ground, a ways away, a suit of armor shattered and Bullet groaned, "Mei… You're not arrogant for nothin'..." sitting up, hearing "AHAHHA! Of course not! I'm your mistress, you cute baby!" he touched the ear piece, saying slowly "But it still hurt…"

Mei cackled, "Then bring me All For One before he turns into a monkey! I'll chop him up and show him real pain! Damn nutsack head! Actually dared to scheme against my baby! He wants to die!"

Bullet got up and rubbed his neck, his body was like a buffed up version of himself, like All-Might did before! This was the result of the Rule he set. He stomped on the ground and shot back to the fight, touching his ear and saying "I'll see what I can do… For now, send in the Death Knight."

Mei replied with a laugh, "You still have to ask? It's on its way! Show this bastard what it means to make the God of Machinery angry!" Bullet curled his lips and replied "Right away, Mistress." Mei burst out laughing "UGH! AHAHHAAH! YES! THAT'S MY GOOD BOY! AHAHHAHA!"

Bullet appeared next to All For One and punched him in the face, smashing him into the ground before shooting down and stomping on his head, smashing the ground. All For One squatted at him in anger, "Annoying Gnat!" Bullet jumped back as a huge energy blade chopped the clouds in the sky!

Bullet muttered "This guy is so annoying. Doesn't he know that blades kill people?" Himiko jumped at him with tears in her eyes, "Bullet!" Bullet grabbed her face and threw her back to Ochako as a dozen spikes shot out at Bullet.

He rolled to the ground and jumped back several times, iron drills coming out of the ground at him. Bullet twisted and charged at All For One, shouting "Endeavor! Any day now!"

All For One floated in the sky and laughed, "Just die!" Bullet muttered "Unoriginal!" as he jumped up, dodging the pillar of magma shooting out of the ground!

Endeavor shot towards All For One and punched out flames as All For One caught the flames, pushing them back, sending Endeavor to the ground as he cursed, "Bastard!" Hawks came down and slashed down on All For One's head, but All For One dodged to the side, pushing out as Hawks exploded into smoke!

Camie winked from the side, "Totes uncool for an S-Tier twink to blow up, 'kay?" Jiro grumbled, "You're so weird!" Camie waved her hair, smiling "I'm, like, everyone's fave!" Jiro blasted out heartbeat soundwaves as All For One slapped out a shockwave, obliterating her attack.

The villains and Heroes on the ground were struggling against each other as Inasa laughed from the sky, "Come on, nutsack! INASA IS HERE!" Bullet looked up and sighed, "This damn guy…" but he was smiling fondly.

Inasa waved his arm and laughed, "I heard the interview, Higurashi!" Bullet smiled wryly, "Just call me Bullet now, please…" as he was scooped into the air, shooting around as All For One missed him.

Inasa laughed, "You'll always be my big brother Higurashi! Forget it! HAHAHA!" Everyone was shocked but focused on the fighting, you know All For One was THE villain. They couldn't afford to lose focus, no matter how crazy Bullet's background was getting…

Bullet looked up and grinned, "Inasa, throw me out at him." Inasa didn't even hesitate, shooting Bullet out like a bullet.

All For One sneered and reached out at him, saying "Without your armor, what are you?" Bullet pulled his arm back and curled his lips, "Who said I didn't have any armor? Don'tcha know? My Mistress is a god!" All For One looked up and his eyes shook a bit as a rocket slammed into Bullet, opening up and covering his body in an instant.

He swung out his fist and knocked All For One back in the air, blasting off with the jets on his back and shooting out a flurry of punches, shattering the armor on his arms as steam came out of his shoulders.

All For One blasted a dozen energy beams at him and Inasa pulled Bullet back along with everyone on the ground, lifting them into the air as the beams blew out a massive hole in the ground!

All For One turned and pressed out hard, Bullet shot out and blocked in front of Inasa, shattering his armor again and touching his ear as he fell, "Archduke!" while grinning at the smiling Inasa.

Inasa laughed and waved his fist, shouting "DON'TCHA KNOW!? WE'VE BEEN PRACTICING COMBO MOVES SINCE 4!"

A fierce wind picked up Bullet and shot him into the sky as he crossed his arms above his head. Giant gauntlets appeared on his arms as a helmet fell on his head, unfolding a chest plate.

Bullet shot back down and slammed his wrists together, the gauntlets unfolded into a wide array of glowing lights before blasting out a massive blaze of fire! Inasa punched out and a tornado shot at All For One, shooting him up into a massive fire tornado!

Endeavor shot inside and a massive ball of blazing flames shattered the flaming tornado!

However, All For One only looked younger!