
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Hero Billboards

A few days later

Bullet was sitting on the couch, eating cereal and watching Dramas as Aizawa walked in with Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire, and Eri.

The entire class looked over from the TV as Aizawa's lips twitched. Why were all these guys half-clothed…

Izuku was shocked, "Eri?!" Aizawa explained "She's staying with UA since she has nowhere else to go."

Bullet looked at Eri with bulging cheeks, chewing on his cereal, saying "Hello nish to shee y-" Aizawa smacked him, saying "Swallow before you speak!" Bullet spat out the cereal in Sero's face as a result.

Mina fell over laughing and Sero blinked slowly.

Ochako cheered "We got an Eri!" Shoji muttered, "Is she a Pokemon…?"

Aizawa pulled Izuku, Tsuyu, Ochako, and Eijiro outside with Mirio and Tamaki.

Nejire stayed with Eri, who had two pigtails now.

Bullet gushed, "SO CUTE!" as he rubbed her little cheeks happily, squishing them into all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Eri blinked as Bullet smiled happily, remolding her face into a triangle.

Nejire spat "HAAHHA! SO WEIRD!" Before slapping Bullet to the ground.

Mina squatted on Bullet's back, smiling sweetly at Eri, "I heard you like apples! Fumikage LOVES apples!" Fumikage heard the word 'apple' and looked up alertly.

Eri smiled and nodded, "Apples~!" Mina waved her hand and said "Ta-dah!" as an apple appeared out of nowhere! Eri was dumbfounded "MAGIC!"

Eijiro was also stunned as he walked back in, shouting "You know magic?!? Then why didn't you just-" Mina covered his mouth, blushing "Would you shut up! Or else! No more! I SWEAR!" Eijiro shut his mouth, saying "Huh? What are you talking about? I wasn't saying anything."

Eri nibbled on the apple and looked around, squinting in delight.

The class melted, too cute!

Fumikage held his chest and collapsed, holding a chair, "My cold, black heart… can't handle this…"

Aizawa came back and took Eri with him, saying "You have visitors." Eri waved goodbye, smiling cutely "Good bye-bye!"

The class squealed "SO CUTE!" Fumikage nearly coughed up blood…

Ida waved, "Who is this mysterious guest!?"

Everyone heard a call, "Rock on with these sparkling gazes! We've come to lend a paw and help! We've come from somewhere… Stingingly cute and catlike!" they burst through the door, "WILD WILD PUSSYCATS! (DAY OFF VERSION!)"

The class smiled happily, "Pussycats! Intern!"

Tomoko shouted with puffed cheeks, "NOT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!" Bullet grinned and was up off the ground with only pants on, he patted Tomoko's shoulders and gave her a thumbs up, a sparkling star twinkling at the corner, "Heh! No fear!" Tomoko cheered "No fear! Hehe~!" she latched onto him while Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, and Tiger's lips twitched.

Denki and Sero paled, falling back, "N-No! T-The coalition was to prevent these!"

Pixie-Bob ignored Tomoko saying "We're just here to announce that we're back." Izuku was shocked and asked "All of you? Even Ragdoll?" Tomoko clawed happily "Yep! Cat-tastrophe averted! Ahahah!"

Bullet looked at Mandalay up and down, rubbing his chin as he asked "Single?" Mandalay was stunned, "W-What?!" Bullet looked around before leaning in, asking seriously "Aizawa single too. You like? Very mysterious! Pretend to be cold but really very soft and warm." he stuffed Aizawa's number into her hands, patting them as he nodded with closed eyes, "You call. Arrange date, okay?"

Mandalay was dazed, "Ah?" Bullet nodded in understanding, "Ah." Tomoko clung to Bullet saying "Show me your room!" Denki and Sero felt like they just got shot. They were on their hands and knees, hanging their heads, "I-It can't be…"

Tiger's lips twitched and he said "You want to see a 16 year old's room?" Tomoko spat out her tongue, "My Hero, I want to see how he lives!" Bullet snorted smoke and walked away with Tomoko clinging to his body, saying "Heh! For intern, no problem!" Tomoko nibbled on his ear, "What do I keep telling you!?"

Bullet laughed, "HAHAHA! INTERN IS AN INTERN! WHAT'S TO SAY DIFFERENT?!" as he disappeared down the hall.

Everyone else was confused and Momo muttered "Intern…?" Pixie-Bob sighed, "When Ragdoll lost her quirk she was super depressed. During your work study periods… Bullet went to Work Study with her." Mandalay covered her mouth and added, "But it turned out that she was Work Studying under him! Hence the different costume and support gear…"

Tiger groaned, "Now she won't stop talking about him." they all said in unison "It's annoying!" The class smiled and laughed, sighing "That's Bullet alright… I thought so… So she's not in his harem? Phew! Coalition saved!"

Toru asked "Harem…?" Denki and Sero nodded, Toru asked curiously, "Who's in this harem?" Sero held out his fingers, saying "Well! Midnight, Nejire, Mt. Lady, Momo, Mei, Pony, Ibara, Himiko Toga, Camie, and there's been speculation among Coalition members about Mirko, though unconfirmed."

Momo's lips twitched and she said firmly "I am not a part of any harem, thank you very much…" Denki sneered, "Oh yeah… Just 'close friends' then." Momo nodded in confusion, "Yeah…? And?" Denki nudged Sero and chuckled, "Look at her. She doesn't know." Sero sighed and shook his head, "What a pity…"

Momo was getting angry and asked "What?! WHAT'S A PITY?!?" Sero and Denki just sighed, Momo throttled them, "I NEED TO KNOW! WHAT'S A PITY, YOU TAPE BASTARD!"

Sero and Denki said in unison, "You don't even know you're part of the harem!" Momo was dumbfounded, Denki sighed, "In the cold palace." Sero sighed, "The palace of no return." Denki added, "So sad." Sero echoed, "Just awful."

Momo made two giant hammers and beat both of them into the ground angrily "I'M NOT IN A HAREM! AND I'M NOT IN THE COLD PALACE! THIS ISN'T A DRAMA! DAMN YOU!"

Tomoko looked around Bullet's room and bounced around, "SO MANY WEAPONS!" she turned and smiled happily, "Sensei! Aren't you scared that a knife will fall and kill you?" Bullet let out a breath, saying sagely "This fate." Tomoko giggled and took out a poster of herself, putting it on the wall and signing it, snorting smoke from her nose, "There ya go!"

Bullet's lips twitched and Tomoko hugged him, saying "Bullet, since you helped me, you have no idea. I was able to get my Hero License back and continue working. You really saved my life."

Bullet smiled and rubbed her back, "Bullet happy. Tomoko hero." he separated from her and clawed the air, saying happily "Meow! Like lion!" Tomoko blinked, tilting her head, laughing "Lions roar!" Bullet laughed, "Then roar! Like lion! ROARRRR!" Tomoko roared and laughed happily, jumping on his back and hugging his neck.

She was like an excitable fangirl!

Bullet suddenly wondered how Akira was doing. She called him the other day and said she was training hard. He didn't know what her Quirk was though. However, he admitted that her third eye was very cute. Then she hung up after a thud.

Bullet didn't worry about it.

They came back to see everyone watching the Hero Billboard Charts.

Bullet clicked his tongue and frowned, looking for the remote to change the channel.

He found it and picked it up but Toru stood on the couch, saying "Waaaah! What are you doing?! I want to watch the Rankings!" Bullet rolled his eyes, saying "Rankings bullshit! Base on fame and popularity! Not people save! Real trash! Bullet get top 10, promise not go!"

Izuku scratched his head and said "Can't be that bad?" Bullet pointed at the TV as it shutted through the heroes, "Look! You see Yoroi? Nobody know what Quirk even is! How possible!? Fake hero! Wash machine guy… BULLET ONLY SEE COMMERCIAL FOR MACHINE! AHHH! Give remote! Watch Romance anime!"

Toru gasped "Romance anime?!" now she was tempted, she really liked romance animes… Sero stole the remote and chuckled "So? It's fun!"

The Wild Wild Pussycats left.

Even Tomoko skipped away quickly, going to see Class-1B, telling Bullet that she'll call him.

Bullet hung over the couch, reaching for the remote over Katsuki, who blasted Bullet off him, shouting "I'M FUCKIN' WATCHING HERE! DIE DISTRACTIONS!"

Bullet flipped over and sat down with his arms crossed, pouting "Meh meh meh…"

The show continued with Crust in 6th, Mirko in 5th, Edgeshot in 4th, Best Jeanist in 3rd (Absent), Hawks in 2nd, and Endeavor in 1st.

Bullet sighed as Momo muttered "Oh look, Mirko's there." she glanced at Bullet, who frowned, blushing "Shut up, Momo!" Momo giggled and covered her mouth.

Sero wiped his lips, about to lick the screen when Mirko showed up.

Denki smashed his face into the ground, glaring at the TV with bloodshot eyes, "Oh god, step on me!" Jiro stepped on him and rubbed her little foot into his back, gritting her teeth, "Why are you such a damn perv!?"

Ryukyu was 10th and she said "I would really like to withdraw my name if I could… There have been people I couldn't save."

Ochako smiled happily, "She's so nice."

Bullet trembled and frowned to himself, grabbing his mask as he got up and left, Momo looked at him and Shoto asked "You okay?" Bullet winced, "Not feeling good." as he held his head, putting his mask on while walking away.

He shook his head intensely and walked to his room, smashing his face into his closet, growling "Shut up!" there was loud laughing in his head and Maskless said 'Come on~ Just let me out~ Pretty please~ I'll be good widdle boy I pwomishe~ HAHAHAHA!'

Bullet held the mask tightly and laid on his bed, ignoring him as he curled up in a ball, Maskless shouted 'All these fake Heroes, strutting their stuff for a camera! Come on, baby! Let me out! We'll show 'em what a real hero is! You and me! Or just me! Doesn't matter to me, really hehe~ Just give me some light! I'm dyin' here! Dyin' to slaughter some fake heroes! Hehehe!'

Bullet closed his eyes and turned over, growling angrily "I SAID SHUT UP!" while twisting his neck unnaturally.

Then the glass window slid open and Mei appeared, laughing "I AM HERE~!" with a Jetpack on. She jumped on Bullet and hugged him, giggling "I came as soon as I saw you smash your face into the closet! Sheesh! You know! The School is pretty far from here! But it was good testing data for my new anti-grav jetpack! Hehe! It didn't eve-"

The jetpack exploded and Mei flew into Bullet, smashing him into the wall.

She sat up and looked at the charred Jetpack, sighing "Damn!" Bullet didn't hear the voice anymore and sat up, pulling up his mask to cover his hair, smiling "Came in time, save Bullet again. Mei hero."

Mei held the jetpack and grinned at him while fixing it, "OF COURSE! Who else cares about you so much? Nobody! Only me! In this entire universe, I care about you the most!" Bullet scratched his cheek happily "What about Parents?" Mei burst out laughing "HAHAH! THEY HAVE TO LOVE ME! I LOVE YOU MORE! YOU'RE SO CUTE! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT RAGDOLL POSTER!?"

Bullet turned and looked at the poster, he didn't look at it so good before but now that he got a good look…

It was Tomoko wearing the catwoman costume, it was almost zipped all the way down, exposing her belly and cleavage as she posed sexily with a little autograph on the bottom…

Bullet was dumbfounded, shaking his head as he said "Intern so silly. Bullet get gift, Tomoko put it up. Not even look." Mei snorted and kissed him, smirking "Show poster something good?"

Bullet laughed excitedly, forgetting what she just said, he understood her body language!