
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

A True Hero!

At the entrance to the alleyway, Shoto arrived quickly, looking at everything and sighing "Too late?" Native looked at him, saying "Endeavor's son? The Hero Killer Stain and another vigilante are collapsed inside, take 'em both in." Shoto frowned slightly before walking to the alley, seeing Izuku moving his fingers in a trash pile. Izuku looked awkward, "Hey…" Shoto sighed, "You have to give better directions, Midoriya…"

Izuku smiled wryly, saying "Sorry." Shoto turned to Stain and Bullet before saying "I called the other heroes… But I don't know when they're going to get here." Stendhal glanced at him, starting to feel his limbs again.

Bullet said "Freeze Flame… Freeze, Sten- Stain. Poison wear off…" he couldn't move at all. Shoto worked fast and froze Stain in a block of ice, leaving his head unfrozen.

Stain sighed and said "Kid." Shoto looked at him and Stain continued "Look at Bullet's wounds, he should be bleeding out." Shoto was shocked and ran over, he looked at Bullet's wounds and froze the bleeding parts, saying seriously "We need to get you to a hospital!"

Bullet shook and tried to move, saying "No. Kill. Sten- Stain!" Stain smiled and hung his head, saying "Hah… Still sticking to the old rules, kid… Funny." Shoto and Izuku were confused but Bullet said "Kill you, honor pride. Arrest you, trample pride! Can't do! Once real hero but villain now… Bullet sad but no choice! Give you honor death!"

He struggled wildly, glaring at Stendhal through the mask, actually managing to fall over to his chest.

Shoto grabbed him and said "Bullet! Enough! You're going to-" Stendhal shouted "Kid! Stop! This is something you won't ever understand." Bullet managed to move his neck and used his chin, moving his body forward slowly.

Stendhal's eyes were bright, "Do it! Killed by a real hero! Aahahah!" Bullet dug into the ground with his chin, moving forward slowly, his wounds starting to bleed again.

Shoto, Ida, and Izuku were stunned, staring at Bullet in shock.

What kind of determination and will was this?!

They were shaken to the core!

Ida stared at Bullet, his eyes in a dull daze. Where was the difference between him and Bullet… Ida wasn't too happy with him because he killed! Being raised in the sort of family he had, this was intolerable! Not to mention, Ida was very strict with not only others but himself! He followed the rules and stayed on a straight path.

Looking at Bullet, he wasn't disgusted at his Quirklessness, but he was disgusted with the way he dealt with things… Mainly as the Mask.

But seeing him like this, hearing Izuku's speech, remembering the Festival…

He grit his teeth and tears spilled form his eyes, he couldn't help but admire Bullet from the bottom of his heart! When he found Stain, he forgot about being a Hero! When Bullet arrived, the first thing he did was save them before telling them to escape.

The difference was too large for Ida!

He understood why Stain looked at him with such disgusted eyes but was full of approval and respect for Bullet.

This was the difference between a Fake Hero and a Real one!

Bullet bit on the ice and lifted himself up, looking like he was going to take a bite out of Stendhal's neck! Through the Mask!


Gran Torino landed on Bullet and grabbed him, saying "Ho ho… A tenacious one." Stendhal sighed and said "Maybe next time, Nameless." Bullet looked at Stendhal unwillingly.

The Pros came and were shocked, Shoto released the ice, tying Stendhal up instead as he was escorted to the street. Shoto held Bullet and brought him out as he said "We need an ambulance."

Gran Torino looked at Bullet and Izuku smiled slightly, he didn't do anything… but they stopped Stain! That was a plus… Next time, he'll be useful! He swore on it!

Ida and Native were released from the paralyzing as the timer ran out.

Ida followed behind, very quiet.

Native looked at Bullet, saying "Should lock them both up, right?" Shoto glanced at him and said "You have a problem?" Native retorted "Going for the kill, not to mention fighting without a license." Shoto snorted and replied "So you'll have to arrest us too. Also…"

Shoto raised his hand, ice coming off it as he added, "You'll make a statement when they thaw you out, you ungrateful bastard!" he was seriously disappointed with these so-called heroes!

After just getting saved he wanted to lock the guy who saved him up!?

Are you kidding?!

Native frowned and Gran Torino said "Alright, calm dow- Get down! Damn, I thought it was knocked out!" Bullet moved off Shoto and charged forward, pushing Izuku out of the way as the flying Nomu swooped down and grabbed Bullet instead, flying off.

Native let out a breath from the ground, smiling "Nobody was hurt, good." Shoto ignored this guy and shouted "Bullet!" before making a pillar of ice to give chase.

But Stendhal suddenly moved, licking the Nomu's blood off a woman's face before charging out and jumping in the air, stabbing the Nomu in the brain!

The Nomu fell to the ground and Stendhal held Bullet, tearing out a chunk of Nomu's brain.

Everything happened in an instant!

Everyone was shocked and Stendhal started talking, "All for the sake of a better society!" he tossed Bullet to the side, going on "Both this sham-filled society and the criminals who use their power for petty mischief are targets of my purge!"

Stendhal lost his mask and glared at the heroes, his unbridled bloodlust surging in the air, making everyone freeze! His nose was chopped off and his face was covered in blood from his deathmatch with Bullet.

He shouted as Endeavor arrived, freezing in place, "You fake… If I don't fix it… If someone isn't stained with blood…!" he took a step forward and everyone paled in fear, stepping back!

Stendhal shouted "Come on! Just try me, you fakes!" he was a little woozy since his chest was bleeding profusely.

He shouted, his bloodlust condensing in the air, making them all tremble, "The only one who can kill me… is a True Hero!"

Bullet stood up and looked at Stendhal in front of him, everyone else was frozen in fear! Bullet grit his teeth and ignored the burning pain in his shoulder, pushing himself off the ground.

He took a step forward and punched Stendhal in the face!

Stendhal smiled and closed his eyes, flying backwards and landing on the ground, out cold.

Bullet dripped blood from his chest and raised a thumbs up, "No… fear." he fell forward but stepped on the ground, catching himself, maintaining his position.

Aizawa suddenly landed in front of him and caught his swaying body, saying "Good job." Bullet laughed softly before going limp, "Hah…"

Shoto and Izuku came to their senses, running over and checking on Bullet. Shoto said quickly "Modoriya, press on his wounds, we can give him immediate treatment before he gets to the hospital." Izuku nodded and helped him as Aizawa looked at the rest.

He said to Izuku, Ida, and Shoto, "Hospital. All of you. Now." they looked down and nodded silently.

Gran Torino let out a breath and sighed, "I'm getting old… A greenhorn brat actually made me freeze…" Endeavor grit his teeth and clenched his fists as the other heroes started calling the police.