
MHA; Purple Charge

Due to his financial circumstances, and his distance from the UA Academy, Fulan was forced to enter the nearest academy in the hope of becoming a professional hero. But the director of that academy realized that Fulan's presence in that place did not suit him. A person with his talent should study in an academy like UA. For this reason, Fulan had a golden opportunity to transfer to UA, but the events of the sports festival were about to begin...

soha_rou · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Transfer Student

After Fulan used the "Full Purple Charge" mode, he succeeded in turning the race tables around and raced from the last ranks directly towards the first rank holder, Todoroki Shoto, and even passed him. This ignited the enthusiasm of the other students and they began to take the race seriously, using everything they can to win.

Fulan moved his gaze to look at the race road. Since he was now at the edge of the ring road, he was able to see the final obstacle, and he was also able to see the second obstacle that he had already crossed, but the surprising thing was that a large crowd of students were following him. And on top of them, Todoroki on earth, Midoriya and Bakugo from the sky.

Behind them are Ida, Uraraka, Mina Ashido, and Kirishima. The students of Class 1-B were also present.

After seeing this, Fulan could only sigh and say after leaning against the wall:

"Oh come on now, just give me a few seconds..."

It was not the right time to rest, and soon the voices of the crowd in the hall rose, as commentator Yamada said in a loud tone;

"What kind of turn of events is this?! In the blink of an eye, the purple-haired boy stole the spotlight and took the first rank with Kaminari. Teacher Aizawa, tell us what just happened? And who is the purple-haired?"

This question was directed to Teacher Aizawa, who was sitting next to Commentator Yamada. After holding the microphone with his hand that was covered with bandages, Aizawa said;

"Fulan Nanimo, he is a student who transferred from Saikono Academy to UA Academy last week. There is no doubt that the press was talking all the time about the presence of 41 students from the Hero Course and not 40 as is the case every year. I want to reassure you that this was not through intermediary or anything like that. And it's not a bad thing for UA Academy. This academy is known for having many talented students, and Fulan was not lucky enough due to his financial circumstances and did not get the opportunity to take the entrance exam. But fate led him here to show people that he deserves a seat among the elite. As his teacher, I tell everyone to try to criticize him if they can, because he will simply shut their mouths with his talent."

This defense was so good and convincing to a large group of people, as Teacher Yamada looked at Aizawa and whispered;

"You didn't have any practical training for Class 1-A students in the last week, how could you be so confident in him?"

This question was not audible to the general public, and it opened up some short memories in Aizawa's mind.

On the day that Fulan obtained the right to participate in the festival, Aizawa went to Fulan and asked him about his ability. There, Aizawa received a detailed explanation from Fulan about his ability, and Aizawa was impressed by it and began to want to hone and train him perfectly.

No one but Fulan and Aizawa knew about that meeting in which Aizawa became interested in Fulan, but now Fulan's true mettle began to show to the world and show them his talent. Despite that...

"Seriously? Doesn't this mean he was accepted without taking any exam?"

"I have a son who cried for three days because UA rejected him, and now I hear that there is a boy who entered the academy without taking an exam?!"

"This is something we can't ignore so simply!"

Conversations spread in the hall, and many people in the stands began to complain about a student entering the academy without an exam, because for them this was an illegal method.

Amidst all these people, Fulan's mother with purple hair was sitting in the stands, looking at the people around her, right and left, as they criticized her son. Of course, this made a look of tension and worry appear on her face, and even if she wanted to defend him, her voice would not be heard. That's why she clenched her fists and whispered while looking at her son on the screen;


Even though the students were outside the hall, everything was heard through the loudspeakers. All the students heard what Teacher Aizawa said about Fulan, and all of them, with the exception of some of class 1-A, began to view him as someone who did not deserve to be among them.

As for him, he smiled after his pupils widened while drops of sweat filled his face, as he pushed himself forward a little so that he would not remain leaning against the wall. This happened at the same time as Kaminari came back to his senses, as he sat up after he had been lying on the ground, then he said after rubbing his head and putting his elbow on the bent knee;

"Absorbing all those electrical charges was about to make me lose my mind. Let's agree not to do this again."

Fulan looked resolutely at the third obstacle, and also looked at the students behind him who were close to reaching him The UA Sports Festival, The Obstacle race, is coming to an end...