
MHA : Power Surge

Renjiro Takahashi is a 20-year-old who has mysteriously been reborn into a new world where people have superpowers known as "Quirks." He lives a comfortable life thanks to his wealthy family. After having a nightmare at collage party he quickly rushes home. little did he know that it was going to be the last peaceful and normal day in his life as many things will change in that one night.

Dane3 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

CH. 1: Renjiro Takahashi

In a large laboratory glowing in dim lighting, a tall man paced back and forth anxiously. His perfectly polished black shoes clicked loudly against the cold tile floors, as his breath resounded in the large room.

He stood at over six feet tall, possessing a slender yet sturdy frame underneath his white lab coat. Though he appeared no older than thirty, not a single dark hair can be seen on top of his head. His features were handsome bordering on beautiful, with a straight nose and piercing grey eyes.

However, the same beautiful gray eyes are bloodshot now, as they darted around like a  feral animal. 

"I've finally done it!" The man rasped to himself in a horse voice. "Hahahaha!" His laughter looked like a man celebrating out of pure happiness, but it suddenly turned into maniacal laughter at the end.

He stopped and rubbed his sweaty forehead with his shaky hand. "It's my only chance now...I must start the process immediately!" 

His face which was filled with smiles suddenly changed into one of a sorrow, as though he was moling over somthing. "No no...I mustn't think that way. This was all for the greater good...he will thank me for this, yes... He will..."

It was as if the man were locked in battle with himself. His emotions shifted from one extreme to the next - feverish joy, heart-wrenching sadness, confusion, grief, guilt...until finally settling into numb resolve.  

He quickly took a tiny red pill from his pocket and tossed into his mouth. In just a few minutes, his face and his expressions changed into a indifferent one. The chaos in his grey eyes settled into icy determination.  

With quick strides, the man in the white coat made his way toward the left side of the laboratory. As he went along, the ceiling lights flickered on row by row with each step he took until the entire room slowly brightly illuminated. However, What the lights revealed could send a shock across the spines of anyone who sees this.

The entire room was filled with rows upon rows of clear glass containers. They stretched from floor to ceiling, each filled with various mixes of bubbling black and green liquids. Suspended in these vile concoctions were the motionless human bodies.  

There were men, women, and children of all ages - perhaps hundreds of them. Many of tubes and wires pierced their flesh, their faces covered with breathing masks. It was like gazing upon a room of lifeless suspended dolls.

A chilling smile spread across the man's face. He embraced himself tightly and began to gently sway left and right, his feverish grey eyes scanned across room. 

"Haaa...this is my entire life's work. My investments...everything has led up to this moment. Now I just need to start the extraction process." Bit by bit, his speech took on the frantic pace of crazy person.

In the very back corner of the expansive lab was a container which differed from the rest, glowing with an ethereal mix of purple and blue liquids. The white-coated man approached it and wiped the fogged glass with a single sleeve until the figure within was revealed.  

Inside was a small naked boy with skin like polished stone who couldn't have been more than ten years old. 

His face had delicate features as black hair slowly swayed in the bubbling liquid. Perhaps the most striking thing about the child was his pair of eyes - blue as gemstones, gazing sightlessly ahead in a near-death state. 

Various wires and probes were deeply inserted along the length of the boy's spine, along with a breathing mask covering his nose and mouth. The man pressed both palms to the glass tank, as if attempting to phase through and grab hold of the child inside. His wide smile grew warped and almost affectionate. 

"It's time! The moment of truth...I will succeed this time, no matter what!" 

From his coat, he took out a small remote control device. It was black and oval in shape, marked only with three colorful buttons - grey, green and red. His thumb lovingly caressed the smooth plastic surface before resolutely pressing down on the red button.

The effects are immediate. The lights illuminating the vast lab violently exploded as the sparks and broken glass fell on the ground.

From somewhere, a deafening sound came that was of a metal being struck with lightning.

The night sky suddenly became visible as Clouds suddenly trembled.

Blue lightning danced between the clouds, growing larger and brighter until a single colossal bolt fired from the sky onto a exact location, which was the laboratory. 

The powerful electric current smashed through the room's ceiling as it collided with the glowing purple-blue container.

The glass instantly boiled from the heat as liquids bubbled and steamed. Like wax, the young boy's skin melted away to reveal muscle and tissue and arteries underneath. Yet there was no blood.

However between his muscles, there is bluish lightning which seems like it was bringing together the torn flesh and muscles.

Amidst the chaos within the lightning-struck tank, two dark blue eyes shot wide open. The boy's petite mouth stretched impossibly far as a scream tore from his throat.  

The pained wails echoed throughout the lab as it finally faded out, leaving only the crackle of dying electricity behind...along with the man's ecstatic laughter. 


A young man suddenly jolted awake from his sleep. His brown eyes were opened wide as his chest heaved to catch his breath. Dragging his shaking fingers through his dark hair, he groaned aloud.

"That same goddam dream again," He grumbled as he rubbed his forehead. "Any more of this and I really will lose my mind."

His name was Renjiro Takahashi a ordinary Japanese young man of 20 years. At least, he was in his current life.

After having died and mysteriously being reborn into a new world.

It had taken him some time to piece together memories of his past existence on Earth. By then he had already grasped the strange reality of this new planet he was reborn into.  

Somehow, the human race had evolved to develop supernatural abilities that came to be called "Quirks." It was like something straight from the anime or comic books. Yet as Renjiro grew older, he found out that no such world existed in any manga or anime he read or watched.  

However, for him this world felt far too real to be anyone's imagined fantasy. Yet deep in his mind, he sensed a familiarity with many things he found here, making him believe he probably do know about this world but somehow couldn't remember.

As the memories of his hyper-realistic dream began fading.

Ren scanned his surroundings. The heavy thumping of loud music flew past his ears alongside laughters and whispers. As his sleepness left his mind, he realised where he was, his friends had dragged him to college farewell party.

Still feeling a slight headache from the nightmare, Ren slowly crawled out of the sofa where he was dozed of. 

A headache was already building between his eyes, increased by the ongoing party noises. He didn't bother calling out for any friends as he quickly made his way out from the party room. 

He was wearing black t-shirt and jeans and also black sneakers. As he got out, The cold night air hit him making his shoulder slightly shiver.

He know very well his headache will keep increasing, unless he takes his medicine, so he immediately need to go home.

Outside in the dark parking area, Ren made his way towards sleek black SUV. It was a model from his family's luxury automobile brand,marked by the company's emblem featuring two silver stag antlers crossed in the middle.

As he slid inside the driver's seat and began pulling out onto silent suburban roads, Ren briefly met his own exhausted eyes in the rearview mirror.

He drove home, as he knew the headache could get worse.

If there was one thing that made him happy in this strange world rampant with crime, it was that his parents were rich! They owned a pretty big parent company which owned some famous and luxury brands in Japan.

After being reborn, he didn't think he would have many challenges in this world. He had everything he wanted and would receive the best education as he grew up.

He was also not worried about anyone with super powers attacking him, because his family always had security. Not only that, he himself had a Quirk which he could train to become stronger.  

However, the problem started when he turned 6. One day he had a nightmare that scared him so much he didn't sleep. It was the same dream - a boy and a man in a white coat. The worst thing was, other than what was happening in the dream, he could not remember the two people's faces at all.  

The nightmares started getting more and more frequent. Right after each one he would have an intense headache, which made him want to die because it was so painful.