
MHA: Muda Muda

He woke up in a different body and a different world without knowing how or why. All he knows is that the Power he got, his "Quirk", is something he knows very well... "ZA WARUDOOOO!!!" "Now, let's clap some cheeks mwuahahahaha!" ---- You already know the drill. Cover pic not mine. Characters not mine. English is not my first language. And so on. Oh and if you read my other works you probably already know but for the new ones here... I AM LAZY AS F*CK (I am just tired let me sleep a little please) That should explain all the future questions about updates. Now enjoy what there is to enjoy in your life, and if there isn't anything, well, welcome to the club I guess...

An1x · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

1. Wake up

"Uuurgh, my head~" A heavy groan escaped my lips as I sat up in my bed. It was a heavily gold decorated king sized bed.

"Hm? Wha- what the hell?" I sat up straight ignoring my headache because there are more important matters at hand right now. Like why the hell I woke up in a king sized bed in some giant room that looks like it's from some royal dude with a gold fetish or something like that.

'As far as I remember... What? Wait, I- I can't remember?!' My heart started beating faster and I felt sick.


Jumping down from the bed, I crashed onto the floor, face first.

"What the hell is going on?!" I screamed. My hands are as small as a childs and everything looks way bigger than it should.

With so much stuff that I can't comprehend happening at once I was about to hyperventilate.

Looking around I found a giant mirror on the wall that could have only been build for a Narcissistic asshole. Running over I looked at myself in the mirror, just, it wasn't me.

What I saw in the mirror wasn't the 2.10 meters tall, lean, black haired arrogant guy I am, but a little kid with gold hair as smooth as silk and red eyes that look cute at the moment but surely would be crazy scary once grown up.

"Is this, transmigration?" Normally I would be the one ridiculing people for believing in shit like that but now that I see this there are only 2 explanations coming to my mind.

One. I am tripping hard. Which is unlikely since I never had anything to do with stuff like that and never would no matter how low I fell.

Two. Transmigration. It's the most likely possibility considering the circumstances. Can't remember what happened before I woke up here and found myself in a different body.

And this being me lucid dreaming is also out of question since the pain feels way too real like everything else around me.

"Urrggh my head is killing me, am I not going to receive the memories of the person this body belonged to originally? That's the way it goes normally no? Ahhh~ I am already starting to talk to myself again, sigh~"

I started to talk to myself since middle school which I suppose was the fault of lack of friends or something. Not that I care, I didn't want friends. But I learned to suppress the urge to say what I think all the time.

"Probably because of the sudden stress on me." Standing with an arm crossed over my chest and the other stroking my chin I closed my eyes and tried to remember everything from myself.

'First off, I definitely didn't gain any memories of this kid, which would be a pain in the ass later for sure. Well I could still manage it since this body looks to be no older than six years old and that means I wouldn't have lost much memories anyway. If I don't manage to trick this body's relatives there's always the memory-loss card I can pull, but let's wait that out.' I thought.

'Now, to the real me.

Name, David Arent.

Age, twenty one

Girlfriend, no

Married, no

Relatives, dead, no need to remember

Pets, dead, miss my cat

Friends, John Siere and Liam Teller, hmmm what else is there? Ah,

Job, Electrical Engineer

Weight, 97 kilograms

Height, 2.10 meters

Haircolor, black

Eye color, blue

Proficient in Karate, Judo, wrestling and kickboxing, that should be all of my stats'

After thinking it all trough again I came to the conclusion that my personality probably didn't change after asking myself some moral questions and that my memories were all intact except about 24 hours before I woke up here. Well it could be longer than 24 hours but I don't know what time it is right now so I can't check anyway. Why the hell is this room so empty, not even a clock hanging around.

"Now, the next best thing I could do is to check out my surroundings and see if I can maybe find hints about who I am and where I am. By the looks of it I am some brat with rich parents that either have some gold fetish or I got transmigrated in a world that still lives in the medieval age. I hope it's the former... Damn stop talking idiot!" Grumbling because my bad habit got the better of me again I went to work.

As stated before the whole room was decorated by gold linings and the walls were made of partly dark wood and grey stone. Reminds of castle interiors. There also was a giant chandelier hanging above. It scared me a bit to be honest since it doesn't look like it's going to hold on long at all, I give it some years to live at most without anyone touching it.

Anyway, running around in these black and gold themed Pyjamas felt weird and it already made me tired to run around for a short time only. What I also noticed was the pale skin when I looked into the mirror. I hope I don't have some weird disease.

What I also noticed was that there was only a single giant window that was locked up preventing any sunlight shining trough and instead there were big paintings of sunrises and such on the walls.

"There aren't even any pictures of family members and such... Maybe-" My talking got interrupted.

*Knock! Knock!*

"Young master Dio, may I enter?"

My heart skipped a beat.

'D-dio?! Don't tell me I transmigrated into the Jojo verse?!' I thought.

"But wait that doesn't make sense, Dio was just a poor fucker at this age, not living with the Jostars yet. Hmm..." I said out loud while thinking hard completely forgetting about the person who just knocked on the door.

"Pardon my intrusion." I heard the voice say and the door unlocking.

I mentally prepared for anything. Imagine if they could somehow figure out that I am not the Dio they know and do shit to me. Don't want that to happen.

What happened next is something unexpected. A busty middle-aged woman entered the room. What suprised me was that she was wearing a maid outfit like you would see in movies and anime.

'Damn she looks good, is this a world where every girl looks like a model like in the anime?'

She has short light brown hair and grey golden eyes. Pretty and flawless face with a small nose too. And damn what a body. Just that her dead stare somehow makes her look very mature instead of the happy young girl vibe I thought I would get from a girl looking like her.


"Young master, you know you shouldn't be running around or you will get scolded by the mistress again. Also, think of your health too young master." She said looking down to me.

To be honest I was kinda out of breath already from the little 10 meter sprint I did there. But still it shouldn't be that bad for me, should it?

"Uhh, ehhh yes I understand?" I said to her.

"..." She looked at me.

"..." I looked at her.


"..." She continued to stare at me.


"... Young master are you alright? You are sweating quite a lot. Should I bring you water?" She asked me.

Well I am sweating buckets, but only because of you stupid bitch! Why the hell didn't she say shit?!

"A-ahem, no i-it's alright. But may I a-ask why you h-have come h-here?" I asked her. I calmed down a bit since she seems to not have noticed anything strange except me sweating alot. So I am in the age where I am supposed to be able to talk, phew.

After hearing my question her eyelids moved a tiiinyyy little bit which I suppose means she remembered something important.

"Ah yes young master my deepest apologies, it seems like I was lost in your eyes again... The purpose of my intruding was to tell you that the mistress and the Lord wish to have breakfast together with the young master." She said. She trailed off a bit after mentioning my eyes but that's it.

But what the fuck does she mean by she was lost in my eyes again. Ahem madam I am about four years old so back off please thank you.

"Ahem, yes I will attend so please excuse me for I have to change my clothes." I said gauging her expression.

She doesn't seem fazed by the way I talked. Seems like this brat was raised fine.

"As you wish young master, I will wait outside for you and escort you once you finish dressing, now, excuse me." She said as she did small bow and walked outside.

"Hahhh, finally some rest." I said slumping dowm on the floor, but it actually hurt because my ass is almost nonexistent. Fuck I am am skinny as a skeleton, the only thing passable about my body truly only is my face. And hair. Nice hair indeed.

And now changing clothes and go meet my bodies parents.


Update shedule will be every week once, if I manage, I will upload some more.

You may know but I am terrible at not being a lazy bun. You are warned.

First chapter.

This is my third fanfic I am purplishing but this will be the main focus from now on.

To be honest, my other two are completely shit. Even reading it myself I am ashamed to know that I was the one who wrote them. But I learned and learned. Now I am pretty sure I will be able to create a great story with the experience of failing two times.

Let's start together in this new beginning.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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