
MHA: Mischievous Reversal

In a world full of Heroes and Villains with super powers named quirks, there are always some wild cards here and there every now and then. Ryu's quirk awakened just a few months before his middle school ended, and it was a big change in his life, now he needs to act strategically and analyze any quirk he finds around himself whatever it's weak or powerful, they all could be treasures to him. Now everything is up to him to decide No Harem. Realese Schedule: Whenever I can. Plus Ultra! This is a My Hero Academia fan fiction written all by me. All original characters and content belong to me, but the world, plot and charceters of MHA belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.

RavenSwordman · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Main Character Info

Name: Ryu Shinrinmoto - [Picture in the comments ->]

Hero outfit: [Picture in the the comments - >]

Character traits: Strategic mind, Mischievous, Excellent Memorization

Quirk: Mischievous Reversal

Description: Allows the user to copy any quirk permanently, but the effects of any quirk copied is reversed, for example, a fire quirk would turn into a water quirk or a healing quirk would turn into an erosion quirk.

Copy is done trough physical touch with the person holding a quirk. After copying, the quirk needs to be implemented inside of the user's body, the time needed for implementation varies based on the type of quirk.

Implementation of the quirk needs energy, so the quirk accumulates any extra energy that the user's body doesn't need and uses it upon implementation.

If the user tries to copy a quirk without accumulating enough energy, they enter an state of exhaustion to recover the lost energy.

(Spoiler Warning: Anything written down this line is possible spoiler.)








Quirks that are currently copied:

Timed Strike: Timed Strike allows the user to store impact of a physical strike on a target and unleash it later with amplified force.

The longer the user waits to activate the effect, the stronger the stored impact will become.

Grip Shift: Grip Shift allows the user to manipulate the coefficient friction between any two surfaces they touch.

More info will be added in the process, please be patient.