
MHA: Matter Manipulation

A young man dies but is offered a second chance by a mysterious being. This being reincarnates our mc into the MHA universe with the ability to harden and soften matter. I'm writing this for fun so don't take this seriously. I've never written anything before so if things seem stupid and stuff... that's just how it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Constructive Criticism is always welcome. Don't expect a coherent chapter schedule. not even sure if I will continue this, we'll see. Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or the cover photo. If the creator of the photo wants it taken down message me.

TypicallyMixed · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Prove Them Wrong

"Get up Hix or your gonna be late on your first day," Granny said to me.

"Alright, I hear you, I hear you," I groggily wave her off.

Getting up and putting on my uniform I look myself over in the mirror, 'seriously why couldn't it be black? I'm not feeling the grey.'

Walking out of my room I sit down at the table and eat breakfast.

"Come on, look more enthusiastic, it's your first day!" Granny encourages me

"I have a feeling this year is gonna go e me a lot of headaches," I sigh, she just gives me an unimpressed look.

"Get moving already!"


I walk outside and see Chi and Hito waiting for me.

"How long does it take you to get ready?" Hitoshi reprimands me.

"My bad," I say rubbing the back of my head

"Let's just go already," Chi said,

It's the first day of school, also known as the first day of problems. Our organization is going well but it's not take ng of as much as I would have thought, I sense some foul play at work.

While I'm thinking to myself someone catches my eye. Looking across the street there appears to be a blonde haired girl stalking a man, 'is that… Toga?'

"Hey guys, look over there," I say pointing across the street, "Look at her. You can tell, can't you?"

"That does look like the face of someone who is about to shatter. I'll go grab our suits" Chi says.


As Toga is stalking her first victim she suddenly hears a voice from the alley next to her.

"It's hard isn't?"

Looking to her left, Toga sees three people in an alley.

'Am I caught already?' Toga nervously thinks to herself.

"Pretending I mean." The smiley masked boy said.

"W-what do you mean?" Toga

"Pretending to be normal," he said the last part with air quotes.

"You put on the mask of being normal since others are afraid of you, constantly suppressing your true nature, but that mask was slowly cracking day after day until it shattered. That's why you were going to harm that man weren't you."

"Don't do it. Don't let them turn you into the villain they always said you would be. Prove them wrong, show them that you can be a better person than they will ever be."

"What do you want me to do!? I want to drink blood so bad! But the moment I do they treat me like I'm a monster! I can't even smile normally anymore!" She yells out.

"Join our organization." The mechanical masked boy said.


"Have you ever heard of the V.U.Q.P.S?" The mechanical masked boy said.

Toga looks at them quizzically.

"Makes sense, it is relatively new after all. Though I have a feeling the hero association is suppressing our news coverage" he said mumbling the last part.

"Of course you don't have to you could just sign up normally. If you fill out an application. They will probably get you in contact with a blood bank and give you a monthly supply."

"But don't you want to do something about this society? The heroes love the way it is right now they stand on their pedestals of fame while people like us suffer below their feet. Don't you want it so children like us don't have to go through the same thing?"

He tossed her a burner phone "if you want to be involved contact the number on the phone."

"Remember they're the real villains, not us."


"I think we were successful in recruiting her," Chi said.

"Nothing is definite until she calls," Hito reminded her.

Hito and Chi start bickering as we make our way to lunch. Our first class and orientation was pretty uneventful class 1-A not showing up solidified itself as the most hated class.

Walking away from the loud bunch I grab my food and sit down the rest following shortly after.

"Alright so 'it' is going to happen soon."

Hitoshi chokes on his food, looking around quickly he whispers "is it a really good idea to talk about 'it' here?"

"We'll be fine, it's not like anyone who hears us would know what we're talking about," Chiyo said, pointing her chopstick at him.

"That doesn't make it sound any less suspicious to anyone that overheard," he deadpans.

Ignoring them I continue, "In 3 days 'it' is going to happen so we should make a plan soon."

"What's there to plan? Just get in there punch some villains make a declaration and leave." Chiyo said.

"That's cool and all but we need someone to take a video. You can't exactly call it a debut without the public knowing since the heroes would most definitely hide our involvement." Hitoshi added.

"Don't worry I have a good quality camera, so let's start planning," I respond.

The plan we came up with was to first have Chiyo teleport us into U.S.J this in itself will be tough since she doesn't have the location in her memory but we will follow the direction of the bus. The next part is me and Hito. I'll engage with the Nomu since his quirk wouldn't work on a mindless creature while he makes sure the Class 1-A students are alright. Our objective is to defeat the Nomu and get a piece of its DNA since I want to examine it. I would normally try to capture Shigiraki but with Kurogiri around as well as AFO backing him, it's not worth the effort the best option is to put him out of commission fast.


Sitting around the crib with the others I hear our phone ring. We all look at each other and I go over and answer the phone, putting it on speaker.

"I want in."

Hearing this we all smile. "We knew you'd make the right choice."


1 Day later:

We sitting around half eating lunch half waiting for the emergency bell.

Once it's rung we just sit around still eating.

"Che, they really have the bravery of heroes," Chi snorted.

"W-what are you doing we have to move!" Looking over we see Midoriya looking like he's having a panic attack. He's probably wondering why we aren't moving but we just look at him and continue eating. He eventually gets the message and runs to the halls.

We look at each other thinking the same thing.



Finally, we are at the U.S.J arc. Sorry for being slow been playing Metroid Dread and haven't really had the motivation. And when I did get motivation it was for a completely different Fanfic you can check it out if you want.

So the chapters might still be slow on this arc but that's because I don't want it to seem like a jumbled mess.

Also let's pretend the heroes can't recognize our trio through their hair color since two of them have a unique style.

Cya ಠ_ಠ