
MHA: Matter Manipulation

A young man dies but is offered a second chance by a mysterious being. This being reincarnates our mc into the MHA universe with the ability to harden and soften matter. I'm writing this for fun so don't take this seriously. I've never written anything before so if things seem stupid and stuff... that's just how it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Constructive Criticism is always welcome. Don't expect a coherent chapter schedule. not even sure if I will continue this, we'll see. Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or the cover photo. If the creator of the photo wants it taken down message me.

TypicallyMixed · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

All Under Control

In an alleyway, on a dark night, there can be seen four men kicking a 30-year-old looking man on the ground. He has Black hair but piercing crimson eyes.

??? POV:

As I'm getting kicked by these four menI think to myself, "Really? is this how I'm gonna go? Killed because my Quirk is different from the norm." As I resigned myself to my fate I hear one of the men's grunts and the sounds of someone falling over.

Opening my eyes I see one of the four men on the ground with three new people standing before me. 

"Get out of here or we won't be so nice," The one in the suit says.

"You must be crazy if you think we're gonna leave after you hurt one of us!" 

"We have the advantage in numbers these vigilantes playing hero don't stand a chance against us." They say, getting in fighting stances.

"Guess we're doing this the hard way," Sighs the girl in the oni mask, "What did you expect these guys are drunk out of their minds," The boy with the mechanical mask responds.

"Let's just get this over with. We still got to check on the guy," The boy in the suit says, pointing his thumb back at me.

Angered by the vigilantes not taking them seriously the men drunkenly charge at them, "DON'T IGNORE US!!" One of them attempts to punch the girl but she simply takes a step back putting her foot out causing him to trip passing out the moment he hits the ground. "So predictable. One down" She plainly says. 

The other two defeat the men in similar ways, the fights lasting less than a minute. I begin to shake, there's no way I can escape these people if they have bad intentions. Then the boy in the suit looks at me, I notice that he has a creepy smiley face mask on causing me to shake even more furiously. He walks over to me putting his arm out, I close my eyes and wait for the pain… but nothing happens. Opening my eyes I see he has his hand out to lift me up.

"See? I told you. The mask is creepy," The girl says. Ignoring her words the boy asks me,: Are you okay? Why were they assaulting you?" Hesitating for a second I grab his hand and let him help me up. Once I'm up I respond to him, "I was on my way home from a party, and they knew of my Quirk… They probably were acting on some sort of twisted drunken justice" When I mentioned my Quirk that seemed to gain the trio's attention.

"So… You Quirk is considered 'villainous'?" The Smiley one says,

"...Yes," I respond hoping they won't decide to beat me up like those men. But to my surprise, their eyes show… Empathy? "You too eh?" The mechanical masked one says.

Confused I say, "What do you mean?" There's something different about these three.

"Well, our group is made up of those that have been scorned by others, because of our Quirks." The smiley boy says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Would you like to hear our goals?" The smiley boy says. Agreeing, he tells me that they want to create an organization to help those like us. Hearing the group's aspirations I become inspired. 

"You people saved my life let me help out in any way possible," I want to be a part of this. No, I have to be a part of this. "We would like to start our organization soon but Vigilantes can't exactly start one." I nod at his words, "That's why we need a spokesperson to be the face of our organization until we have enough power and influence not to be taken down."

He then puts his gloved hand out, "You can call me White Collar. Would you like to join our organization?" Taking his hand and shaking it, "My name is Seiji, Nakamoto Seiji. And it would be an honor to join you three." I see that they are smiling, though their faces are obstructed I can tell from their eyes.


5 months later.

At the trio's crib the news channel is having a special interview on the TV.

"Hello, this is Kaedae on tonight's news. Today we are with Nakamoto Seiji on the topic of his new organization, the Villainous and Useless Qurik Protection Services. The V.U.P.S has made many donations to orphanages full of children that have been abandoned because of their Quirk. As well as advocating for Schools to pay better attention to Children getting bullied for their Quirk or lack-there-of. Many people have gained the courage to tell their story of what it's like being treated as less for their Quirk. Now tell me Seiji-san, what caused you to come up with this idea?" Kaede says looking over to Seij.

"It is an honor to be on here Kaedae-san but I don't think I can properly answer your question," Seiji responds.

"What do you mean?: she asks curiously.

"I can't properly answer you because I am not the boss." He laughs in reply.

"Can you go into more detail?" realizing that this is a big scoop she asks for more details

"All I can say is that they prefer to keep their identity secret since they don't want the attention. I am merely a spokesperson for the organization I only make the little desicions." He smiles.

"Hmmm, well there's no use asking for more details, on to oth-" The reporter is cut off by the TV being turned off.

"See? I told you I had it under control?" Hix says looking at Hitoshi.

"Yeah by dumping all the decisions onto someone else," Chiyo says chuckling.

Hix makes a disgruntled face but they just ignore it. "At least you somehow managed to start the thing before U.A exams: Hitoshi says.

"By pure look too! Who would have thought we would meet the very guy we need while walking home." Hix says

"Good thing Chiyo was able to warp us back to the crib to get our costume on," Hitoshi adds.

Chiyo puts on a smug smile.

"We got a lot of work on now. Let's get started." Hix says.


A bit rushed but I think it's a solid way for their organization to start. It's not too influential yet but it's only in the starting stages.

If you have an organization name idea feel free to comment it. I'm not sure if the one I have now will be permanent.

Cya ಠ_ಠ