
MHA: Maru's Adventure

Follow the story of Adachi Maru, a young hero in training as he navigates family, friends and the heroverse. AU I own nothing except OCs and parts of the plot. The image on the cover isn't mine. If you own it and would like me to take it down, just let me know NO BL, NO HAREM, NO HENTAI. First time writer. Native English Speaker. I love the MHA Universe. Almost always reading or looking for fics in this universe. If you like it, keep reading, I appreciate it. If not, don't bother, I appreciate it. Schedule, at least one chapter a week. I don't intend to commit to more than that cause this is new to me plus I've got other commitments. If I drop more than one, it's hopefully a nice surprise for whoever's reading. Any way, add to Library, Comment, Gift, Support etc PS: I just noticed the opening quote. I don't believe in it. I think its bs but i can't change that bs so i had to state that hear js so you know

RujiroTaicho · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Their teacher took a few steps back before pressing a button that resulted in the unlatching the man's chains. As the restraints fell, a hush spread across the class as Maru gulped. Scars littered the hulking man's torso as he hungrily looked at the students. His eyes turning completely red.

"Fighting!" Abe casually encouraged the class.

"Spread out," Maru yelled

With a roar, the beast leaped at the students. His movement swift as he reached his first victim right at the centre of the class. The girl was barely able to put her guard up before she was hit by a straight jab to the stomach. Her guard barely limited the shock of the blow throwing her right into the boy standing right behind her, both toppling over in the process. The girl curled into herself unable to do anything but heave. No one had time to pay much attention to her though. The villain's onslaught had not stopped. Blow after blow, one student after another fell like a flower from the centre outward. A few looked to where their teacher was, watching them a distance away with the idea that he would be forced to help if they moved his way. That idea didn't last long either. The students quickly noticed that those who got distracted or were still frozen were the villain's primary targets. To take your eyes off the enemy was a mistake too great to be taken lightly against a close combat villain. It took an instant for him to close in on them and take them out. They had no choice but to focus if they hoped to survive the villain's onslaught but it was difficult. For students who had never experienced bloodlust, basic evasion proved too difficult to even consider. And so some lashed out in the hopes of erasing the fear that made it difficult to breathe, let alone move. Maru watched as a red-haired boy dashed at the villain, his left hand cocked back and transforming into a mace in an attempt to attack, only to have his eyes roll back at the kick to his jaw from the villain.

Another student in his panic sprayed saliva in the general direction of the villain. It turned into sticky slippery slime that only trapped other students. It was at this point the villain dashed at Maru. Youta beside him rammed his hand in the concrete causing a part of the pavement to curve upward effectively stopping the villain's dash. It was the pause they needed to attack, but the number of students collapsed on the ground hindered that.

"MOVE!" A brown-haired boy yelled. Those still standing willingly stepped aside as he lifted his arms high before waving them down. A part of a nearby building raptured falling towards the villain. A telekenitic quirk? He couldn't really tell considering how long it took the student to attack. Maru quickly put up several spikes of ice to serve as barriers preventing the villain from easily escaping the attack while simultaneously shielding those collapsed on the floor near the danger zone. The sand collapsed over the villain but those standing knew it wouldn't be enough to stop him. To prove it, the villain quickly rose above the rubble of concrete. His eyes as red as ever and no worse for wear.

They were mostly on the defensive but Maru noticed a fairly obvious pattern in the villain's movement. He primarily moved in a clockwise direction, occasionally skipping a few depending on their levels of attention on him. As a result, half the class was either passed out or groaning unable to move from the pain. He wasn't the only one to notice. He watched a girl with a ponytail circle the villain. She somehow had managed to avoid getting a single attack the entire time while everyone else had to defend themselves at some point. A little more than a minute had passed and some of the students were panting at the exertion. Yet they kept standing. The girl with a ponytail looked his way and nodded. Nothing needed to be said. A class of 20 had barely put a dent on the villain's stamina and their numbers had dropped to half in a minute. If they truly wanted to prevent any fatalities, they couldn't stay on the defensive. It was time for a counter attack. The girl with the ponytail quickly took charge.

"Those capable of close combat, try keep him occupied. Those fast enough, start moving those immobile out of the away. Anyone that can take him out in one move, get ready."

They instantly moved, like those standing had only been biding their time. Youta and Maru quickly moved in for close combat while Jid moved to rescue the fallen students dashing off at a rapid speed. He quickly joined a girl with pink hair as she wrapped up the unconscious students in her hair that felt like chewing gum and started shuttling the students to a central point away from the conflict.

Those facing the villain were quickly falling into a pattern of attack aiming not to stop the villain entirely but restrict his movement as best as they could without getting themselves knocked out in the process. But the villain, though he appeared to have lost his mind was anything but dumb, or deaf. He knew what they were up to but that didn't make it easier to get of their encirclement. If this kept up, he would eventually be restrained. He was, after all, one man against 20 students. His gaze zeroed on the white-haired boy whose physique looked less bulky and lunged.

A knee strike to the villain's face nearly put him out of commission forcing him to lean back and kill the momentum of his attack. The kid's reaction speed was superb. Not giving him the chance to stabilize, Maru threw a low kick to the man's thigh, a place difficult to avoid without the villain shifting his centre of gravity which would take time. Ice covered the man's thigh when the kick struck, slowly thickening. Too slowly. The villain broke the ice and quickly jumped to avoid a low sweep from the blonde giant next to the boy only to block another jab to his torso from another student. He ducked on landing to his feet only to feel a whizz above him. Mace boy who was now club boy had just swung his arm over his head. A drop kick from ponytail girl forced him to lunge backward closer to the teacher than he preferred. Blood dripped from his forehead where a red line had formed on the left of his face from his forehead to near his ear. He had dodged too slow. His leg was twitching from where ice boy had frozen him and he could tell some of his fingers were stiff from blocking the other blow. The boy's quirk was troublesome, he needed to avoid him. Attacking the boy had ended up cornering him instead. A large disk like blade came flying at him quickly followed by a lance made of bone from the rescuers side. It seemed those involved in moving the fallen were nearly done and prepared to assist those keeping him occupied.

This was starting to irritate him. A bloodlust so thick a few choked poured out of the villain. The students froze momentarily before focusing seeing the villain already close, his fist aimed right at the ponytail girl only to thump softly on a thin shield of ice. This raised Maru's, the teacher's and the villain's eyebrow. For Maru, the blow was a lot softer than he expected, the villain should have been able to shatter his ice shield. He had made his move the same time the villain had moved. Without pause, the villain rotated his torso throwing a backhand at Maru who ducked to his lower right freezing his calf in the process before transitioning to a backflip kick with his heel again coming terribly close to the villain's face again. Maru landed in a roll and pushed himself to the side to avoid any follow up attack. He didn't need to worry though as Youta had jumped at the man, tackling him to the ground, his eyes reddening. Before he could throw a barrage of blows at the villain, a booming clap drew everyone's attention away.

"That's enough."

It took a moment for everyone to move gain after noticing the 'villain's' lack of resistance. Youta's eyes slowly cleared. The red haze gone as he glared at his teacher, still unsure at what was happening but opting to keep the villain restrained despite the lack of aggression.

He's got good control of his quirk, Abe-sensei thought while looking at Youta before turning to the white-haired boy who seemed to have already caught on. A wild card eh! The skillset shown during the recommendations test did show a lot about a student's control of their quirk but not much about their on the ground experience, combat capabilities and vision. The boy was impressive. As a whole the class had performed resonably well. UA really never lacked a few 'golden eggs'.

"Today's training exercise ends here."

The student's gaped as the 'villain' unceremoniously let out a loud huff, unbothered by the situation. Abe-sensei watched im mild amusement as the brats tried to make sense of the situation. His old student, the hulking 'villain', was tearfully looking his way. He frankly chose to ignore him. He really wasn't good with tears. Empathy just wasn't in his skill set.

My first fighting sequence, hehe! Had fun?

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