
MHA: Maru's Adventure

Follow the story of Adachi Maru, a young hero in training as he navigates family, friends and the heroverse. AU I own nothing except OCs and parts of the plot. The image on the cover isn't mine. If you own it and would like me to take it down, just let me know NO BL, NO HAREM, NO HENTAI. First time writer. Native English Speaker. I love the MHA Universe. Almost always reading or looking for fics in this universe. If you like it, keep reading, I appreciate it. If not, don't bother, I appreciate it. Schedule, at least one chapter a week. I don't intend to commit to more than that cause this is new to me plus I've got other commitments. If I drop more than one, it's hopefully a nice surprise for whoever's reading. Any way, add to Library, Comment, Gift, Support etc PS: I just noticed the opening quote. I don't believe in it. I think its bs but i can't change that bs so i had to state that hear js so you know

RujiroTaicho · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Adachi Haru had to bite his tongue to stop himself from teasing his son. Maru really wasn't helping. Pouting so hard it looked like his lips would reach his eyebrows. He was barely stopping himself from teasing the boy and that left him defenseless to stop the wobbly smile slowly being drawn on his face. It was one or the other. When he saw his son crinkle his eyes and pout harder, (he didn't think that was possible) he knew he had noticed. It was a loosing battle from the start. A lopsided grin settled on his face as he watched his son, completely amused but warmed at heart. He remembered those days. A time when you wanted to cry into your mother's arms but you wouldn't cause as far as anybody was concerened, you were 'a big boy now'. Personally, he regretted not just crying at the time. Not really for the tears but for the privilege it was to have someone you could let it all out on and it never change how they saw you. It wasn't something he could get away with now.

It was comforting to see his son still alright with breaking down in front of him. (Maru would like to vehemently disagree) So he bit his tongue. His amusement wasn't really hidden but kids were super sensitive these days. Maybe a light teasing would be taken as mocking then his little snowman would never cry in front of him again. That would be tragic. He couldn't even carry him around anymore, not for lack of trying on his part. Next thing he knows he'll have moved out, gotten married and started a family of his own. His son may not have noticed but he bought a big place for a reason. It wasn't just because his wife was pregnant. But that was off topic.

To find his son in such a state when he walked into his hospital room had had him distraught. The boy looked like he had shattered and was doing everything he could to keep whatever pieces remained attached. He hated it. Now, Maru looked a lot better. Say what you will about crying but it was therapeutic. Just letting it all out had visibly left the boy tired but a lot more whole than when he found him.

What was bothering the little guy was obvious. It had happened once before. Maru hadn't quite understood it then but the weight of his recent actions had definitely registered this time. In his view, it wasn't as cataclysmic as his little snowman probably thought it to be. But that wasprobably a privelege only an involved parent could have. From the start, he had been fully present when raising the boy. He had been there for the diaper changing. He had been there when Maru named his quirk. For his first fall, his first fight. From his first self-made snow ball to the now more intricately formed ice globes he practiced with. From the moment both himself and his wife understood just why Maru had called his quirk cold to every incident where he had pushed it too far in the name of training. All of it. No one could ever claim to know their son better other than his wife. Even then, it wouldn't be because he thought she knew Maru better but because he had his priorities right.

It made everything clear as day. Maru was no murderer. He didn't know this but despite how lethal his final attack looked, it had been easier to treat the other boy than his own injuries. The cold itself had been the biggest issue when healing his classmate, not his attacks. With how UA handled the situation, he knew they saw it the same way he did. Kindness and Self control were a part of what made Maru Maru. Not to mention, he had inherited his mother's clinical accuracy and his own self & quirk control which allowed him at some level to push something so far but never truly break it. Added to that, Maru had trained that awareness inherent in him to accurately judge his circumstance and surroundings. It was a skill he knew would keep him standing in most dangerous situations. Then there was his kindness.

It was ironic given his quirk and its mental aspects. Both himself and his wife saw their son as a little ball of sunshine, and no, it wasn't entirely some parent filter. He radiated warmth, joy and all that good stuff reminiscent of a good snow day. Just like a snow man. A part of him they so cherished and valued considering the families they both grew up in. It was the very same part that made him see himself as some unforgivable criminal. Just how cute could this little guy be. They'd have to deal with this carefully though. Only the one who drinks the cup knows its taste. Regardless of what they saw, it'd be pointless if Maru couldn't see the same thing. Especially so considering he was a teenager slowly forming his own view on life. It could so easily be twisted to harm him and that was something he wouldn't let happen. But for now, it could wait a bit. Pulling out his phone as fast as he could, he took a quick pic before returning the device back into his pocket. The gaping fish face his son had on at his actions almost made him pull his phone out again, but he knew what was coming.

When the doctor walked into Maru's hospital room, he found his patient with his legs partially tied by his blanket trying to headbutt his father whose arms he had pinned behind him with his phone delicately held in his mouth. It made him pause, not noticing the laser beams shooting over his shoulder where the patients mother stood. The doctor rubbed his eyes in shock but when he looked again everything was relativly normal. His patient lying quietly on his bed with a man calmly seated at his right. Maybe he was seeing things. He had been working the overnight shift after all. Other than their hairs being a bit messy, nothing else was off.


Three days. He'd been in the hospital for three days. That had been unexpected. A lot longer than he thought. Were his injuries that severe. It seemed Youta was few rooms down. Noting the panic growing in his eyes, his father summarized the situation adding most of the info the doctor hadn't. The main cause for his extended sleep was Recovery Girl's quirk. Youta woke up a day ago but had been sedated due to his shock when he woke up. He had a scar running down his face before disappearing underneath his hospital gown. One that would fade and disappear quick with a bit of time and lots of TLC. The smile on mother dearest's face said it would receive it. The hospital was one partnered with UA and sponsored by a bunch of the schools' alumni, hence the VIP treatment. The bill was also cleared by UA. UA's biggest flex so far. And lastly, he had the week off from school to recover.

Both students injuries had been completely healed. Other than recovery girl, the hospital had a few personnel with quirks helpful in the medical field. It's not healing but it does go a long way whe applied appropriately. Like the girl that could connect two surfaces that had the same properties, she was the reason he would have no scar after healing. In fact, if the cut hadn't been as coarse, it probably wouldn't even show signs of scarring.

'There are limits to what can be done with modern medicine. It helps when someone applies their quirk creatively to aide in some way in the medical field'

The memory of the doctor's words really shocked him. Healing quirks were super rare, almost mystical. Everyone knows that. But the medical field was perpetually understaffed yet paid really well. It wasn't an easy course but it did have a lot of applicants. Many of whom found ingenious ways to use their quirk in the medical field. There were permits for stuff like that too. The world wasn't that two-dimensional. Heroes were incredibly popular but quirks weren't limited to just hero work.

Anyway, he'd probably be discharged tomorrow, that left him with another 3 days to think things through. He felt a lot lighter after venting on his father. Yes, venting. Clear headed too. His father had this hidden talent of putting others at ease around him and inspiring trust. He could also keep his mouth shut, sometimes even from mom. Only when she didn't know though. If she figured something out and questioned him, he would sing. His mom was pretty sharp and hiding things from her never really ended well. She was also pretty insightful with an almost polar opposite perspective to his pops. He wondered sometimes how two similar people could see things so differently. But that wasn't what was important right now. He needed to analyze what happened. Break down the entire process and figure out what had shifted. Not in the fight but in his mind. Trials brought out the essence of a person. How were his actions a reflection of his being? Was it necessary to change some things and which parts? How could he even change? Well, two heads are said to be better than one. Three would definitely be world class.

A bit shorter but I hope you liked the chap. Reviews and comments on what you think so far are always welcome. Thanks for reading!

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