
MHA: Izuku The Villain

In one life, Izuku Midorya went on to become the greatest hero the world had ever seen. But what if, through a simple twist of fate, the quirkless child went on to become the most feared villain in all of hero society? **** Like it? then add it to your library and give a 5 star review and send power stone. Discord:- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) **** I do not own anything all goes to its respective owner. fanfic owner:-'soundestguitar' link:- https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4224167/soundestguitar

Toji_Fushigoro · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 19


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All Might was stuck in his suplex pose, holing onto the Nomu by the waist with its legs in the air.

However, the Nomu appeared to be cut in half, with its head and arms coming out of the ground beneath the number one hero, and digging its claws into his ribs.

The reason for the ghastly creature's strange position was thanks to Kurogiri, who had opened a vortex where the Nomu's head would have hit the ground, allowing it to reach up for the mighty hero and sink its grip into his body.

"So, you thought you could stun him and deal damage while he was in the ground, did you, All Might?" The hand-man laughed giddily. "Well, it wouldn't have worked if you did! Nomu's as strong as you, perhaps even stronger now that your losing power!"

"I can't stand having blood in my vortex, but at this moment, I'm willing to make an exception." The living cloud remarked, looking down at the trapped symbol of peace. "All I have to do is wait for our Nomu to drag you halfway into my portal. And once I close it up...You'll be split in two."

As the symbol of peace struggled to find a way out of his dire situation, Deku was frozen at a distance, watching with wide, vacant eyes.

Was this happening? Was All Might really going to...die? The idea was so...unbelievable. His mind recalled the last time he met his hero...his former hero.

That day, at the top of a stray building, when the man Izuku Midorya looked up to and dreamed of being like, showed his true form, told him the truth of his power and said the one thing that caused him to let go of his dream for good.

"It's good to have dreams...but you should accept the reality of your situation. I'm sorry...but you can't become a hero."

Those words still stung even after a whole year. Deku clutched at his left arm, an inner turmoil taking him over as he asked himself questions that he'd been avoiding for a long time.

Did he hate All Might? Did he want him to suffer? Just because he said something the Quirkless child didn't want to hear?

Did Deku want him to...die?

KABOOM ! ! !

Whatever answers the green hooded boy was coming to were immediately blown away, as a huge explosion snatched his attention, causing him to look back at the struggling symbol, and who had just flown onto the scene.

And everything in the Quirkless child's vision turned red.

Kurogigi had been tackled to the ground after taking a blast from a spikey blonde-haired boy with red eyes, and a malicious smirk on his face.

He wore a black tank top with an orange 'X' on the front and a pair of black pants with matching combat boots.

He wore a black facemask over his eyes, tied off at the back with two wingtips that looked like comic-book style explosions protruding out of his hair.

But the most noticeable part about the boy's outfit were the two large gauntlets shaped like frag grenades on his arms, where his hands could be seen sticking out of the pin tops.

Katsuki Bakguo sneered down at the vortex man beneath him. "Not so fast, smokey!"

Deku's attention was taken off of his old tormentor, when he saw a path of ice make its way toward the Nomu, freezing its body on contact.

The cold trail led back to a boy with white and red coloured hair, with the white on the right and the red on the left.

What stuck out the most about the boy, more than his hair colour, was the foul-looking scar that took up his entire left eye.

He wore an all-white uniform, from his button dress shirt, slacks, and combat boots. It was clear that he was the one who froze the Nomu, as the entire left side of his torso was covered in ice.

He kept his stone-cold gaze on the creature, with his right eye being a warm red, but his left scarred eye being a striking icy blue.

"So... your friends were telling the truth...you really are here to try and kill All Might." Shoto Todoroki spoke in a tone as cold as his quirk.

Shigaraki caught something out of the corner of his eye and sprung out of the way. A boy with wild, spikey red hair took a swing at the hand-man, his entire arm looking like jagged rock.

He wore an armoured brace that went over and under his shoulders, a faceguard that covered his forehead, nose and chin, a pair of black baggy pants with a belt with a large red 'R' as a buckle, a dark red waist cape with a torn edge, and matching colour boots.

"Dang, I missed!" Ejiro Kirishima cursed as he glared at the hand-man. "How can he even see out of that hand...mask...whatever it is on his face?!"

All Might felt the sudden chill, figuring it was young Todoroki who had frozen the beast holding him.

With a hefty amount of force, All Might pulled himself free of the frosted fiend and leapt to a safe distance beside the children who'd saved him.

"We're not just going to stand by, and let scum like you kill the Symbol of Peace." Shoto announced as he raised his left hand, ready to let loose another blizzard.

Shigaraki took in the sight of the trio of students before chuckling. "Well, well, look at you. Aren't you just an impressive little party? Not only did you beat back our enemy waves, but you even captured our teleporter."

Kurogiri attempted to get up, but Bakugo slammed him back down with sadistic glee. "Don't even think about warping out of here, gas-bag! That collar of yours is part of your actual body, am I right?! You use all that smoke of yours to hide your physical form!"

He lowered his head closer to the mist man's face, his hand on the villain's collar crackling with explosive energy. "If you so much as flinch in a way I don't like, I'm gonna blast you into vapour!"

"Geez, Baku-bro..." The spikey redhead grimaced. "That's not very heroic, don't you think?"

The crazed hand-man placed his real hands together in a calm, docile manner. "Well, my dear future heroes. From the looks of things, it seems like it's game over for us...except..." The hand-man looked over to the frozen trapped creature. "Nomu?"

The biological beast then began to pull itself out of the vortex, its frozen half breaking as it moved.

Soon enough its entire right side shattered to pieces, but as soon as it did, the monster started to grow back entirely new limbs from its muscle fibre in a matter of seconds, right before the students and heroes eyes.

All Might was struck dumbfounded by the grotesque spectacle, as he grasped at his bleeding side. "What the devil is this thing?! I thought you said its power was shock absorption!"

"Yes. But I didn't say it was Nomu's only power-up, now did I?" Shigaraki snarkily commented. "He is a biologically engineered weapon with a whole plethora of quirks, and it's one sole reason to exist...is to kill you!"

Shigaraki's words were nothing but white noise in Deku's ears. He wasn't even paying attention to the quickly recovering Nomu, as his focus was completely on the bomb boy who was only a few feet away from him.

His brain began to replay every single horrid memory that had to do with him and the foul-mouthed hero-in-training.

How he made Izuku's life a living nightmare for twelve years.

How he made him feel weak and worthless every day since he was diagnosed as Quirkless at the tender age of four.

How he used to blast him with his quirk, relaying the fact that he was strong and Izuku was weak.

How he gave him his precious, irreplaceable nickname.

"Face it! You'll never be a hero, Deku! NEVER!"

The sound of his old tormentor's laughter echoed in the Quirkless boy's head until finally, he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Now if you don't mind, I'd like to have my teleporter back." Shigaraki declared as he raised his hand toward Bakugo, still pinning Kurogiri to the ground. "Nomu, kill hi-!"


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