
MHA : I Explode!

Viktor Blaze, a former gangster reincarnates into the body of Katsuki Bakugo. Planning to live a carefree life in a country side with his future wife, it all came crashing down when he wakes up in the middle of a fight between the greatest hero and the worst Villain in history. Left with no other choice, he decided to beat both of them up and ask them questions later. (Disclaimer: This is but a work of fanfiction. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner.}

IamBoredGuy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Katsuki Blaze (Part 4)

-Woosh! You are now banned from cursing. Saying words like Lmao and other slang is also not available. Now that webnovel is censoring, we are now being good boys. Please avoid cursing from now on. Fúck You very much.




UA-1 Dorms, Common Area

Staring at each other's faces, they all gulped subconsciously.

What they saw was too unbelievable to believe. They were just talking about him, but he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. What are the coincidences?

That Katsuki Bakugo.

He just waged war on all sides.

Not only to the masses, but he had also waged war on the media, he even included the villains.

They were too shocked to react. It wasn't the Bakugo they were used to. The level of confidence to declare that in front of millions of people watching left them speechless.

By declaring the intent to become the new Symbol of Peace, he painted a target on his back that wouldn't be erased as long as he was alive. It took them a long time to gather their bearings.

"So, that just happened...." Mina drawled. She couldn't understand what drove him to do that.

"Bakugo. That was so manly!" Kirishima didn't think any further and thought that Bakugo was super manly. After all, they were best friends(?), regardless of his decision, he would follow him.

They all thought that Bakugo was amazing. At the age of 16, he already debuted as a future hero that beat a villain that could contend against All Might.

"...He left us behind." Yaoyorozu suddenly interrupted their thoughts.

"What do you mean Yao-momo?" Mina asked.

Yaoyorozu didn't reply. She just bit her lips in frustration. They were supposed to be classmates. They were all aspiring to be heroes. Their paths should start once they graduated but Bakugo just took a headstart. She couldn't help but be frustrated at how slow she was. She remembered what she learned at her hero internships. According to lady Uwabami, those who get their name known climbed the ranks faster. After all, fame is also part of being a hero.

"Still, I didn't expect Bakugo to suddenly make a declaration like that." Hanta Sero said. He always thought of Bakugo as just some school bully. He didn't expect him to be so... fierce? It was an eye-opener to see what the real Bakugo was like.

"Hah... this year will be more hectic than ever!" Toru Hagakure exclaimed.

"I agree. With Bakugo in our class, were bound to get some attention as well. We are the trouble maker class after all." Tsuyu Asui added. She saw what they were called online, and she wasn't fond of it. It's not their fault that villains seem to like them.

As they discussed what they thought about the current Bakugo, they didn't see Uraraka staring into the black T.V screen in a daze.

'Are you afraid of me?' Bakugo's rough voice echoed in her mind. His crimson pupils staring intently at her. She remembered how he forcefully grabbed her chin and forced her face close to his, close enough for their breaths to collide against each other.

That feeling of fear. His cold whispers. Even the feeling of his hands. She remembered it all clearly. It was her first time being manhandled by a boy.

Remembering his smile while winking at the camera, Uraraka's cheeks flushed. 'Idiot, idiot! What are you thinking!?' Embarrassed, she decided to clear her head and sleep as it was getting late.

While she was heading towards the stairs, she heard faint knocks on the door. Curious, she approached it. "Who is it?" She asked softly.

"It's me."

The rough voice she was just thinking off appeared in her mind. She blushed again as she answered.


"Yeah..." His voice was low. She couldn't hear him properly because of how faint it was.

Opening the door, she recoiled away and screamed in horror after she saw the state Bakugo was in. "Eeeek! W-What happened?" She asked after recollecting herself.


The same answer she received when she went to his house.


Looking at his sweaty face. She felt strange. He looked gloomy. Contrary to his confident appearance in the press conference. His bandaged arms were a mess, she could see a spiral of blood climbing up his elbows, his fingers were dripping with fresh blood.

It was cold at night so Bakugo was panting hard as if he was out of breath. "Where's my room?" He asked straightforwardly.

"2-2nd floor..." She answered meekly.

"Thanks." With that, Bakugo strode forward. While his eyes were steely, his steps were not. They were trembling. Every step he took, it was as if he was going to fall at any second.

It reminded her of the state he was in after his fight with All For One.

She approached Bakugo with a determined gaze. "Bakugo-kun." She called out from behind.

"?" Bakugo merely glanced in her direction. Not having the energy to turn around.

"Do you need help?" She asked.


Straightening his back, he walked forward steadily. His fatigue was gone but his face was paler than before. She knew he was being stubborn but she doesn't know how to talk to him properly.

In the end, she could only look at him in worry as he walked towards the stairs.

The entire class has already arrived the moment they heard the door opening. When they saw the bloodied appearance of Bakugo, they all shut their mouths.

They remembered how he ruthlessly killed a villain without batting an eye. To say they were scared would be an overstatement. They were just a little wary on how to deal with him.

Now that they saw him face to face, they could tell that he was different. Despite the indifference he was showing on the outside, they could see the innate coldness from his eyes. It was the same eyes he had when he killed All For One.

"Kacchan..." Midoriya called out.

Viktor didn't even glance in his direction before he climbed the stairs. Once he reached the top, he gave them a condescending gaze, the one he use when he was dealing with small fries.

"Thanks for the warm reception." He said coldly before proceeding to his room.

They all stood still from their spots. They were busy being wary of him that they forgot they were classmates.

"Tsk, showoff," Mineta muttered. Jealous of how cool he looked when he dismissed them like that.

They all glared at Mineta before Sero taped his entire body and threw him out of the window using Rikido Sato's Quirk.



Fun Fact:

If I actually put in the effort, I could actually write 5 chapters a day.


Sitting on his bed, Viktor glared at his arms.

"Fucking useless pieces of shit." He cursed his arms silently.

He flinched a little when it suddenly ached, making him think that his arms must have some sort of sentience.

After finishing his press conference, he arrived at the training grounds his classmate told him about. 'Little Birdie was kinda cute back there. Maybe I should have glared at her and see her squirm?' he thought with a smile.

'Oops, I'm Katsuki Blaze now. Begone sadistic thots!'

Getting up from the bed, he headed towards the bathroom. His room was the same as before, just a little bigger. It was plain. He didn't bring any of his weights, even the All Might posters.

He only brought his clothes and the new book he made titled 'Quirk Counter and Offense'.

The rest was all bought on the way.

He remembered how he was lost for 2 days, wandering around UA. He even slept inside one of the abandoned buildings while it was raining outside.

Afterward, he ate in the cafeteria coming up with hero names. The speech wasn't important, what was important was the cool hero name. The speech was improvised but the name Blast took him a whole day to come up with.

Hero names such as King Explosion Murder kept appearing in his mind for some reason.


Turning on the faucet, he glanced at his appearance.

'I look like shit.'

He had eye-bags, his blonde hair was greasy not having a fresh bath ever since he came, some stubble was also growing on his chin.

After washing his face, he unfurled his bandages. He started from his chest, then his legs. Finally, he slowly loosened the one on his arms.

His eyelids twitched. His arm that was previously mended together thanks to Recovery Girl's Quirk was opened. Streaks of crimson climbed their way into his elbow. Like the stem of a red rose, they looked like thorns wrapping around his arms. Blood was spewing from the open wound, dripping down on the sink.

"Sigh... dammit."

After he arrived at the training grounds, he immediately practiced his Quirk. Not even ten explosions and his arms already exploded to pieces. Blood spurted all around staining the ground with his life essence. It was very gruesome, a lot of blood was lost, but the one that he felt lost was his confidence.

He was so cocky earlier, saying shit like becoming the Symbol of Peace, not even minutes after finishing the awesome speech he made, he was already ready for another trip in the hospital.


[The God of Entertainment is inviting you to hang out.]


[The God of Entertainment says he can cure your limbs.]


[The God of Entertainment says he can give your explosions a little oomph.]

"Sigh... fine."

[The God of Entertainment expresses that he would be glad to have your presence in his domain.]

"I guess I'll just have to be mano e mano."

[The God of Entertainment...]

"What? Did you think I would fall for that? Even if I lose all of my limbs I wouldn't ask for your help."

[The God of Entertainment says he has a gift to let bygones be bygones.]

"Tsk. I need some sleep." Hoping to have his arms healed the moment he woke up, Bakugo entered sleep mode, unaware of the turbulence he had caused.


-The Counselor-

A man with pitch-black hair and pitch-black eyes glanced at the clock on the wall. His room was well designed, it smelled like fresh paint, it was probably renovated recently.

"Hm, I wonder who my first customers will be?" He wondered aloud.

The man was wearing a black jacket with silver buttons. With a grey vest and a blue tie on the inside, he looked like a sophisticated gentleman. The only thing that could be said strange about him was the brown cane he kept fiddling with. He kept glancing at the door and at his cane repeatedly.

"Hopefully, I wouldn't be able to use you." He smiled at his cane.

Ding! Ding!

The sound of a bell ringing caught his attention. Glancing at the door, he saw a muscular man strode confidently towards his table.

"How may I help you, dear customer?" He asked with a pleasant smile.

The muscular man ignored him and he cracked his knuckles. Popping sounds reverberated repeatedly as the man strained his neck. "Are you the counselor?" The man asked threateningly.

"Yes?" He answered, the pleasant smile never left his lips even as the muscular man's spittle flew all over his face.

"I heard you give advice?" The muscular smiled viciously. "Some of my brothers said that you usually hang out in coffee shops, I see that you have an office of your own?"

"Haha, well business has been booming lately." He replied with a laugh.

The muscular man's eyebrow twitched. Unnerved, he pressed his hands on the table, it made creaking noises under his weight.

"Well, your advice flunked. My brothers are in jail. What're you gonna do about that, huh?"

"Hm? They are?"


The foot of the table gave in, while the items on his table spilled on the floor, The Counselor merely glanced at it before smiling back at the muscular man.

"Yeah. Apparently, they took your advice too seriously. They immediately robbed a bank afterward."

"Oh, I see. So? Are you also here to ask for advice?" The counselor gave a nod as if he understood and he asked with a kind smile.

"No. I'm here for compensation"

"Compensation?" The counselor tilted his head.

"Yes. Your advice fucked up my brothers. I'm here for a refund."

"So..." The kind smile left his face. The counselor glanced above with a cold look on his face. "You're not a customer?"

"Hah, did you go deaf?" The Muscular man raised his fist to punch the counselor. His arm swelled as veins appeared.

"Hm, an enhancer." The Counselor replied while dodging to the side. The fist brushed his hair, ruining the style he painstakingly created. "Oho, a blood-type."

The muscular man pulled his hand back, but before he could do so, The Counselor grabbed it. "I see a transformation strength enhancer type. You can control your blood to flow in whatever muscle group you want huh?"

"Gh, what the hell!" The muscular man felt a searing pain on his wrist, he pulled with all his strength but his arm never budged.

"So, does it work on your dick?" The Counselor asked curiously.

The muscular man blushed a little at the Counselor's blunt words. "You can't eh? Want some advice? I can teach you how to control your Quirk properly."

"Fucker!" Enraged, he raised his other fist to punch him again, this time, the Counselor didn't dodge. Letting go of the muscular man's right fist, he grabbed his other hand without letting go of his cane.

"Oh, that's weak. Want me to teach you how to distribute the blood properly? You can be as strong as All Might y'know."

"Aahh!" The muscular man screamed in pain. He stared at the hand that was clasping his and saw an orange light that was burning his fist.

"DIE!" Seeing that The Counselor didn't intend to let his hand go, he used his free arm to grab the pistol in his back pocket.

The Counselor watched him fumble around with the gun as he quivered underneath his burning touch. With a determined gaze, he glared at the counselor and raised his gun. "You also don't know how to use a gun? I can also give you advice on that."

He pulled the trigger.


The man grinned faintly. He felt the hand that was grasping his loosened. He felt lighter as if a huge weight he was carrying vanished. It was only for a moment when he noticed that he was falling. He took a glance at the weapon in his hand and saw that there was no smoke coming out of the nuzzle.

'Wh-what? Then, what was that gunfire?'

Feeling a warm liquid on his forehead, he touched it slowly.


Blood. His blood was dripping down his forehead. Touching it carefully, he felt that his forehead was somehow caved it. As if a blunt object slammed him in the head at light speed.

As the crimson hue blocked his vision, he saw the counselor's cane. Smoke was coming out of the backside. The counselor looked at him in contempt before picking up a notebook in his drawer.

"Tsk. Waste of time. At least your Quirk could be useful." He glanced at the dark red notebook the counselor was holding.

It was tilted 'Quirk Counter and Offense Vol. 5'.


It's possible my dudes. Maybe even double chapters a day?

Just kidding don't get your hopes up.
