
MHA : I Explode!

Viktor Blaze, a former gangster reincarnates into the body of Katsuki Bakugo. Planning to live a carefree life in a country side with his future wife, it all came crashing down when he wakes up in the middle of a fight between the greatest hero and the worst Villain in history. Left with no other choice, he decided to beat both of them up and ask them questions later. (Disclaimer: This is but a work of fanfiction. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner.}

IamBoredGuy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Katsuki Blaze (Part 5)

*Uraraka breathes* Shippers: Ay ship dat.


Normal Day?


The cold breeze blew the curtains free. As the sunlight made its way into Viktor's room, a pair of blood-red eyes opened.

"Ugh... what the...?" with a tired groan, Viktor's eyelids fluttered as he struggles to sit straight. "Where am I?" he asked the empty space.

Looking around him, he saw an empty room. It had white walls and a pristine marble floor. The ground had a clean sheen to it, possibly newly furnished.

"Right..." a stifled yawn escaped his dry lips as he tugged the bandages on his arms. His arms were wrapped like a burrito, with dried blood as the sauce, and the smell of medicine as the meat. "That's not good."

Staring at his hands, he tried to move them. First, he willed his fingers to move. "... Definitely not good." His fingers twitched but that was all it did. Next, he tried his wrists. "Bad." His wrists flapped like a dead fish. And lastly, he rotated his whole arm. Crack! With a snapping sound, one of his arms lay limply by his side.


Dumbfounded, he began standing up in a slow manner. His left arm dangling like a rope. He headed towards the bathroom door, the one he used last night.


Opening the faucet, he wiped the dried blood from his limp arm, before using his barely usable left hand to wipe the other.

Swish! Swish!

Flexing his wrists to dry the water, he glanced at the mirror.


A boy with an irritated face. The boy's hair was a mess, with some black spots here and there, possibly because of the explosions last night. His blood-red eyes looked feral, if looks could kill then a massacre could have occurred.

Staring at his appearance, a black shadow loomed over his shoulder. It had crimson eyes that radiated bloodlust that could drown a person in cold blood.


Hearing the faint whisper of the shadow, Viktor ignored it and continued to clean his wounds.

"Do you think you've changed?"

Picking up the bottle of anti-biotics, he chugged it into his mouth. Although it was considered dangerous for a normal person, it was a daily process for Viktor every time he goes on missions.

Not only does it reduce the swelling, but it is also a good disinfectant so that his wounds wouldn't be covered in pus.

"Hero? You're nothing but a tool. What's the difference between serving a single person than a whole country?"

The shadow whispered in his ears.

"What was it again, Viktor? 'I will not follow in your footsteps.' you said. Not even years later you already started killing innocent people like ants!"

Viktor's eyes grew cold.

"Viktor Blaze, the disciple of the most dangerous criminal in the history of mankind."

The arm that was bandaging his left hand stopped.

"Admit it. That woman also used you like a tool."

He raised his head to glare at the shadow.

" 'Assassin'? That's what they call idiots. A true assassin doesn't have a name. Did you think your master was invincible just because she killed a couple of presidents?"

The hand that was limp moved. Like a snake, it darted to the shadow's face.


Broken pieces of the mirror scattered on the floor. His blood stained the reflection of his face.

"Your master was no Queen of Assasins. She was just a tool, dancing in the palm of people in power, swaying her hips for money. She probably wouldn't hesitate to cut your head off if she was paid to."

"Even in death, you still follow me." Viktor's cold voice bounced off the bathroom walls.

"Why of course, aren't we brothers at arms? I am the brains, and you are the...?"

"You're just a nightmare."

"You were supposed to say brawns. You are brawns Viktor. No matter how much you imitate me, you still won't have the brains."

"Says who? I'm already doing better than you."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Just because a couple of people praised you for being cunning, you think the world revolves around you? That was just you using your common sense. A true schemer doesn't involve himself in his own plans."


"And I learned that the hard way! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Viktor smiled sadly. "You learned it with a bullet in your head." He said jokingly.

"Your bullet, to be precise."


"Say, Viktor. Do you want me to stop haunting you?"

Viktor bent down and began picking up the broken pieces.

"It's easy, really. All you have to do is stop pretending to be me."


"I'm already dead after all. There is no use in honoring the dead. You could count my departing as me achieving our lifelong dream."

Tears fell down Viktor's eyes as he picked up the broken shards.


His blood stained hand grabbed a broken piece.

"Live a new life, you idiot. I'm just a figment of your imagination of myself. Don't copy me."

His childhood played back in a loop. A process of killing and getting hurt.

"I can't."


"I can't do anything without you."

The shadow slowly melted into the darkness. Leaving the lonely Viktor in front of a broken mirror.

"Just like you said... I'm just all brawn and no brain."

Viktor's smile turned helpless.

"I need you."

His voice turned into a whisper.

"Can't I play pretend just for a while?"

Only a deafening silence answered his question.


Katsuki Blaze(?)

Unstable Schemer(?)

A child soldier, born to kill without the fear of death. Adopted by the most dangerous criminal in the history of mankind. For some strange reason, he became a gangster killing for hire.

All his life, he has shrouded himself in mystery and death. After meeting the God of Entertainment, his calm and aloof mask cracked. Now, because of Katsuki Bakugo's emotions overloading his, Viktor's emotions are all over the place.


Walking down the stairs, Viktor glanced at the clock on the wall. He could see that it was only 5:00 AM. It made him wonder if he was missing something. 'School's at 6:00 AM, I still have 1 hour to eat breakfast and train.' He thought.

Looking around the living room, he confirmed that there was no other person here besides him. Fixing his pajamas, he strode towards the kitchen. He took a pan nearby and started cooking a heavy breakfast.


"Good morning. Bakugo." a clear and delicate voice called out to him.

Viktor's eyes landed on a pair of sharp onyx-eyes. The owner of said eyes sat on a stool nearby the counter. With her elbow leaning on the table, she was wearing a red loose-fitting shirt and black shorts. She smiled lightly at Viktor.

"Good morning," Viktor replied in a dull voice while scrutinizing the girl's face.

Yaoyorozu Momo. Quirk: Creation.

'She can turn food into any non-living thing she wants. Basically, a weapon dispenser.' Viktor calmly summarized while taking a seat nearby. He decided to get close to this potentially catastrophic hero. 'But can she make a thermonuclear bomb tho?'

As he was about to start a conversation, he remembered how he cried in front of her. It was so embarrassing that he couldn't sleep properly.

"Bakugo," Yaoyorozu called out to Viktor. She had a complicated expression on her face as she stared at Viktor's eyes.

An awkward silence hung between them. With Yaoyorozu staring at the floor and Viktor calmly stirring his coffee. None of them knew how to communicate with each other, thus they resorted to the somewhat comfortable, yet awkward silence.

"I apologize for being rude last night." She was the first who broke the silence.


"It's just... everything's been hectic lately. I... I'm still not used to it."

"Still not used to what?" Viktor asked. He didn't think she would start the conversation all of a sudden.

"...You." She whispered.

Surprised, Viktor pointed at himself. "Me?"

"Yes. Your change is... surprising to say the least. It's like you're a different person. I almost didn't recognize you when you arrived last night."


Viktor's eyes grew cold. He debated whether he should kill her too, but he eventually shook his head. He couldn't kill everyone that starts to suspect him. It was his fault for acting differently, to begin with.

"I see." Viktor decided to end the conversation before it turns into a direction where he might do something drastic.


Feeling the tense mood, Yaoyorozu decided to drop the subject and continue reading the book she had at hand. Even though she wanted to know what happened to him, she chose not to pry.

Viktor, who was curious about the inhabitants of this superpower filled world, observed Yaoyorozu calmly.

Now that Viktor saw her more clearly, he finally noticed what was bugging him when they first met.

'Her boobs are...'

His eyes narrowed at Yaoyorozu's chest. Her loose attire didn't do justice to her well-endowed figure. Viktor sat there in a daze watching her read a book so intently that she didn't notice Viktor ogling her body.

As the time passes by slowly, Viktor felt sleepy. He also copied her and placed his elbow on the table. With a hand resting on his chin, he observed Yaoyorozu with a blissful smile.

'Is this what a peaceful life is like? It's not so bad.'

With a warm coffee in hand, a beautiful eye candy for him to enjoy, and the warm breeze caressing the both of them, Viktor couldn't describe the feeling of contentment he had within. Eventually, he rested his head on the table and fell asleep.

"..." Yaoyorozu.

Looking at Viktor's sleeping face, she couldn't help but stare at him curiously. The appearance he had right now was a huge contrast to what he usually showed. She didn't think the intense face she always saw could change so drastically. She remembered the exhausted face he had last night, now, compared to it, his peaceful sleeping face was much better.

Eventually, she forgot about Viktor's chilling atmosphere and approached him.

Slowly, she removed the coffee mug from his hands, when suddenly—


She was startled when Bakugo suddenly grasped her fingers. She stared at his face and saw that he was still sleeping. Heaving a sigh of relief, she slowly started taking her hand off.


Her eyes grew wide. Hearing the familiar word she called her when they met at the hospital, Yaoyorozu stared at Bakugo with a conflicted look.


The hand that was grasping hers grew tighter.

"Don't leave me..." he mumbled.

Yaoyorozu's spine stiffened. That chilling feeling came back at her in full force, making her hair stand on end. "Bakugo...?" She called out. Bakugo's eyebrows were furrowed.

"Bakugo..." She called out again.

"Bakugo, please let go."

Seeing that he was dead asleep, Yaoyorozu decided to just let him be. She felt like something bad will happen to her if she forcefully withdrew her hand away.

'What was that? Why did I suddenly feel cold all of a sudden...?'

Looking at how Bakugo held her hand tightly, she tightened her lips and glared at Bakugo. 'Why are you restraining me?' She couldn't help but sigh helplessly, knowing that she will be late to class at this rate.

While she was busy reading her textbook, Viktor's eyes snapped open. A pair of blood-red eyes stared at her, it carried coldness that she hasn't felt before.

Before she knew it, she was already holding her breath.

"Why are you grabbing my hand?" Viktor's voice removed her from the trance. Contrary to the feeling she got from him, his voice was warm, surprisingly, she saw his pupils shining golden for a split second before vanishing the moment it appeared.

Seeing their hands clasped together, with Viktor's crimson eyes staring at her so intently, she blushed furiously.

"U-uh... I-I... apologize... Excuse me!" Embarrassed, she picked up her book and ran away. She couldn't understand what she was feeling, fear and embarrassment played her heart like a fiddle. She decided to stay away from him from now on.


Viktor, who was left there sitting alone, stared at his hands. His nose caught a whiff of roses when Yaoyorozu passed by. He gulped audibly before caressing his chin arrogantly.

'What was that? Does she... like me?' Realization struck his eyes.

Viktor smiled foolishly. 'She like me right? She looked flustered, she probably didn't expect me to catch her holding my hand...' His 17-year-old inexperienced mind kept giving him unrealistic suggestions.

'Hehe, that girl couldn't resist my charms.'

Alas, Viktor who only knew how to intimidate and kill people didn't know what love is. He was busy earning money and putting bullets in stranger's heads to enjoy the fleeting moment called romance.

'Damn. Maybe I should try marrying her?'

Looking at the place where she ran off to, Viktor's smile reached his eyes.

'No, wait. Shouldn't we date each other first? But she held my hand... she should take responsibility by marrying me.'

Getting ahead of himself, Viktor started planning on his future marriage, his children, and even his grandchildren. Forgetting about the fact that he barely knew her, himself, and the other people in his vicinity.


Mina, Asui, Hagakure, Jiro, and Uraraka felt that they saw something they shouldn't have. All of them were surprised and they all thought inside their heads.

'Bakugo is dating Yaoyorozu!!!'


I must remind you guys that this is action-comedy fanfic. Don't fucking assume and don't ship. You fucking losers.

There is only the sweet release of death and gore in this fanfic.

I noticed that some of you can't understand the complicated character of Viktor Blaze, so I already gave up dropping spoilers discreetly in the chapters.

This fanfic uses IQ to understand. If you can't then go to that sunshine and rainbows fanfic.

Dio's Dimensional Group Chat is easier to understand. The main character is also an otaku so you can relate to that.

Only big brains are allowed in here.

-Also I said earlier not to curse, but I couldn't care less. As the author only I have the privilege to curse you bitches. No matter how creative you get, you can't do shit if you can't say shit.

On another note--


New Arc!

Gangs and Yakuzas are like oil and water! Shoot them dead, mob-style!

A new wave of fluff and gore is about to begin!
